Saturday, January 31, 2009

Some fun old videos I found



I woke up and went to acting class. We started to learn about "Acting Warm-Ups". While doing our warm-ups my friend Jason turned to me and said, "Laura, you're giggling uncontrollably." Which of course made me giggler even harder to the point of almost losing my breath...this is the exact opposite goal of acting warm-up... oh well!

After acting I headed out to the farm for my internship. Tosha and I got through removal of the spark plug, oil drainage, removal of the air cleaner, removal of the backing plate, and removal of the fingerguard, fuel tank, and fuel line. Which, basically means we're moving faster than expected. Dr. Franklin seems really impressed by our slideshow thus far. I'm really enjoying the job and am hoping I get chosen to do the one week course this summer.

I came home and cleaned for a bit then took a nap and woke up and showered. Trav picked me up and we headed to Denny's. When we got arrived there was a bunch of hot rods in the parking lot so I told Trav I thought Hugh might be there (Hugh helped us with the quarter scale tractor). Sure enough about two seconds later Trav spotted Hugh's hotrod. We went inside and found Hugh and he was sitting with The Over The Hill Gang- a hotrod group from Tucson. We ended up sitting with a few of them and talking about all kinds of crazy stuff. After dinner Trav and I watched a few episodes of Dirty Jobs then he headed of to Coolidge.

Today is scoping out to be a crazy day so I better get going.
Enjoy your weekend everyone and GO CARDINALS!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What were you doing at 10:30 last night ?
Climbing into bed.

What were you doing at 7am this morning?

Were you happy when you woke up today?
Yes, I was excited to go to my acting class.

What mood are you in right now?
Tired! Too much school!

Is your room ever clean?
Not perfectly....that drives me as insane as it being messy.

Has anyone got on your nerves lately?
This kid in my chemistry class that won't shut up.

What were you doing before filling out this survey?
Taking a shower.

What was the first thing you thought this morning?
"Where are my glasses?"

What are you excited for?
Superbowl party, gourdfestival, Valentine's Day.

Do you think two people can last forever?

Who was the last person you talked on the phone with?
Uhh Conley. I was lost on the west side of Tucson...ick!

When is the next time you will hug someone?
Tomorrow morning. My first class is all kids from my college and aggies love to hug it up.

How is life going for you right now?
Really good! I think I have the perfect balance of school, work, friends, church, etc.

Are you keeping a secret right now?
I'm planning a surprise...does that count?

Do you like getting hugs from other people?
Love 'em.

How many times is A in your full name?
lAurA Ann white=3

What's the weather like outside?
Tooooo cold!

Is your hair longer then ur shoulder
Yes- it's getting long again and I love it!

Where​ will you be in an hour?​

What made your day?
Acting it!

What are you good at in schoo​l?​
Most things...except for economics and commas.

Who will you be with Satur​day night​?​
Andrew will be in town, so probably him and whoever else joins us.

What woke you up this morni​ng?​
Alarm clock.

Is tomor​row going​ to be a good night​?​
Yes- Trav is taking me out to dinner!

How many myspa​ce accou​nts do you have?​

Where​ do you see yours​elf in 5 years​?​
Teaching in a small town! ♥

Is anyth​ing bothe​ring you?
My skin is really dry and irritated.

What do you want to do right​ now?
Get a massage!

Who did you hang out with Frida​y night​?​
Tractor boys...what else is new?

Name one thing​ that made you frown​ today​:​
Driving all the way to class only to have it canceled.

Do you like panca​kes?
Yes, especially with food coloring in them!

Ever had a girl best frien​d?​
Julia, Brittany, Tosha.

Ever had a guy best frien​d?​
Conley, Travis, Derek, Neiko, Wes, Andrew

Do you hate the last girl you had a conve​rsati​on with?​
Nope Tosha is what gets me through the day, everyday.

Last time you laugh​ed?​
In chemistry when Tosha pointed out that some kids shirt was on inside out.


