Sunday, January 11, 2009

Baby I'll be your huckleberry. You don't have to double dare me.

Where do you see yourself in a year?
Getting ready to start visiting schools!

If you were able to change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I'd be 21 so I could go dancing at The Cactus Moon.

Do you believe in constructive criticism?

Are you content just blending in with the crowd?
No not really, unless the crowd is very similar to myself.

What makes your person of interest interesting?
He's amazingly talented.

What will you miss the most about being young?
Getting to see my family every day.

A passion of yours?

What do you want to acheive before you die?
Teach. Get married. Have kids.

Are you a "no regrets" type of person?
No, definitely not. I think your regrets are a big part of what makes you who you are and helps you to make you future decisions.

How old is old?
It varies from person to person. Some people never get old, others are born with an old mind, and others age with time.

Do you admire people that are different, or do you look down upon them?
It depends- are they being different to get attention or are they doing it to show who they are?

One thing you could never get sick of?

One person that never fails to make you laugh regardless of your mood?
Graham and Bradley.

What was your reason behind the last dirty look you shot someone?
Just goofing around.

Do you think a woman should work or stay at home?
I think it's up to each individual woman. But I definitely wouldn't mind being a stay-at-home mama.

What is your favorite color?
Red, white, and blue.

What color are your eyes? Greenish gray.

Do you like your parents?
My parents are one of the largest blessings I have received in my life. They have everything I dream of having so they're amazing role models.

Who was with you on your longest road trip?
Andrew, Wes, Jim, Kyle, Mike, Emma, Ryan, and Trav.

Was your mom a cheerleader?
Yes and a sorority girl!...gosh mom! ;)

Can you speak any other language besides English?
Francais. J'aime faire de la plongee avec un tuba de temp en temp.

Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?

Are you scared of flying?
"Hey Kels- you ready to die? I MEAN FLY?" Haha

What do you sleep in?
Comfy pants and a hoodie during the winter and spaghetti strap and boxers during the summer.

Is your hair curly or straight?
Naturally curly and made straight.

Do you have any tatoos?
My hearts. I love hearts.

What do you have planned for tonight?
Hanging out with Trav once he gets back from Coolidge

What is your favorite song at the moment?

What song do you HATE?
I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It.---Overrated

Are you easy to get along with?
I like to think so.


Sara White said...

Who is your person of interest that is interesting?