Saturday, July 31, 2010

So...this is life.

My life feels like such chaos lately. Thankfully, I have amazing people in it who keep me sane!

Last Friday my mama came to town to help me move stuff and clean. We were SO productive! We got everything moved out of my house and all the rooms cleaned. Thank you Mama!

The rest of my weekend was spent doing homework for my summer school, going to Jason's to water and take care of our bunny, doing laundry, running errands, etc.

Monday I went to summer school, went to work, then came home and did homework. Once that was done I went to see Jason who had just gotten back from California. He brought me a beautiful necklace that says "love" on it...good boyfriend ;)

Tuesday I went to school, put in some extra hours at work, then headed back to the house I'm staying at. I took care of some stuff there and then headed to karate. We are learning a bunch of new curriculumn and I am LOVING it!

Wednesday was also school, work, karate.

Thursday I woke up and my eye was hurting, swollen, and GOOPY...yuck. I headed to school where is got increasingly worse. I called into work and went to the urgent care. The doctor put iodine on my eye and shined a black light into it. This was probably the most painful thing ever (the iodide) but he was able to see a scratch across the cornea. I went to Walgreens to get my prescriptions then tried to come home and study but ended up going to bed at about 8:30 because my eye was killing me.

Friday I woke to a still rather goopy eye and went to take my biology exam. When it was over I was feeling pretty miserable so I headed to Jason's. We got lunch then fell asleep watching TV. When I woke up my eye felt a lot better (woohoo). I did the final walk through on my house then headed back to the house I'm sitting.

Today I woke up feeling almost completely vision is still a little blurry though. I have to wear my glasses a few more days, but am soooooo happy not to be in pain anymore.

Friday, July 23, 2010


What should you be doing right now?
Nothing... it's sooo nice ;)

Would you rather have orange juice or milk with your breakfast?
Orange juice...milk makes me sick!

Do you enjoy watching comedies or horror movies more?
Comedies... horror movies make me scurrrrred!

Do you want to get married?

Do you and your parents have trust?

Are you easy to get along with?
I think so.

Honestly, are things going the way you planned?

Have you cried this past week?
I laughed so hard that I cried :)

Do you prefer drinking water from a bottle or from the sink?
Bottle please.

Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home?
I like a good mix of both.

Did anything make you smile today?
My mama came to town!

Do you like thunderstorms?
Yes, but not when I'm home alone.

Are you tired right now?

Who did you last hug?

Are you taller than most people your age?
Nah, pretty average.

Do you have your belly pierced?

Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
I would love a claddagh tattoo.

What was the last thing you drank?

Have you been kissed by someone who's name starts with a J?
Hmmm....YES! ;)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Tomorrow (July 22nd) is Jason's 24th birthday! However, he will be in California for! While he is there he gets to pretest for 6th degree blackbelt! INSANE! So long as he passes (which he will) he will be testing for 6th degree the same year I test for 1st. I am sad I don't get to spend time with him on his actual birthday, but enjoyed celebrating with him earlier this week. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JRAC, I love you!~!

Quotes of the Week

Me: I'm going to hang onto the string coming off your shirt.
Jason: What am I? On a leash?
Anthony: Looks like you're finally catching on.
Lisa: I always get the Pentecost and the Holocaust confused...
Me: How's that even possible?
Tyler: My dad can never remember your name so he always just calls you 'that feisty girl.'
Jason: You have to miss me, love me, AND need me or you don't get your surprise.
Me: I only got 10 hours at work this week.
Brody: Haha, that's only enough to get you in somewhere, if you want something to drink you're going to have to be VERY flirty.
Jason: No kissing while practicing karate.
Me: Rules are like bricks and boards.
Jason: What do you mean?
Me: They're for breaking.
Diana: What are they doing?
Me: Pummeling.
Diana: It looks like they're dancing.
Me: Dancing that could kill someone...
Me: Who knew it was 'supposedly'? I always thought it was supposABLY!
Waitress: The dinning room is closed.
Me: That's fine, I'll just starve.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Between summer school, moving, work, karate, a work retreat, and Jason's birthday life has been SUPER busy and I haven't had much time to update. I promise I'll post something more interesting once things settle down.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Quotes of the Last Week (or so)!

Anthony: Okay the category is colors.

Daniel: Okay you go first.
Anthony: Crayons.
Larry: I'm not pro fossil fuel, I'm just anti dinosaur.
Joan: I like frogs.
Grandma: We're getting nasty now.
Grandma: He's handsome don't you think?...WHAT? I may be old but I'm not blind.
Larry: Whenever I use a pencil the eraser goes untouched, I use an ink pen to do a crossword puzzle...I CORRECT SPELL CHECK!
SBN Steve: When Laura and Jason act normal I get worried.
Larry: I found the perfect shirt for you. It says "High Maintenance" across it.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Viva Vacation

Jason and I had an amazing time in Vegas with his folks. We went to LE REVE, we went to Toby Keith's (twice), we gambled, we had nice dinners (my favorite? Brazilian BBQ), we swam, we shopped, I visited some of my family who was also there, we went to a few bars, and we RELAXED.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Alive & Well

I'm still here! Just been REALLY busy. Between work, getting ready to move, having my house shown, getting ready for summer school, getting ready for vacation, and karate I haven't had much time for updating! Luckily, it's a slow day at work!

I have been working Monday through Thursday for five to eight hours depending on what is going on in the offices. For the most part I enjoy my job because I really just do my own thing and am allowed a lot of creativity. Right now I am coordinating Homecoming which involves a golf tournament and an auction. I am composing the Compendium, a newsletter sent out to 20,000 alumni. I am updating three websites and I am preparing a report that my boss will present to the Alumni Board in a few weeks.

Karate is going really well. I have been making it about three nights a week and will test for my brown belt in August. Brown is the ugliest belt but the last level before you begin blackbelt training at 6AM every saturday. I can't believe that in August I will have been training for a year and a half! Time is going so fast.

I've been packing up my house to move in a few weeks. I have found SOOOOO many bobby pins it's not even funny! They're everywhere! It's been kind of sad, I love that house and I have an amazing roommate, but I'm also excited for my new place. I'll be living with my best friend in Tucson, Tosha and we'll have a pool!

Jason and I are headed to Vegas with his parents on Monday! Jason and his dad have to work Monday and Tuesday so his mom and I are going to shop and drink girly drinks down by the pool. We are staying till Friday so once Jason is done with his two days of work we have a lot of fun things planned. BUT MOSTLY I am looking forward to sleeping in, not HAVING to be anywhere, laying by the pool, and time with Jason away from our crazy lives! Also two of my aunts, my cousin and grandma will be there! I'm hoping we get to see them a few times!

On the 12th I start summer school...biology, GROSS! However, I've had a few emails from the professor already and he seems very nice and relax. I'm just gonna have to buckle down for a month and get it over with.

ANYWAYS! I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. I'll put up pictures when we get back from Vegas...