Saturday, August 30, 2008

What do you know---it's survey time!

When was the last time you dyed your hair?
I highlighted it about a week and a half ago.

Do you like cupcakes?
Of course...and I like decorating them as well.

Do you own a webcam?
There is one built into my computer, but I've never used it.

How many pillows do you sleep with?

How many kids do you want?
Two to five. I really want a big family, but I won't have kids unless I can give them everything they need and some of what they want.

Name four things that you don't like to eat:
Meatloaf, vegetables, sushi, and gravy.

When's your birthday?
In exactly two weeks!

Who have you hung out with today? What did you do with them?
Alicia- Cleaned, chatted, discussed rearranging, homework.
Trav- Watched TV, talked, danced.

Are you friends with any cops?
Yeah, Steven that I worked with at the cafe is now a cop.

What's the worst sport to watch?

How do you get to school and back every day?
My truck.

Where did you go to kindergarten at?
Aunt Lesley's house.

Do you like french fries?
Dipped in ranch!

What are you doing tonight?
Going bowling with Wes, Jim, Mike, and Andrew...woohoo!

Do you spend a lot of time with your parents?
When I get the oppurtunity!

Do you have any God parents?
Haha no, but every one from my college thinks Charlie is my God father.

What is your favorite class?
Ag Mechanics or Diversity

Are you the oldest, middle, youngest, or only child?
I'm the youngest.

Does your mom have a myspace?

What are you doing tomorrow?
Going hiking, homework, having a BBQ.

Do your parents like the same music that you do?
For the most part.

What homework is due next week?
Two presentations, some reading, my online class homework, and a one page paper.

Do you have a job?
I have two.

Do you like to wear socks to bed?
No, that's gross.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Class Update

Well, my schedule seems like it's going to be a little more hectic than I thought. I had to lessen my hours at work, which I don't really mind, except for the less money part. I love my 4-H job but am rather frustrated with the other. On Tuesday I was at work for 5 hours and really was only working for about an hour. The other I was waiting for them to give me something to do.

My Economics class actually seems like it won't be to bad. It's full of people I know and the teacher seems pretty reasonable so hopefully it will go okay. My farm class is super easy and once again it's all people from my major so it's rather enjoyable. My Planning and Organizing Youth Careers is extremely easy. My computer class should be alright, it will just be getting used to alotting time for it since it is an online class. I really do NOT like my African-American Slave Narrative class, it may just kick my butt. I still have not had my Diversity class yet...I'll let you know how that goes.

Well, I gotta get ready!

Monday, August 25, 2008

First day of school.

Today is the first day of my sophmore year...woot. This means I'm only 2.5 years away from student teaching and that thrills me!

Today I have AgriBusiness for an hour then AgriMachinery for four hours. This also excites me because when I go to the farm for class I'll be able to see Travis after not seeing him for a week. He was competing in Best in the Desert... an offroad race from Vegas to Reno.

Today should be amazing!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


What's your favorite type of bird?

Do you like Axe?
Yes, smells amazing!

Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?

How often do you brush your teeth?
Haha, 10 times a day??

Do you like acoustic music?
Luvvvv it, especially when it's preformed by my brudder!

Do you go to a public school, private school, or are you homeschooled?
I go to University, but I've done both public and homeschool.

Is your best friend pretty/attractive?

What are you allergic to?

How many pets do you have?
None, but give me 3 years and I'll be starting my zooo! Any animal needing a home will be welcome!

Do you shut the bathroom door when no one else is home?

What's the latest you've ever stayed up?
The night before we went to Illionois we never went to bed.

Are you scared of crowded places?
Yes, in 4th grade they had to carry me out of Hole in the Rock.

What's the worst school you've been to?
Mesquite Jr... it's ghetto right in the middle of Gilbert!

Do you watch Full House?
Yes, but it's called Michelle haha.

What is your favorite song right now?
Hmm... I'm addicted to Dierks Bentley right now.

What's your favorite kind of cake?
I like Funfetti!

What's the most annoying sound ever?
People whinning...

What's your favorite color?
Polished Aluminum =]

What's your favorite movie?
The Notebook

Do you own a really fat dog?
I used to...sniff sniff.

How often does your hair get straightened?
Usually every day...unless I'm lazy and just pull it back.

What's the weirdest pet you've had?
They weren't weird to me, but people always thought it was weird that I had pigs and lamb.

Do you hate any foods?

