Monday, May 30, 2011

Oh Spikey

I was telling my mom about this picture the other day and HAD to find it. I guess Spike found studying REALLY boring.

I think I need these!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Graduation and more...

Well, I graduated! I was lucky to have my parents, Graham, Sara, Bradley, Maecyn, Jason, his parents, and my two best guy friends (Derek and Conley) all be at my ceremony! After the ceremony my very generous dad treated us all to dinner at BJ's Brewery! YUM!

The next day my parents had a HUGE party with ALL my family and friends! I loved it! My grandma White gave me the best book of all! It is a "Grandmother Remembers" and is filled with family history, stories, and even has rice from her wedding in it! I feel so blessed to have a grandma who spent that much time on a gift that I will forever treasure.

The day after my party I spent some quality time shopping with my mama! Then I returned back to Tucson.

Since then I have just been applying, applying, applying for jobs and also spending some much needed time with my pretty spectacular boyfriend.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

College (Warning: LONG)

This morning, or actually, exactly at noon I walked out my last final. That's it, it's all done except for walking across the stage.

I have taken so many different classes and learned so many things. Classes I've taken include:
1. Agricultural Communication
2. Agricultural Mechanics
3. Tractor Mechanics and Operations
4. Small Engines, Surveying, and Electrical Wiring
5. Carcass Evaluation
6. Live Animal Evaluation
7. Diary Sciences
8. Agricultural Economics
9. Greenhouse Pest Management
10. Plant Biology
11. Plant Pathology
12. Plant and Animal Genetics
13. Soils
14. Soils Fertility and Plant Nutrition

Plus: Chemistry, Biology, French, English, Bio Stats, all my general education requirements, two internships, etc. Oh and of course, the most important class of all, ACTING!

I can now take apart an engine and (correctly) put it back together. I can hitch an implement to a tractor. I can collect soil samples and tell you what deficiencies a plant planted in that soil will experience. I can look at a steer and tell you what quality of meat it will give you. I can even look at a cow's udders and tell you about the health of the cow (go me!).

However, I do not think these are anywhere near the most important lessons I have learned while at college. These are (in no particular order):

1. Money management:
While my parents helped me financially throughout college, I did learn a lot about money management. If you buy that cute shirt, will you still have gas money? If you eat out tonight will you be able to buy groceries for the rest of the week? If you buy yourself something will you be able to buy your brother a birthday gift? Money management is all about responsibilities and priorities. Pay for everything you have to (aka BILLS)as soon as you can, then groceries and a full tank of gas. Put some money in savings. Lastly, before you buy anything else, make sure there are no upcoming gifts you need to buy, and that you'll still have emergency money. Also, you don't need brand name groceries (except for mandarin oranges) and always look at Ross before buying clothes anywhere else. Things worth spending a little extra money on: Pillows, Jeans, and Good Shampoo.

2. Don't Make Someone a Priority Who Only Makes You an Option
If someone isn't investing as much time in you as you are in them (friend or significant other), ditch them. Don't waste your time on someone who won't do the same for you, it's not worth it. Also, you leaving may help the person realize how valuable to them you really are, the friendship can be reformed, and will become more healthy and balanced.

3. Don't Go Looking For Love, Let it Find You
You never know where you are going to find "the one"... I always wanted a tall, country boy who drove a big truck, rode horses, and wanted the small town life..well guess what, I had one, and I left one. I now have a short, city boy who drives a small truck, doesn't "trust" horses, and wants to own businesses all over Phoenix...and guess what, he's everything I never knew I always wanted. Oh, PS- I met Jason in acting class ;)

4. Working Hard Feels Good
It feels good to work hard and finally earn something. This was the very first lesson I learned because of college (and my dad). All my friends received their parents' old cars when they turned 16, I however did not. When I was six my dad told me if I worked hard and earned scholarships to college he would buy me a truck. I worked hard for 12 years after that, and when my scholarship letters began to arrive my dad kept his end of the deal and purchased me a truck. Working hard in college earned me good grades, raises at work, and excellent belt tests at karate.

5. You Will Always Need Your Mommy and Daddy
I can't count the number of times I have called my mom and the number of times I wished my dad was here to help me. Every time I get sick all I want is my mom. Every time I struggle with a math or science problem I think, "My dad could figure this out." Every time Gilmore Girls comes on I know it would be better if my mom was there to watch it with me. A quote I have come to love is, "Just because I can swing on the swing by myself doesn't mean I don't miss my daddy pushing me." Just because I am"grown" and responsible doesn't mean I don't miss having my parents here, luckily they are always just a phone call or car ride away.

6. God Answers All Prayers, but Sometimes The Answer is No
I have prayed a million prayers the last four years. Sometimes I became frustrated when things didn't work out how I thought they should, but as I reflect I realize the reasons for which my prayers were answered with a "no" and I am thankful God is making those decisions and not me.

7. Go For It!
If you had told me in high school that I was going to drive a quarter scale tractor 75 MPH or train for a black belt I wouldn't have believed you. Luckily I've always been up for trying new things and it has always paid off. Being on the tractor team has helped me earn scholarships, job interviews, and gave me an extremely unique experience. Training in martial arts has changed my life and I feel so blessed because of it.

8. There are "Permanent People" and there are "Passerbyers"
There are people who I thought I would be friends forever with who are gone. There are people I thought would be acquaintances who have had my back through it all. You never know what is going to happen, so embrace the people in your life while you can.

9. Now is a Good Time To Tell Someone You Appreciate Them
When I worked out at the farm I met this guy named Chase through my boss. Chase would come by sometimes and we always ended up talking FOREVER. Chase was one of those people you could talk to about anything and it was never awkward. Unfortunately I never got to tell Chase that I appreciated him, he was killed in an accident and I never had a chance. Even if it seems odd, you should let the people in your life know what they mean to you.

10. Be silly, crazy, goofy, etc.
I have to say, I am one happy person. I think this is mostly because I surround myself with people who don't mind me acting crazy and then giggling uncontrollably. Being able to be yourself will strengthen EVERY relationship in your life. I think Jason and I are so happy together because we are absolute wackos together... we chase each other around pretending to be gila monsters, he gives my stuffed animals their own personalities, and we spend a good portion of our time together with little kids.

11. "I've learned one thing, and that's to quit worrying about stupid things. You have four years to be irresponsible here, relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time, but you'll remember the time you wasted hanging out with your friends. So stay out late. Go out with your friends on a Tuesday when you have a paper due on Wednesday. Spend money you don't have. Drink 'til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does..." — Tom Petty ... while I don't agree with this quote 100% percent, I do agree with it's message. Always remember to take the time to enjoy your life and the people in it...

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms, especially mine!

I love you!


Friday, May 6, 2011

And this is the part where little birdies flutter around my head...

Well, I had an interesting experience last night at training...

I was sparring my friend Jeff when we both threw a kick at the same time. Our legs ended up getting tangled and he kinda fell as he threw a back fist follow up. He apparently hit me in the "right spot" because I instantly felt a little...odd. I turned to tell him something wasn't right and next thing I knew Jason was standing over me...

Jason: What's going on?
Me: Am I just waking up?
Jason: No....
Me: Did I fall down?
Jason: You got knocked out.
Me: I think I'm going to need some Tylenol.

I sat out for awhile, drank some gatorade and Tylenol in me, and was fine within a few minutes. It was a really strange experience I don't care to have happen again...

Monday, May 2, 2011

How I'm Feeling