Saturday, August 23, 2008


What's your favorite type of bird?

Do you like Axe?
Yes, smells amazing!

Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?

How often do you brush your teeth?
Haha, 10 times a day??

Do you like acoustic music?
Luvvvv it, especially when it's preformed by my brudder!

Do you go to a public school, private school, or are you homeschooled?
I go to University, but I've done both public and homeschool.

Is your best friend pretty/attractive?

What are you allergic to?

How many pets do you have?
None, but give me 3 years and I'll be starting my zooo! Any animal needing a home will be welcome!

Do you shut the bathroom door when no one else is home?

What's the latest you've ever stayed up?
The night before we went to Illionois we never went to bed.

Are you scared of crowded places?
Yes, in 4th grade they had to carry me out of Hole in the Rock.

What's the worst school you've been to?
Mesquite Jr... it's ghetto right in the middle of Gilbert!

Do you watch Full House?
Yes, but it's called Michelle haha.

What is your favorite song right now?
Hmm... I'm addicted to Dierks Bentley right now.

What's your favorite kind of cake?
I like Funfetti!

What's the most annoying sound ever?
People whinning...

What's your favorite color?
Polished Aluminum =]

What's your favorite movie?
The Notebook

Do you own a really fat dog?
I used to...sniff sniff.

How often does your hair get straightened?
Usually every day...unless I'm lazy and just pull it back.

What's the weirdest pet you've had?
They weren't weird to me, but people always thought it was weird that I had pigs and lamb.

Do you hate any foods?

Look to your left. What do you see?
My backyard and Mt. Lemmon

Tell me about one of your scars.
I was working on the tractor and was walking backwards and fell onto the edge of the welding table.

Can you play poker?
I'm a poker champ...!

Do you like sharpies?
Yes, yes, yes!

Do you wear any jewlery?
Not 24/7... sometimes I wear something for a few hours.

Do you enjoy camping?
Yes, and a group of us are going one weekend in October...woohoo!

What grocery store do you usually go to?

How often do you go to Wal*Mart?
Every couple weeks.

Do you boy/girlfriends parents dislike you?
No, they love me!

Do you like it when boy/girlfriend sings to you?
The only thing he ever sings to me is Gwen Stefani's Sweet Escape, which is just weird!

What's the best gift you've gotten?

Have you been rushed to the emergency room before?
A few times!

One word that describes your personality:

What's one thing about you people wouldn't expect?
I was on a tractor team...

Has a teacher ever seen you dance?
Yes, Miller, Franklin, and Charlie have seen Trav and I ballroom dance.

Are you really tech savvy?

What's your favorite Disney movie?
Classic- Little Mermaid, Disney-Pixar - Monster's Inc.

Have you ever heard the song "She thinks my tractor's sexy?"
Oh, of course.

What would you rather have: a puppy, or a kitten?
A puppy... and I would name him Tonka.

Where does your girl/boyfriend live?
Tucson, but he's moving to Coolidge in December...sniff sniff.

How long have you been dating them?
Well...we went on our first date Nov 3, but we didn't start dating steadily until February.

Are you taller than your best friend?
Julia, yes.

Look at your diary for March 31st, what are you doing?
I don't have a diary...but that's Graham's birthday!

What was the last thing you highlighted?
My hair... I wanted people to know which strands were more important than others haha.

What is the last thing you put a stamp on?
A letter of recommendation.

Why did you withdraw cash from the ATM the last time?
So I could buy my parking pass.

Who is the last baby that you held?
Mae Mae

Closest framed picture to you?
Trav and I at Charlie's.

Who do you want to be in your wedding?
Julia, Caroline, Sara, Britty, and Cokie... and maybe by then it will be acceptable for the bride to have some guys up there with her.

What is the last thing you stapled?
Check request forms at work.

Are you an aunt or uncle?
I'm an aunt.

Who has the prettiest eyes that you know of?
My sister-in-law, and great eye lashes too!


Sara White said...

Your survey's are awesome! I love reading them! I luv your eyes too!