Look to your left. What do you see?
My backyard and Mt. Lemmon

Tell me about one of your scars.
I was working on the tractor and was walking backwards and fell onto the edge of the welding table.

Can you play poker?
I'm a poker champ...!

Do you like sharpies?
Yes, yes, yes!

Do you wear any jewlery?
Not 24/7... sometimes I wear something for a few hours.

Do you enjoy camping?
Yes, and a group of us are going one weekend in October...woohoo!

What grocery store do you usually go to?

How often do you go to Wal*Mart?
Every couple weeks.

Do you boy/girlfriends parents dislike you?
No, they love me!

Do you like it when boy/girlfriend sings to you?
The only thing he ever sings to me is Gwen Stefani's Sweet Escape, which is just weird!

What's the best gift you've gotten?

Have you been rushed to the emergency room before?
A few times!

One word that describes your personality:

What's one thing about you people wouldn't expect?
I was on a tractor team...

Has a teacher ever seen you dance?
Yes, Miller, Franklin, and Charlie have seen Trav and I ballroom dance.

Are you really tech savvy?

What's your favorite Disney movie?
Classic- Little Mermaid, Disney-Pixar - Monster's Inc.

Have you ever heard the song "She thinks my tractor's sexy?"
Oh, of course.

What would you rather have: a puppy, or a kitten?
A puppy... and I would name him Tonka.

Where does your girl/boyfriend live?
Tucson, but he's moving to Coolidge in December...sniff sniff.

How long have you been dating them?
Well...we went on our first date Nov 3, but we didn't start dating steadily until February.

Are you taller than your best friend?
Julia, yes.

Look at your diary for March 31st, what are you doing?
I don't have a diary...but that's Graham's birthday!

What was the last thing you highlighted?
My hair... I wanted people to know which strands were more important than others haha.

What is the last thing you put a stamp on?
A letter of recommendation.

Why did you withdraw cash from the ATM the last time?
So I could buy my parking pass.

Who is the last baby that you held?
Mae Mae

Closest framed picture to you?
Trav and I at Charlie's.

Who do you want to be in your wedding?
Julia, Caroline, Sara, Britty, and Cokie... and maybe by then it will be acceptable for the bride to have some guys up there with her.

What is the last thing you stapled?
Check request forms at work.

Are you an aunt or uncle?
I'm an aunt.

Who has the prettiest eyes that you know of?
My sister-in-law, and great eye lashes too!

Lion Love

This is a pretty cool video, I don't know why they chose the music they did but oh well!

Friday, August 22, 2008


I am annoyingly close to be able to buy my husky sack (like a luv sack but cheaper). Ahhh!

Oh and for some reason this struck me as hilarious.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

School starts monday, here are the classes I'm taking:

Planning and Organizing Youth Careers
African American Slave Narratives
Agri Business and Mangerial Economics
Microcomputing Applications
Application of Agri Mechcanics
Diversity Issues in a Contemporary Society

The only one I'm nervous abut is Agri Business and Mangerial Economics. I've heard it's kind of difficult but the people I've heard this from arent's neccesarily as concerned with their grades as I am so I'm not going to worry about it until I try it for myself.

I worked for 2.5 hours today. After looking for custom lip balm for an hour (that's right) I asked if I could go home and they let me.

I've been waiting for the carpet guys, hopefully they get here soon.

Tonight I'm going to Conley's for dinner then going to see Trav before he leaves for Reno for another race.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa

Here are some pictures from Grandpa White's birthdy party (Yes, I stole some from you Sara).

I'm bored!

Do you shop a lot?
Hmm...I guess so but I don't spend a lot of money. For instance, I go to Ross about once a week but I only spend like 5 bucks.

Do you have any fears?
Letting down the people I love.

Are you religious?
I have a relationship with God...

How often do you attend church?
Usually every Sunday but over the summer it's been more like every-other.

Do you plan on marrying someday?
Heck yes.

Having children?

Where do you want to live?
Well right now I want to live in Tucson because I go to school here, but when I graduate I'm going to move to a small town.

What's your favorite flower?

Can you cook?! I've got more fun things to do.

What's your favorite holiday?
Valentine's Day...I love hearts!

Why do you like the person you like?
Oh dear, this could go on forever. The usual stuff like handsome, kind, goofy, respectful, caring, fun, ect. But there are a million little things about him; like how if I get tired when we're dancing he lets me stand on his feet. Mostly I just like how unique he is.