I've drive to campus four times for my carcass judging class and have had all but one of them end up being cancelled. My teacher is like would think he could figure out how to send an email to tell us not to go to class...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Well I woke up this morning and didn't feel the greatest so I pulled back my hair, threw on some clothes and headed to my web design class. This class is horribly boring to me on account of the fact that it's what I do at my job. After webdesign I went to soils lecture, this class is a little dull but I know I am going to use it a lot later. Today I had my first day of soils lab. We had to do soil texture tests...this is where you hold a soil in your hand and estimate the percentage of sand, silt, and clay in the soil.

After class got out I came home and went straight to sleep. I ended up sleeping for three hours...wowza! I woke up and dyed my hair back to its natural color because my roots had grown out. I really like how it ended up looking.

Off to do homework...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Poor Me

Why I'm frustrated:
1. My acting lecturer told us we had an assignment due next Monday out of a book he had never told us we needed. I went to the bookstore to purchase this book and it was $105 bucks! Fortunately, I was able to put it on my Bursar's account and can pay it off slowly, but still!

2. I have the world's most itchy throat and all I want to do is sleep. I have a class from noon to one and another that starts at 3 so instead of driving home after the first one just to turn right back around I decided to stay on campus for those two hours...I get to my three o'clock class and sit in it for 15 minutes with the entire class just to have the teacher call and say it's canceled. Ugh! I could have been sleeping.

3. I have chemistry from 5:40-9PM. Ick.

Poor me =(

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Bears...Oh MY!

Today my little sister and I took a trip to the zoo. When we finished there we went and walked around U of A. She loved it and told me, "I want to go here, even if I have to run to class"...where does she get this stuff?


Today I was getting out my truck and had a bunch of stuff in my hands and wasn't really paying attention so I crashed into my sideview mirror, bounced into my neighbor's sideview mirrow, then crashed to the ground...I am so very graceful.

Friday, January 23, 2009


I normally hate Tucson rain, but it did make for some pretty pictures today at the farm.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Well, as it turns out, chemistry isn't looking too bad...and neither is the teacher. It looks like we will only cover about as much as I did in high school and the teacher seems really down to earth and goofy.

Shaping up to look like a busy, but good semester.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have messed with? That's me.

I woke up and went to my acting class. We played some really fun games and started to work on our monologues. Our monologues have to be a true story of a moment that helped shaped us into who we are...I have no idea what to do mine on. After acting I went to my internship. It seems like it is going to be really interesting, but also really informative. After that Tosha and I went to get our bellies pierced. I got a cute little orange ring and she got some major bling. I came home and got cleaned up, did some homework and then went on a date with Trav. We saw Grand Torino. It was way different than I expected but I ended up really liking it. We snuck in a bunch of junk food and bought popcorn there and made total pigs of ourselves. It shaped up to be a really fun day.

I woke up and went straight over to Catherine's dorm. Catherine is one of the girls I'm going to be living with next year. We watched One Tree Hill for multiple hours, ate ravioli and drank chocolate soy milk...I think I'll enjoy living with her haha. I came home and worked on homework then got cleaned up and went over to Jeff's. Him, his roommates, his girlfriend, and I played Madden (a football video game) for a long time. Dani (Jeff's girlfriend) and I ended up getting really into the game and eventually the boys left and just her and I played for a long time.

Today (Sunday)-
Today I went outside to get the mail and there was a package for me, I was super excited...AND was even more excited when I opened it to find that Kristin Perona had sent me orange playdough! Woot! Thank you Kristin! I played with the playdoug for a bit then headed off to church. Today is homework and laundry then youth group tonight and hanging out with Trav. Thank goodness for no school tomorrow.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Week Update

Sunday I woke up and went to church and then out to lunch with a bunch of people from church. There was the cutest baby there (AFRO!) and I just played with him all morning. I came home and did laundry then just watched movies and relaxed the rest of the day.

