Sunday, June 28, 2009

Closely monitored clothes never dry.

Who did you hangout with today?
Jason, my little sister, and friends from church.

Would you ever dye your hair blonde?
I used to every summer. Not sure it's really my thing anymore though.

When was the last time you threw up?
When I was sick.

What do your parents' call you?
Laura, Laurita, Miss Priss, Loretta Lynn, etc.

What do your siblings call you?
Grumpy Bear, Kee Lo Lo, etc.

What does your boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband call you?
Laura ANN or LA.

Do you talk a lot?
Love to!

How's your summer?
So incredibly busy, the complete opposite of last summer. Last summer I was bored to tears all the time and now I barely have time to stop and breath.

Who was the last person to cook for you?
Jay's intern.

Is anyone else home?
Yepp two of the boys.

Have you ever changed someone’s diaper?

What did you do yesterday?
Slept in, went to Jason's and helped him with yard work, came home, cleaned and showered, babysat.

Are there any bruises on your body?
Yeah, I still have huge bruises from paintballing.

What are you doing tomorrow?
Working then when it cools down Jason and I might go for a short hike.

What are you doing after this?
Waiting for my clothes to finish drying then going to bed!

If someone asked you what you wanted, what would you say?
Well, I'm actually pretty content with everything as is...but a puppy wouldn't hurt ;)

Are you looking forward to anything?
Disneyland in August and then again in September!

Ever had a girl best friend?Yes. Tosha in Tucson and Julia and Brittany in Gilbert.

Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you'll get it?
Uhh no, but if you work hard towards a reasonable goal, you should be able to achieve it.

Would you ever get a tattoo?
I already have one that I love and believe suites me very well. Who knows, maybe someday I'll get another, but for now I'm good.

Are you a morning person or a night person?
Definitely both, it's mid-day that I'm at my worst.

When was the last time you did the dishes?
Not since I lived at my last house. Next month will be my month for dishes though...ugh.

Do you dress for style or comfort?
I have days where I just feel like being comfy and days where I just feel like looking cute.

Do you consider yourself spoiled?
Well...yes...but I work hard to be spoiled.

Who was the last person you watched a movie with?
Jason took me to see The Proprosal, it was way cuter than I thought it was going to be.

Who was the first person you talked to today?
Haha actually, my friend Nick Lanata who I've known since 1st grade but haven't talked to in awhile called me this morning!

Do you miss anyone?
My family and Tosha.

Where was the very last place you went besides your house?
Bible study.

What would you name your future son?
I like the names Levi, Knox, Samuel, and Ryder. I also love the name Atticus but I would never do that to a poor kid.

Future daughter?
I like the names Ava, Bella, Gracie, and Lilah. And, once again, I love the name Wylee but I would never do that to a kid.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gold Belt

Yesterday I tested for my gold belt. We took our test and did our conditioning and I was glad to know the test was over when Jason called his brother's girlfriend and myself up infront of everyone. He told the studio that he had something special planned...Jenny and I were going to break our first boards...yikes. It actually went really well and we both broke our board on the first try. I earned my gold belt and Jenny earned her orange.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Jason's friend Anthony owns his own make-up line and just started to do facial products as well. The other day we had a free hour so he let me try out the new facial stuff. Anthony helped me do the whole facial and ocassionally Jay would walk by, shake his head, and walk away again. Aparently he found the whole process ridiculous and boring because when we finished we found him passed out.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Yesterday I went paintballing with Jason, his family, and some of his karate students. We played for four hours and had a total blast. Here are my battle wounds:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Grandma & Grandpa's 60th Wedding Anniversary

On Sunday Jason and I drove up to Gilbert to visit my family and go to Peoria for my Grandparent's wedding anniversary. We had a great time and he enjoyed getting to meet my dad's side of the family.

Friday, June 12, 2009

1am and not tired.

What are you excited for?
To see my family on Sunday. Woohoo!

Do you find the opposite sex confusing?

What was the first thing you thought of this morning?
Uhhh I noticed my phone was flashing blue and wondered who had text me already.

Are you keeping a secret right now?
None that I can think of.

