Wednesday, August 20, 2008

School starts monday, here are the classes I'm taking:

Planning and Organizing Youth Careers
African American Slave Narratives
Agri Business and Mangerial Economics
Microcomputing Applications
Application of Agri Mechcanics
Diversity Issues in a Contemporary Society

The only one I'm nervous abut is Agri Business and Mangerial Economics. I've heard it's kind of difficult but the people I've heard this from arent's neccesarily as concerned with their grades as I am so I'm not going to worry about it until I try it for myself.

I worked for 2.5 hours today. After looking for custom lip balm for an hour (that's right) I asked if I could go home and they let me.

I've been waiting for the carpet guys, hopefully they get here soon.

Tonight I'm going to Conley's for dinner then going to see Trav before he leaves for Reno for another race.