Thursday, April 29, 2010

Role Models

It's interesting how moments in other's lives can make you realize how truly blessed you are. I am extremely blessed to have had both my parents and my brother and Sara serve as role models for me when it comes to relationships.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mind your own business!


There was a lady at the black belt test that absolutely drove me INSANE! Anytime anything happend she wanted to be involved, any conversation she had to chime in, and anytime anyone voiced their oppinion she voiced the opposite one. I'm all about having your own views, but this lady was over the top and obnoxious.

Needless to say, when I had my one-on-one incounter with her I made sure she left me alone. It was about 10:30PM when we got to dinner. Jason was tired, stressed out, and had been up since very early in the morning. When the waitress brought out the bread I grabbed one, buttered it, and handed it to Jason. Instantly annoying lady had something to say, "Oh my gosh, did you just butter his roll for him?!" By this point I was about two seconds away from slapping her in the face so I just turned and was like, "Yes, I did, and someday I hope to do his laundry." Everyone at the table snickered meanwhile she was dead silent.

I didn't have any problems with her for the rest of the trip...


Monday, April 26, 2010

Black belts!

This Wednesday I headed to California to help/encourage at the black belt test. Jason sent four kids for their first degree and one for his third, all five received the best tester award for their age group. I enjoyed watching the kids test, seeing Jason preform, meeting KJN Ernie and KJN Tony, and seeing where Jason grew up. I fell in love with his town, Gilroy.

Quotes from the trip:
Cydney: How did they determine what number a freeway will be?
Don: I think it's by how many people died building it...
Me: It's hard to kick up the stairs.
Don: Laura, you insights are a gem to us all.
Jason: He is really vague. He was trying to get me to find a kid an was like, "He's right near you! In the shirt! He's got hair!"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Who was the last person to hug you?
Jason Cole =)

What is your relationship status?
Oh soooooo taken!

Who was the last person you had a face to face conversation with?
Seany-boo-boo, my amazing roommate.

Did anything dramatic go down yesterday?

Are you afraid to stay home all alone?
Nope, I enjoy it every now-and-then.

Have you ever been called babe, baby or honey?
Jason calls me babe.

Do you sing in the car?
Loud and prouuud.

Have you ever crawled through a window?

When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?
I like it dark, but not all off.

Have you held hands with anyone today?

What were you doing at 7:45AM this morning?

Plans for tomorrow?
Classes then headed to California.

Ever liked someone older than you?

Do you think that in the end, everything will fall into place?
It already is ;)

Do you like to take walks?
Jogging is preferred, but walks are nice too!

Last person you kissed calls you, what are they calling for?
I don't know, he calls me all the time to tell me random stuff...

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Forever's Home

Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy One Year to US!

This weekend is mine and Jason's one year...woohoo! We are going to be really busy so I'm making this post now... Happy One Year Jason, love you!

How long have you and your significant other been together?
One year!

How did you meet?
We met in our acting class at the UA.

Tell a funny story about before you got together:
One of the first times Jason and I hung out he had to pick me up in his sister’s car because she had his truck. When Jason went to turn on what he thought was the Usher CD we heard a narrator say, “Over the bridge and through the woods, to grandmother’s house we go!” He instantly started to claim it was his nephew’s, I still tease him that he had been listening to it before he picked me up.

Have you met their parents? When? How did it go?
Yes, the first time I met Jason’s parents was Easter 2009. It went really well, we had an egg hunt, played basketball, and went to Denny’s. We are very close with his parents.

Have they met your parents? When? How did it go?
He went with me to drop off some furniture I didn’t want anymore. He was terrified, but it went just fine!

What do they call you?
LA, Laura ANN, Laura Ann CooOoooOOole, babes, etc.

What do you call them?
Jay, babes, KJN, Jason Robert Adam Cole to the 5th degree, etc.

How did they ask you to be with them?
He kept asking, I finally gave in :p

What do you enjoy doing together?
Lots! There is the obvious- Martial Arts, but we also go to movies, shop, hike, play basketball, visit with friends, paintball, vacation, go to musicals, play board games, long board, etc.

What is something most couples do not enjoy that you do?
We like going to the dump!

Do you remember the first time you saw them?
Yes, he showed up to our acting class 15 minutes late wearing basketball shorts, a polo, and a basketball hat backwards. I thought he was a goober.

What do they say about the first time they saw you?
Haha, he always says he remembers me turning and looking at him coming in late, apparently I had my hands on my hip with one leg sticking out and I looked disgusted with him. He also says I had on a green shirt and it made my eyes stand out.