How long have you lived in your current house?
3.5 months.

Favorite saying or quote?
An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips. - Proverbs 24:26

Favorite pizza topping ?
Cheese... dipped in ranch dressing!

Are there any songs that describe you?
Yes... Free Fallin.
She's a good girl, loves her mama
Loves Jesus and America too.
Shes a good girl, crazy 'bout Elvis
Loves horses and her boyfriend too.
(I'd say that's pretty dead on, just maybe not the Elvis part).

Favorite celebrity?
Taylor Swift...or ROB DYRDEK!

How old are you?
19 years young.

What kind of perfume/colone do you wear?
Applelicious be Delicious or Heavenly

Do you have plans for tomorrow?
I'm going to try to work a long day to make up for missing a day last week.

Favorite day of the year?
Valentine's day!

Are you friends with your exes?
Yeah, I might not hang out with them all the time but I have no issues with any of them.

Do you babysit ?
I love babysitting!

Hardest class you've taken?
An economic perspective...ewww!

Favorite thing to drink?
Vitamin Water...yes, I've turned into one of those people haha.

Do you have a job?
I have two! And I babysit occassionally.

Favorite class ?
I haven't started them yet but I'm going to guess my electrical wiring class. It will be at the farm and those are always the best.

What are you listening to right now?
Dixie Chicks- Lullaby. Luvvvv it!

Last wedding you went to?

Best thing that happened this summer?
Hmmm... going to Illinois!

Looking forward to anything?
My birfffffday!

Who do you go to if you need advice? Why them?
It really just depends on what I need advice about. Usually though, I go to my parents, Kelsey or Wes. I go to my parents because they've got what most people only dream about and because so far the vast majority of the advice they have given me has been good advice. I go to Kelsey because we have similar morals and goals. I go to Wes because he's always extremelly honest and he'll tell me if I'm being stupid haha.

Last time you had a sleepover with more than three people?
Hmm... maybe when Derek, Neiko, and Conley all came down?

When is the last time you talked to your father?

Do you prefer a call or a text?
My name is Laura and I'm a textaholic. Haha.

What are you about to do?
Go to Ross with Conley.

What is the last thing you spent money on?
Back to school clothes.

Who did you hangout with last night?
Conley then Trav.

When was the last time you were disappointed?
When I called my landlord this afternoon.

Have you ever smoked? thanks!

Who has the same birthday as you?
Cokie and Tara.

Are you happy?
Absolutely! I'm so blessed.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Rain, rain, go away...YOU DON"T BELONG IN OUR HOUSE!

Our night started out fairly normal. Catherine, Ryan, Bethany, and Justin came over for dinner and a board game.

We were having fun playing the game when all the sudden I realized my foot felt wet...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Seemed like fun...

Use photos from your photobucket to fill out the survey!


Your favorite place:

Your family:

Your boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband:

Your job:

Your hobby:

Your best friend(s):

Your vehicle:

Your past:

Your present:

Your future:

Something you miss:

What you believe in:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

This has got to stop.

I'm so excited! Big Brothers Big Sisters called me yesterday saying they've found me a little sister! Her name is Rachel and she's 10. She loves animals and does really well in school. I get to meet her tomorrow and I can't wait!

Trav came over and watched Scrubs with me last night which was nice cause I hadn't seen him in a few days. However, we've gotten into the bad habbit of wearing the same color shirt and same shade of jeans all the time...AND PEOPLE ARE STARTING TO NOTICE. It always looks like we planned it so we look like "one of those couples". It has got to stop haha.

Conley moves down here tomorrow! Woot!

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Trav's dad sent this video and I thought it was totally cool. It is a new robot being used by the military as a "pack mule". It has really awesome atleast till it slips on the ice.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Cell phone.

Well, my cell phone is on it's last leg so I decided to put all the pictures that were on it on my computer. Here are some of them:

The first night we got to run the tractor.

The truck I want!

Trav and Wes up to their usal shenanigans.

This is what I do while Trav works on knives...

Trav's roomate's dog.

This is what I saw one day while I was going through the McDonald's drive through. Eeek!

Dolly, the horse I ride at the Wuertz's.

Trav's new shop.

Trav and Wes working on Wes's truck.

Cutest backside in the world.

Cutest face too!


Conley and I at Apple Bee's

Trav and Wes in a little kid's bumper car.

I returned from Spring Break and this is what our dorm room looked like... I WAS ANGRY!

Little Mae Mae!