Monday, August 18, 2008

I'm bored!

Do you shop a lot?
Hmm...I guess so but I don't spend a lot of money. For instance, I go to Ross about once a week but I only spend like 5 bucks.

Do you have any fears?
Letting down the people I love.

Are you religious?
I have a relationship with God...

How often do you attend church?
Usually every Sunday but over the summer it's been more like every-other.

Do you plan on marrying someday?
Heck yes.

Having children?

Where do you want to live?
Well right now I want to live in Tucson because I go to school here, but when I graduate I'm going to move to a small town.

What's your favorite flower?

Can you cook?! I've got more fun things to do.

What's your favorite holiday?
Valentine's Day...I love hearts!

Why do you like the person you like?
Oh dear, this could go on forever. The usual stuff like handsome, kind, goofy, respectful, caring, fun, ect. But there are a million little things about him; like how if I get tired when we're dancing he lets me stand on his feet. Mostly I just like how unique he is.

How long have you lived in your current house?
3.5 months.

Favorite saying or quote?
An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips. - Proverbs 24:26

Favorite pizza topping ?
Cheese... dipped in ranch dressing!

Are there any songs that describe you?
Yes... Free Fallin.
She's a good girl, loves her mama
Loves Jesus and America too.
Shes a good girl, crazy 'bout Elvis
Loves horses and her boyfriend too.
(I'd say that's pretty dead on, just maybe not the Elvis part).

Favorite celebrity?
Taylor Swift...or ROB DYRDEK!

How old are you?
19 years young.

What kind of perfume/colone do you wear?
Applelicious be Delicious or Heavenly

Do you have plans for tomorrow?
I'm going to try to work a long day to make up for missing a day last week.

Favorite day of the year?
Valentine's day!

Are you friends with your exes?
Yeah, I might not hang out with them all the time but I have no issues with any of them.

Do you babysit ?
I love babysitting!

Hardest class you've taken?
An economic perspective...ewww!

Favorite thing to drink?
Vitamin Water...yes, I've turned into one of those people haha.

Do you have a job?
I have two! And I babysit occassionally.

Favorite class ?
I haven't started them yet but I'm going to guess my electrical wiring class. It will be at the farm and those are always the best.

What are you listening to right now?
Dixie Chicks- Lullaby. Luvvvv it!

Last wedding you went to?

Best thing that happened this summer?
Hmmm... going to Illinois!

Looking forward to anything?
My birfffffday!

Who do you go to if you need advice? Why them?
It really just depends on what I need advice about. Usually though, I go to my parents, Kelsey or Wes. I go to my parents because they've got what most people only dream about and because so far the vast majority of the advice they have given me has been good advice. I go to Kelsey because we have similar morals and goals. I go to Wes because he's always extremelly honest and he'll tell me if I'm being stupid haha.

Last time you had a sleepover with more than three people?
Hmm... maybe when Derek, Neiko, and Conley all came down?

When is the last time you talked to your father?

Do you prefer a call or a text?
My name is Laura and I'm a textaholic. Haha.

What are you about to do?
Go to Ross with Conley.

What is the last thing you spent money on?
Back to school clothes.

Who did you hangout with last night?
Conley then Trav.

When was the last time you were disappointed?
When I called my landlord this afternoon.

Have you ever smoked? thanks!

Who has the same birthday as you?
Cokie and Tara.

Are you happy?
Absolutely! I'm so blessed.