Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Silly Boys

When I moved into the house with Sean, Zach, and Grant I thought it would be no biggy after being raised with two boys. Well, the boys are great but weird things tend to occur in the bathrooms...

One morning I went into the bathroom to find this list. I found it funny because he is out of more colognes than perfumes I own!

One day I went to take a shower to find this in the sink. The sink is full of water and there is a toy lobster in it...

This is my personal favorite. I walked in to use the restroom to find carb cleaner on the toiled....what was going on there?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Survey time.

Do you get afraid often?
Uhh, what do I have to be afraid of? I live with a black belt and my boyfriend is a 5th degree black belt .

When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up?
An astronaut.

What is your favorite color?
Depends on my mood.

Favorite food?
Donuts with pink frosting and sprinkles.

Last thing to make you cry?
A very rough day.

Last thing to cheer you up?
Being spoiled ;)

Who did you last borrow clothes from?

Are you involved in any sports?
Riding and karate.

Who last made you food?
Matthew made me some egg rolls.

What's the funniest thing anyone has ever said to you?
Hmm...I still love the time my grandma said really loud, "I only drink when I party!"

Who do you live with?

Do you like where you live?
Yes, definitely.

Do you have any brothers?
Two, Graham and Bradley.

What is your favorite girls name?

What is your favorite boy's name?

What shirt are you wearing?
My "Team Cole" shirt...represent!

Favorite kind of flowers?

What are you most proud of?
Wow, that's a tough question to answer... I try not to be too prideful...

Have you punched anyone recently?
Uhh 3 days a week ;)

What song are you listening to?
You and Me by Lifehouse--- good song!

Where are you?
My room...well for now, I'm moving into a bigger room this weekend!

Last relative you spoke to?

What does the person you like call you?
LA mostly, but also Laura ANN.

What are you going to school for?
Agricultural education!

Who last sang to you?
Donald always sings "My Girl" to me when I get to Jason's.

What kind of car do you drive?
I strongly dislike cars. I drive a truck, thanks.

Were any of your grandparents born in another country?

Say something random:
"Who knew steam could be so hot?!"

Favorite store?
Victoria Secret's Pink

Favorite grocery store?
I miss Smitty's!!!

Who do you go to when you need someone to talk to?
Depends what about....Jason, my parents, my siblings, my boss, Julia, Tosha, Sean....

Time off...

Well, I took Wednesday and Thursday off work (I don't work Fridays) so that I could have a 5 day weekend.

Wednesday was Jason's birthday so I woke up and headed to his house. When I got to his house I baked him a cake and hung out with his interns (he was at school). Jason got home and I finally got to give him his scavenger hunt I designed for his birthday. He had a good time and liked all his gifts. We went out to lunch then came home and watched Cash Cab our new favorite show for a few hours. We ate the cake then went to Golf N Stuff for laser tag, go karts and mini golf. It started pouring on us while mini golfing so we headed home. Jason and his friends went out to the bar so I hung out with his intern Mat who also isn't 21.

Thursday I woke up and Jason came over for a bit before heading to class. I helped Sean clean house like crazy then headed to the studio. I had a karate class, grappling and then Jason and I grabbed dinner.

Friday I woke up and headed towards Gilbert...ONLY...there was a giant wreck on the freeway and it ended up taking me about 4.5 hours to get home...uhhh gross! When I did finally get home I played with Maecyn before going out with my friend Brittany for the night.

Saturday morning Julia came over and we went swimming for a few hours then watched Return To Me. I had dinner with my parents then went over to the Velaski's to see them and the Gillam's. After visiting for awhile a few of us went to the movies.

Sunday I woke up and ran a few errands with my mama. I came home and swam for a bit then visited with Sara and Maecyn. Then I headed back to Tucson. When I got home Jason picked me up and we headed to Westin La Paloma Resort and Spa. We spent the afternoon by the pool with his friend Ross and his girlfriend Jill. We got cleaned up then headed to dinner at the Resort.

Overall, it shaped up to be a very relaxing and enjoyable weekend.

Monday, July 20, 2009

What a weekend!