Is your hair longer than your shoulders?
Yepp, finally getting long again...yay!

Could you go out in public looking like you do now?
Haha, I could but my pajamas don't really match.

Who did you last go out to eat with?

Be honest, who were you texting a little while ago?
No one, I was in a movie.

Who was the last person you rode in the car with that was under 21?
Umm...I honestly do not recall.

Do you have curly hair?
Naturally, yes.

What's the last piercing you got?

Do you live on your own?
No, I live with some friends.

Do you like hugs?
I love hugs.

Last child you held?
I picked up Collin and Caleb today.

Has anyone ever told you you were beautiful?

Are you wearing a sports shirt?
Actually yes, I'm wearing my "Team Cole Martial Arts" shirt.

How much longer until your birthday?
3 months and some change.

How was your day today?

What was the last new movie you watched?
The Taking Of Peham 123

When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?
I keep the lights on.

How many phones do you have in your home?
Uhh... on average four, but when we have friends over we have more and when one of us leaves we have less.

Last thing you did before bed last night?
Watched Deadliest Catch

Do you text or call more?

Favorite thing to shop for?
Everything. Are you kidding?

Do you wear your seat belt in the car?
Yes I do!

Where do you see yourself in 2 years?
I will just have graduated. Probably looking for a real job and my own place.

Who was the last person to give you a hug?

Ever liked someone older than you?

Where are you going on vacation this summer?
Supposed to be going to Disneyland.

Do you want children?
A housefull.

Do you see marriage in your future?

What are you going to do today?
Uhh...well it's 1am so I'm going to go to bed and then get up. Maybe see what the roommates are up to. Then eventually Jason and I are going on a double date with his sister and her boyfriend.

When was the last time something bothered you?
Hmm... oh, I randomly got really homesick in the middle of today. That bothered me.

Random Ramblings

Well, this post really isn't going to have an actual point, but just some funny stuff that has happend recently.

First off, there is a lady who works down the hall from me and loves to come in and state the obvious. For instances, she'll come in and get a cup of coffee then state "Coffee is so hot!" Well, yesterday she came into the office and said "I was just outside and it was cooler in the shade than not in the shade." I just about burst out laughing.

Usually I get to the karate studio a little early so I can watch the young kids train. At the end of class Jason asks the kids questions and this is my favorite part of the class. A common question that he asks the kids is why they fly the Korean flag in the studio. He asked this yesterday and a little boy answered the correct answer- because Taekwondo was developed in South Korea. After the question a little girl raised her hand and was like "I know why we don't fly the North Korean flag." So Jason asked her why and she gets this real angry face and yells "CAUSE THEY'RE OUR ENEMY!" Everyone started laughing hysterically and her parents looks horrified, it was the cutest, funniest thing ever!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Next Top Model


Jason gave me a new patch for my karate uniform so I decided to sew it on. My uniforms were out in my truck so I went out in my knit shorts and tank top to grab my uniform. One uniform top is too big so I put on one to make sure it was the correct top. I went to grab my keys and got them caught on a glass cup I had sitting in my truck and went flying out and broke into a million pieces. OF COURSE I was barefoot so I reached into my backseat and pulled on some cowboy boots. So I'm standing there in my bright orange cowboy boots, blue knit shorts and karate uniform top when ALL ( I swear every single one of them) my neighbors begin arriving home. There's nothing quite like trying to clean up broken glass when all your neighbors are giving you dirty looks.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

So..this is what sick people do....

Do you like to write poetry?
No, infact, I don't like to write anything...commas are baffling and everyone makes fun of my handwriting....

Is there a blanket in the room you are in right now?

Do you like the color yellow?
It's one of my favorites!

Are your ears pierced?
Seven times!

Do you wear makeup regularly?

Did you eat cereal for breakfast today?
Nope, donut.

Are you wearing green right now?

Where is your hairbrush?
In my makeup bag.

What was your favorite game when you were a child?

What other languages have you learned?

Favorite type of apple?

If you could get a tattoo right now, what would you get, and where?
Well, I really like my tattoo.