What was your first interaction?
We had to make up a skit in class and we were chosen to be the team leaders on the two opposing teams. He kept yelling at me that I was “going down”.

When was the first time you hung out alone?
We went and saw “Medea” for our acting class…he fell asleep.

Do you have any common friends?
We didn’t when we met, but now we do.

Do you guys have any strange traditions?
Plenty! Whenever we first see each other during the day we “give me all ya got” which is a smile with no teeth. Whenever we go to the movies we go buy our tickets, take him to Guess, and then me to Pink. Whenever we go somewhere and have to wait we play a math game he invented (I know, I know). On Saturdays I always meet him at the studio, we get lunch, then go to Target. A bunch of other things too, but I won’t bore you…

Who is older?
Jason two years and two months older.

Where do you two hangout?
The karate studio, our houses, and lately with the weather being so nice we’ve been in his backyard a lot.

What is the nicest thing he/she has ever gotten you?
He has got me lots of nice stuff! Victoria Secret luggage and jackets, two trips to Vegas, two Fossil watches, a Guess purse, Guess jeans, 600 hair ties, a trampoline, etc.

What is the nice thing you have ever given him/her?
I’d say the electric razor I got him or his Fossil briefcase.

Who was the first person you told when you began dating him/her?
Haha, I actually think it was my boss, Peggy. She had been wanting me to date him for a few months and I knew she would be excited.

Do you guys have a spot?
Yeah it’s the place we hiked to one day before we got together.

What is something he/she does that makes you laugh?
A lot. For one he’ll slyly drop an inside joke during karate lessons to make me laugh, then when I laugh he jokingly yells at me for laughing which of course makes me laugh more. He also likes to try to do my hair. He’ll work really hard at it but it always ends up looking awful. He always looks so confused when it turns out awful. Oh…and he likes to chase me around the house pretending to be a Gila Monster.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Quotes of the week:

Jason: My phone is acting weird.
Dan: It's still better than mine...mine looks like I pulled it out of a time capsule.

Dan: We should go back to the house for pizza and beer.
Jason: I'd be down.
Me: Sounds good.
Don: Can we stop at Bed, Bath and Beyond on the way home? I want a new showerhead.
Dan: That was the gayest thing you could have said right then...I would know because I am gay.

Dan: He's your plate.
Me: Thanks ma'am.
Dan: Did you just call me "ma'am?"
Me: Uhh... yes.
Dan: Well that was respectful.

SBN Steve: You don't look too well.
Me: I don't feel too well.
Jason: Yeah I'm going to take her home to fix her.
SBN Steve: WHAT!
Jason: I'm going to take her home and fix her...
SBN Steve: Oh I though you said, "kick her"...I was like, wow, he's really tough on her!

Jason: *to me* Hi baaaabes!
Don: Oh heyyyy babes!
Dan: Hello babes!

Jeff: *At paintball* Who shot you there?
Me: Terrence.
Jeff: I thought you guys were on the same team.
Me: We were...

Jason: *leaving church* Want to dance with me?
Me: In the parking lot?
Jason: Yes...we just have to make sure we have to leave room for Jesus.

Jeff: I never see you anymore because you're always with your husband.
Me: He's not my husband!
Jeff: Just watch, next time you go to Vegas you'll come back married.
Me: Well, we're going in July.
Jeff: See you then Mrs. Cole.

Peggy: When do you think you and Jason will get married?
Me: Everyone keeps asking me that! We're not in a huge rush, I'm only my hair isn't long enough yet.
Peggy: Oh... I didn't know that was a requirement.

Miss Maecyn Nora

Well, I meant to do this on her birthday, but I fell behind. OOPS! I just thought I'd post some of my favorite pictures of me and my beautiful niece in honor of her third birthday! ...BIG GIRL STATUS!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Heart Attack

I wanted to leave a surprise for Jason when he got home so I decided to steal an idea from my sister-in-law, Sara (THANKS!). I cut out about 400 hearts and taped them to EVERYTHING is Jay's room...the walls, the ceiling, furniture, etc. I also got a couple of bags of Jason's favorite candy and spread them all over his bed. He was very surprised and still hasn't taken down any hearts.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Go ninja, go ninga, GO!

I miss Jason while he is away, but gosh he is good at what he does.

He is on the far right between a bunch of people in red uniforms...he's the short one ;)