Saturday morning I woke up and headed straight to the park where Jason's karate studio was having their picnic. When I got there Jason's niece and nephew were upset because they had forgotten their water guns so his sister and I went back to her house to get them. When we got there the dog knocked me over and ended up accidentally scratching me pretty bad. We got that cleaned up then headed back to the park. Once back at the park I played basketball for a few rounds then watched some of the younger kids so their parents could go play softball. After awhile I took Jay's niece, Cydney swimming. When we got back someone dumped water on Jay's head and a huge water war broke out. It was rather fun. When the picnic was over I came home and hung out with my roommates for awhile then my roomate Sean's girlfriend and I went out to dinner. We came home and just chilled before making a late night run to Walgreens for snacks and chilling for the rest of the night.

Sunday morning I woke up to my phone ringing and Jason telling me he was on his way to come get me. I hurried and got ready then we went and got donuts. From there we hit up a few malls and tried to go to the movies but nothing interesting was playing. Donald, Jason friend was moving into Jason's house so Jay dropped me off at my house to grab my truck and meet him back at his house. That's when all the chaos with my stuff happend (read post below). I got my clothes situation figured out then headed to Jason's. We got Donald's stuff all situated then headed to the mall because Don hadn't brought any shorts. We came back and watched TV before I headed home. I ended up not having to babysit so I waited for Sean to get back with my stuff then passed out and went to bed.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bon Voyage

Well I was supposed to babysit overnight tonight so I packed up all my stuff, set it by the front door, then headed out to the mall with Jason. When I got back to my house I noticed my stuff wasn't by the front door so I checked my room then asked Sean if he had any idea where all my stuff was. Sean's girlfriend had come to stay this weekend (she's from Flagstaff) and I guess when they loaded her stuff into her car my stuff was accidentally placed in there as well. By the time we realized this all of my stuff including ALL my makeup, blow dryer, hair straightner, phone charger, contact stuff, toothbrush, and clothes were in Phoenix. Luckily Sean's girlfriend was able to drop the stuff at Sean's parents house in Scottsdale before heading the rest of the way to Flagstaff. Unfortanetly, Sean had to drive all the way up there to grab it.

Lesson learned: Never leave your stuff by the front door.

Friday, July 17, 2009

I'm pretty sure I need him...

"Live to love and laugh a lot."

Life is good.

Monday- I worked all day then went and ran errands around town before hanging out with Jason.

Tuesday- I worked all day then went house hunting with Sean. After that I went to karate where we worked on our kicks. After Karate I hung out with Jason's intern, Matthew.

Wednesday- I worked all day then once again went house hunting with Sean. Then Sean and I hung out at the house.

Thursday- I worked all day then hung out with Sean before heading to Karate. At Karate we got to work on our grappling...my favoite! My partner was Jenny, Jason's brother's girlfriend. We both ended up punching eachother in the face...fight like a girl, right? After karate Jason and I worked out on the military base and then went and saw Harry Potter.

Friday (today)- I woke up and scrapbooked for awhile then spend the rest of the day hanging out with Sean, his girlfriend Ana, and our other friend Rachel. Now I'm just hanging out with Jason.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Family Fun

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Red,White, and... Pink?

I had an absolutely amazing 4th of July.

I woke up and headed to Jason's side of town. From his house we went to the Pima Air and Space Museum and we had an absolute blast. We enjoyed looking at the planes, riding in a simulator, and much more.

After the museum we went to the mall to get Bryan's girlfriend, Jenny, a birthday gift. We ended up getting her an outfit from my favorite store, Pink.

We then went back to Jason's house to pick up his intern. While I was downstairs Jason wrapped Jenny's gift. When I came back upstairs there were two packages, when I asked Jason what the second one was for he said it was for me. He had bought me pants I've been wanting forever. I started jumping up and down haha.

Then we went to Jenny's 18th birthday party and had fun hanging out and swimming. We also watched fire works.

It wrapped up to be a great 4th of July.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Poor boy.

I had to share this because I found it rather amusing.

Yesterday I had a headache through work and so I went home and took a nap but when I woke up I still had it. I didn't want to miss karate class because I had missed it the day before so I headed to the studio (with a headache). As soon as I got there Jason came over and asked me what was wrong. I told him I wasn't feeling well and without a pause he said "Do I need to take you to the hospital?!" and he sounded horribly worried. The poor kid, in the few months we've been together he has taken me to urgent care twice and spent the night with me in the hospital. Apparently the experience has been quite tramatizing because now everytime I don't feel well he begins to panick.

Oops...my bad.