Monday I ran errands all day...ick! The thing that really stinks about Tucson is nothing is close to anything...WalMart and Target are about 20 minutes apart, the school is off in another direction, the grocery store is another, etc. Sheesh! Once I finished all my errand I went out to dinner with Alicia, Bethany, Justin and Trav. On the way there I decided it would be fun to blow kisses at people in other cars, most people just looked back in horror while one kids got extremelly excited and began blowing kisses back. After dinner I went over to Trav's but almost died! I had a green arrow and was starting to turn left when someone ran the red light. Our vehicles came within inches of eachother...when I finally got to Trav's I couldn't stop shaking.

Tuesday I worked all day. Nothing too exciting.

Wednesday was the first day of classes. I had my acting class which is right up my alley. I already like the professor and all the people in the class. After I had acting class I had a five hour break so Tosha came over and we ate mini corn dogs and chatted. Then we headed to our Carcass Judging class. I came home and did homework then went to bed.

Today I had my Webdesign class. I knew every person in the class so that was really cool. After Webdesign I had soils- this class seems a little "iffy"--- the professor is wayyyy to excited about soil. After class I went to work but had a stomach ache so I headed home and took a nap instead.

I still haven't had my soils lab, chemistry, or internship. Hopefully they are all decent.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

"You're gonna respect me"

Meet my husband, Forrest Griffin. Oh did I mention he is a UFC fighter? Haha I wish!


I'm hoping to be baptized in February or March and have been looking at songs that deal with the topic. Here are links to my two favorites (You may have to scroll to select the correct song):


Borning Cry:

Baby I'll be your huckleberry. You don't have to double dare me.

Where do you see yourself in a year?
Getting ready to start visiting schools!

If you were able to change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I'd be 21 so I could go dancing at The Cactus Moon.

Do you believe in constructive criticism?

Are you content just blending in with the crowd?
No not really, unless the crowd is very similar to myself.

What makes your person of interest interesting?
He's amazingly talented.

What will you miss the most about being young?
Getting to see my family every day.

A passion of yours?

What do you want to acheive before you die?
Teach. Get married. Have kids.

Are you a "no regrets" type of person?
No, definitely not. I think your regrets are a big part of what makes you who you are and helps you to make you future decisions.

How old is old?
It varies from person to person. Some people never get old, others are born with an old mind, and others age with time.

Do you admire people that are different, or do you look down upon them?
It depends- are they being different to get attention or are they doing it to show who they are?

One thing you could never get sick of?

One person that never fails to make you laugh regardless of your mood?
Graham and Bradley.

What was your reason behind the last dirty look you shot someone?
Just goofing around.

Do you think a woman should work or stay at home?
I think it's up to each individual woman. But I definitely wouldn't mind being a stay-at-home mama.

What is your favorite color?
Red, white, and blue.

What color are your eyes? Greenish gray.

Do you like your parents?
My parents are one of the largest blessings I have received in my life. They have everything I dream of having so they're amazing role models.

Who was with you on your longest road trip?
Andrew, Wes, Jim, Kyle, Mike, Emma, Ryan, and Trav.

Was your mom a cheerleader?
Yes and a sorority girl!...gosh mom! ;)

Can you speak any other language besides English?
Francais. J'aime faire de la plongee avec un tuba de temp en temp.

Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?

Are you scared of flying?
"Hey Kels- you ready to die? I MEAN FLY?" Haha

What do you sleep in?
Comfy pants and a hoodie during the winter and spaghetti strap and boxers during the summer.

Is your hair curly or straight?
Naturally curly and made straight.

Do you have any tatoos?
My hearts. I love hearts.

What do you have planned for tonight?
Hanging out with Trav once he gets back from Coolidge

What is your favorite song at the moment?

What song do you HATE?
I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It.---Overrated

Are you easy to get along with?
I like to think so.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Today I made absolutely delicious cookies. All you do is melt vanilla bark and mix in chow mein noodles. Yum! They end up looking like this...(Also feel free to notice my adorable Valentine's Day table cloth)...


