Thursday, August 28, 2008

Class Update

Well, my schedule seems like it's going to be a little more hectic than I thought. I had to lessen my hours at work, which I don't really mind, except for the less money part. I love my 4-H job but am rather frustrated with the other. On Tuesday I was at work for 5 hours and really was only working for about an hour. The other I was waiting for them to give me something to do.

My Economics class actually seems like it won't be to bad. It's full of people I know and the teacher seems pretty reasonable so hopefully it will go okay. My farm class is super easy and once again it's all people from my major so it's rather enjoyable. My Planning and Organizing Youth Careers is extremely easy. My computer class should be alright, it will just be getting used to alotting time for it since it is an online class. I really do NOT like my African-American Slave Narrative class, it may just kick my butt. I still have not had my Diversity class yet...I'll let you know how that goes.

Well, I gotta get ready!


Sara White said...

African american Slave narrative?