Have you ever touched a giraffe?
Mmhmm. The absolutely adorable.

What sounds can you hear right now?
I just hear Jason playing his new video game.

Name ONE place you would like to visit someday.
New York City

What do you do in your spare time?
Hang out with my friends, roommates and boyfriend.

Who did you last go out to eat with?
Jay's parents.

You got any video games? If so, what type?
Umm...I just play whatever games my roommates buy. I want to get more games for Jason's Wii video game system though, that thing is fun.

What's your favorite sport/pastime?
Horseback riding. I miss it like crazzzzzzzzzy!~!

What does your significant other call you?
Laura ANN, LA, etc.

What do you want to be when you get a career?
Well, when I graduate I want to teach Agriculture at the high school, but eventually I want to be a stay-at-home mama.

What is your favorite mythical creature?
Fairies...I love wings, not gonna lie.

What grade are you in?
Junior in college year wise and senior credit wise.

What were you doing before this?

What are your views on the president?
I'm pretty sure I'm the least politcal person on this planet so I'm definitely not the person to ask...sorry!

Hmm... I like cookie dough bites!



Letting down the people I love.

Yeah, I'm social.

I very rarely get mad, it's too much effort and usually ends up not being worht it.

Hopefully graduating and starting out on my own...EEK!

I have two brothers, a sister-in-law, an Ashley, and a Big Brothers Big Sisters little sister.

That I'm sweet.

I'm never shy, I just know when to be quiet, there's a difference. If it's appropriate I prefer to be outgoing and social though.

Love it! I dance all over the place!

PSH NO! I'm a flip flop, boots or barefoot kinda girl.

I like jeans and a spaghetti strap.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Haven't done one of these in forever!

How good are your math skills?

How often do you cry?
It varies. Usually I cry from laughter though, not sadness.

What is your favorite country song?
Like Red On A Rose by Alan Jackson

Who do you live with?
Three crazy amazing boys.

Where were you last night?
Jason's parents house.

How old are you?

Where does your boyfriend/girlfriend go to school?
U of A and next summer he gets to go to Harvard!

When was the last time you danced with someone and who was it?
I danced on Saturday with Jay's mom every time we scored a point during balloon volleyball haha.

Does it creep you out how similar other people are to you sometimes?
I used to dislike Tosha for this very reason, now I love her to death.

What one thing do you most miss about your childhood?
Seeing my family everyday. My dog.

The last party you went to-whose party was it?
It was a party for Stephen and Panza's birthdays.

Does the future scare you?
Nah I love day dreaming about the future.

What was the last trip you took?
I went to Denver =)

Who was the last friend you hung out with?

Do dreams come true?

What's the best movie you've seen as of lately?

List all of the movies you've seen in the last two weeks.
Up! Terminator, Star Trek, Angels and Demons, etc.

How long until your birthday?
About three and a half months!

What brand is the shirt you're wearing?

How old is the oldest person living at the same residence as you?

What were you doing 3 hours ago?
Hanging with Sean

First thing you did when you woke up?
Put in my contacts and took a shower.

Where did you go on your first real date?
To the movies.

Last person to call you?

Last restaurant you went to?
Frog N Ferkin(sp?)

Last grade completed?
Sophmore year of college.

What were you doing at 10 this morning?
I was at work.

Who were the last three people to call you?
Jay, Sean, Wes.

What is your dad's middle name?

When was the last time you jumped on a trampoline?
Couple days ago.

When's the last time you did laundry?
Two days ago.

What did you last draw?
A bunny.

Do you lick envelopes or tape them shut?
I use the envelope sealer at my office.

Which side of your family do you get most of your qualities from?
Hmm, I look more like my dad's side of the family but my mannerisms definitely resemble my mom's side.

What is the last sweet thing someone did for you?
Umm...Jay was hanging out with Sean while I wasn't home and had to leave before I got home so he left me a cute note on a sticky note.

When was the last time you took a walk?

How long does it take you to get ready in the mornings?
About an hour.

Do you like being the center of attention?

When was the last time you went swimming?
Last time I was at my parents' house.

Are you involved in any sports?
Martial arts.