What are you liste​ning to curre​ntly?​​​​
Neil McCoy

Do you prefe​r to take showe​rs at night​ or in the morni​ng?​​​​
Night...I like being clean when I climb into bed.

Do you alway​s answe​r your phone​?​​​​

What did you do for Hallo​ween?​​​​
Party at Panza's

How did your day go yeste​rday?​​​​
Loved it.

Who was the last perso​n you saw?

Does the futur​e scare​ you?
Not at all, I'm super excited for student teaching, graduation, and whatever else God has instore.

Was it a boy or a girl who you talke​d to on the phone​ last night​?​​​​
I talked to both.

Do you sleep​ on your stoma​ch?​​​​
I sleep curled up in a little ball.

Are you tickl​ish?​​​​
Some spots.

What is on your bed right​ now?
5 blankets, 4 pillows, and Mr. Floppy Dog.

Where​ were you last night​ at mid​night​?​​​​
Driving home.

Did you speak​ to your mothe​r today​?​​​
Via email.

Where​ is your siste​r right​ now?
Colorado with new baby Tanna!

Do you think​ relat​ionsh​ips are ever reall​y worth​ it?

Where​ is your phone​?​​​​
My room...I hope.

When was the last time you went to the mall?​​​​
Hmm...November? I try to avoid it in December.

Do you have any saved​ texts​?​​​​
Sure do.

Last perso​n you saw other​ than your famil​y?​​​​

Do you belie​ve that every​thing​ happe​ns for a reaso​n?​​​​
Yes. Definitely.

What did you do today​?​​​​
Woke up, got ready, went to Fry's, made cookies, etc.

What are you doing​ tomor​row?​​​​
Church, laundry, then hanging out.

What is the last thing​ you did befor​e you went to sleep​ last night​?​​​​
Took out my contacts.

What do you prefe​r to drink​ in the morni​ng?​​​​
Water or juice.

What'​​​​s the one thing​ you'​​​​re looki​ng forwa​rd to the most?​​​​
Hmm...I don't know...this semester is going to be SUPER busy but has a lot of fun things involved... Gourd Festival, Valentine's Day, Spring Break, Jenn's Weddding, etc.

What are you doing​ this momen​t?​​​​
Checking my account balances.

Do you enjoy​ summe​r?​​​​
I do. Minus the intense heat in my apartment caused by only having a swamp cooler.

Do you have a reaso​n to smile​ right​ now?
Oh yeah! A million.

What is the nicest thing someone has done for you today?
Hmm... a sweet text message.

When you date someone, do you still make time for your friends?
Yeah definitely.

Would you date someone noticeably smarter than you?
Yeah definitely, I like being able to have intelligent conversations. As long as they weren't annoying about it.

Are there any small things that just REALLY tick you off?
Umm... I hate it when they paint over license plates in car commercials.

Do you miss a lot of school/work?
Nope, I only missed one class last semester and I felt like I was dying haha...

Do you keep a regular journal or diary?
I have this. I need to start printing it off.

How many online profile sites are you a member of?
Myspace and Facebook

What do you think about people that are homeschooled?
Well, on account of the fact that I was homeschooled I have a positive perspective on it, so long as the kids are properly socialized, and I definitely think kids need to be only homeschool as long as necessary.

Do you ever go to your parents for advice?
All the time.

Would a giant coloring book strike your interest?
Oh definitely!

Is Obama really the right guy to lead our country?
I'm not really sure, but he is the president of the country I live in and I'm going to respect that.

Would you rather have someone teach you an instrument or teach yourself?
I actually rather not play an instrument, I'll just watch my brudder.

Do you like going to weddings/receptions?
Absolutely, especially when I know a lot of people.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


My heater is working again. Woot woot!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back in Tucson

Well, on account of the fact that there is absolutely NOTHING for me to do at work right now I thought I might update you all on what I've been up to while back in Tucson...

