Saturday, January 30, 2010

Break from studying!

A random line of the song you're listening to:
"Love takes the patience of Job, that's what my mama always said. Faith is the belief in something more than what you know, that's what the Good Book says."

Describe your last dream?
All I remember is it involved my house being flooded...NIGHTMARE!

How many times a day do you check yourself in a mirror?
Whenever I get ready then casually throughout the day.

Do you change your clothes more than twice a day?
Hmm, probably just twice.

Llama or alpaca?
They both spit.

How many years do you have left of school?
Either one or one and a half.

Chocolate or strawberry ice-cream?
I can't have either! =(

How many times have you been to church?
Nearly every Sunday.

Would you rather a pet owl or rabbit?

Do you consider yourself sensitive to other's feelings?

Have you ever performed on a stage?
Back in the day.

Do you hang up your jeans or fold them?
They are hung up.

Have you ever ridden in a taxi?
In SanFrancisco.

What are you wearing right now?
Comfy pants and tshirt.

Did anything brighten up your day today?
Haha nope, I am doing TONS AND TONS of homework.

Has a friend ever cooked for you?

Out of you and your friends, who is the pickiest eater?

What is the most common name you are called other than your given name?

Explain how you got your most noticeable scar:
Burned myself on a light bulb.

What was the last book you read?
"Supercapitalism" for a class and "Dear John" for my own enjoyment.

The last movie you watched?

Did you dress up for Halloween the last time it came around?
Yes I was a bumble bee!

Do you consider yourself a more logical or creative minded person?
It depends on the situation!

Does it snow where you live?
Up in the mountains but not in the valley.

Who were you dating in May 2009?

What is something you are always having to search for?
Socks and my keys!

Do you wear a watch regularly?
Nope, but I would like a nice one that I could wear regularly.

Where did you last go out to eat?

Where were you last night at 10pm?
My living room.

Who was the last person to hug you?
My roommate.

Where did you live 5 years ago?
With my parents.

How old was the last person to call you?

Do you wear glasses/contacts?

Do you still talk to the person who was your best friend in kindergarten?
My best friend in kindergarten was probably Janne Perona, so yes.

Could you be roommates with the last person you called?
When we get married.

Do you feel like your life is moving forward?
Yes, defintely.

If you saw a shooting star, what would you wish for now?
If I tell you, it won't come true! ;)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


What are you wearing?
Yellow pajama pants, a pink tank top, and a grey hoodie.

Who was the last person to wear your clothes?
Tosha. I think she tried on everything I own on Monday night haha.

What is your relationship status?

Is there anyone you want to come see you?
All the Gilbert people.

What were you doing at 5am this morning?
Trying to sleep but couldn't.

Do you read magazines, or just look at the pictures?

Would you ever eat a bug for 1,000 dollars?

Whats your favorite color?
Today it's yellow.

When was the last time something bothered you?
Right now! My head is icky!

What time did you wake up today?

Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?

Do you think anyone has feelings for you?

When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?
I talked to Tosha on the phone just a few minutes ago...

What color is your cell phone?

Would you say you're reliable to be a good babysitter?

Do you use good grammar all the time?

When did you last read a book with one of your classes in school?

Do you ever accidentally text the wrong person?

Whats your favorite romantic movie?

What about comedy?
Ace Ventura..."LIKE A GLOVE!"

Do you still take baths?
I love me a bubble bath.

What does your last text message say?
"Hey Laura Ann I am thinking about u!!! Can't wait to see you tomorrow. Love u."

Are you excited for anything?
Tomorrow, I hope I wake up feeling better!

Are you nails painted?

Is tomorrow gonna be good?
It has potential...if I start feeling better.

What name are you mostly called?
Laura, LA, Laura Ann

Whats the last thing you said outloud?
"I'm going to be in my room if you want to use the TV"

What makeup do you wear?
Mostly Mac.

Do you have nice handwriting?
I have cartoon handwriting.

What do you do when you wake up crying?
I've never woken up crying..

Is anything annoying you?
My stuffy head.

Are you mean?
Not at all.

What did you wear today?
Jeans, AE shirt, cute sandals.

Who last called you? About?
Jason...his back.

Has anyone ever sprayed you fully clothed with a hose?
Yes... The Ryans in high school.

What do you have in your pockets right now?

Do you stand up for your beliefs, even when they aren't popular?
Yes, I do.

Who was the last person to give you money? Why?
Jason... I wanted chicken tenders and didn't have my wallet.

How many times does "n" occur in your full name?

Does your ex still think about you?

Do you like coffee?

Where is the farthest you have ever traveled?

Have you ever changed in a car; what were you changing?
Yes... I just remember doing it once while my parents were driving and I got out in a completely different outfit than I got in with and they were both astonished.

Do you know anyone who is pregnant right now?
Danielle! I just got the invitation to her baby shower.

Out of every male in the entire universe, which ones mean the most to you?
Dad, brothers, and Jason.

What was the funniest thing that happened in the last week?
Probably Charlie (my old boss) yelling at me from across campus and all my friends being like "Why is that old guy hooting at you?"

What are you doing at this exact moment?
Waiting for Jason to get done on the base so that he'll call and say goodnight.


School is going well, I am enjoying being back into a routine...just wished it involved being able to sleep later. My classes are interesting and all my teachers seem cool so far.

I was upgraded to the next level in karate, "Black belt club" so there are eight available classes for me to take a week now. I have not being making it to all eight because of school and work, but enjoy my new favorite class, cardio kickboxing.

Work is going well although I am not getting very many hours. I have been searching for an internship this summer but have had little return. If anyone knows of any agricultural or communications internships...PLEASE let me know!

Aside from school, work, and karate I mostly hang out with Jason, Tosha, and Sean.

Other than that there really is much to report. ;)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Get that boy some boots.

Jason is changing his major to Agricultural and Resource Economics Business Management. Now I get to tease him about being an Aggie!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Terrence and Me just chilling.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

No thanks!

School starts Wednesday and I am not excited. I have really enjoyed sleeping in, seeing everyone whenever I please, not doing homework, and not having anything that I absolutely HAVE to do.

Here are my classes for this semester:
1 Plant and Animal Genetics
2 Ecology Biology
3 Many Nations of Native America
4 Social Issues in America
5 Agricultural Writing

I was originally taking five science classes and that was not gonna fly!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas Break (IN PICTURES!)