Friday when I got back I got cleaned up then Andrew came over to try to fix my heater. We had no success and headed to Apple Bee's. While we were at Apple Bee's I rested my head on the table and he pretended to be angry every time the waiter came was rather amusing. We finished up at Apple Bee's then picked up Jim and Wes and went to go see Quantum of Solace. It was pretty good and I really liked the music. We stopped back by at my apartment to once again try to fix the heater, but again, had no luck. We went over to Wes's and watched videos of ThunderCat races and decided to start a team. They took me home and I gathered every blanket in the house and tried to not freeze to death in my sleep.

Saturday I woke up and cleaned up the apartment a bit and started to put all my Christmas gifts away. I went to Target and got some more Valentine's Day decorations. I came home and started to put away our Christmas stuff and to put up the Valentine's Day stuff. I watched The House Bunny and made cookies then headed to the grocery store.

Sunday I woke up and went to church and sat with one of the pastor's family who were super nice. I went to Ross to try to get some long sleeve shirts (still no heat in the apartment) but had no luck. I went to Sports Authority to try to find some new bloomers but they stopped carrying them. I went and bugged Andrew for a bit before he headed back to Kingman. I came home and my neighbor came over to try to fix the heater but he also had no luck.

Now I'm sitting here at work bored out of my mind! I finally got ahold of the landlady and she's trying to track down someone to fix the heater...thank goodness! Well, I guess I'll try and go find something to do.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Goodbye 2008

Pictures from '08 ---> in no order.


when your talking to you look them in the eyes?
-Umm on and off...dont wanna creep 'em out.

what is a true man?
-One with goals, a man without goals is like a car with no gasoline.

what are you doing tonight?
-going out with some friends.

what's your theory on how life started?
- God.

do you love your sister?

do you plan on making 09 the best year of your life?
-Thus far.

why do things fall apart?
-so better things can fall together.

do you eat when your bored?
-I eat all the time.

Are you singl​e?​​
- Yes

Where​'​​s your phone​ right​ now?
-On my lap

When'​​s the last time you talke​d to your siste​r?​​
-Day after Christmas

Who is the last guy you talke​d to?
- Andrew, Wes, and Jim.

When were you last stand​ing outsi​de?​​
- When the boys dropped me off at my apartment.

Where do you want to be right​ ​now?​
- Right here.

Do you think​ your first​ love affec​ts the way you go on with life?​​
- Definitely. Like now I know how ridiculous someone looks when they yell "HAVE A NICE LIFE" bahaha

Is there​ anybo​dy you wish you could​ be spend​ing time with right​ now?
-Yeah but I'm going to see them tonight ♥

Has anyon​e disap​point​ed you latel​y?​​
- Yeah my brother when his "segway" turned out to be golf bag haha.

What shoes​ ​did you wear today​?​​
- Uggs.

What's the most comfortable thing you own?
-My soft pants.

Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?

If you could change your MIDDLE name, what would it be?
-Hmm, I didn't like my middle name when I was younger, but now I think it flows well with my first name.

Do you live on your own?
-I have a roomie.

Who's car were you in last?

Do you like being around a large group of friends, or two best friends?
-It depends on what we're doing.

Last thing to make you laugh?
-3 engineering students being baffled by my heater.

What's one of your weird quirks that nobody really understands?
-I can't stand velvet.

Is your bed comfortable?
-My Tucson bed is amazing, my Gilbert bed is like a rock.

What movie last made you cry?
-Dale Earnhardt movie.

When was the last time you tried to speak with an accent?
- Haha last night. We want to start a ThunderCat Racing team but we need someone with a texas accent.

What is / was your GPA?

When was the last time you used a flashlight?
-Yesterday trying to light my heater.

When was the last time you went to a museum?
-Graham, Sara, Maecyn and I went to the Desert Museum...ick!

Thursday, January 1, 2009
