Thursday, January 27, 2011

When I Was Little

A friend of mine did this the other day and I found it rather amusing, so I thought I would do the same. Basically you list things you thought/believed as a child that you later found out not to be true...if you remember why you believed this, you can also list it.

1- Growing up I was convinced that a "ghost lady" lived in my mother's wedding dress box above her closet. I was TERRIFIED to use my parents' bathroom, but every time I did I would yell, "I HATE YOU GHOST LADY" before high tailing it down the hall. Graham told Bradley and I about the ghost lady in order to scare us, but I'm pretty sure he eventually convinced himself of her too!

2- When I was younger I always thought the drink was a "Ruman Coke" instead of a "Rum and Coke"... I blame this on poor pronunciation!

3- I remember thinking people where either "tall" or "lil-tall".

4- I remember at age 14 finding out that the circular object on top of a mountain near ASU was not a "volcano plug" as my brother Brad had informed me years was a water tower...

5- When I was little I always thought my uncle, Jay, was the "Tallest Man in the World" because he would lift me up and let me touch the ceiling... turns out he is average height and the ceiling was just low!

6- I always thought the song "Shameless" by Garth Brooks included the line "I'M SHAVING!" instead of "I'm Shameless!"

7- I have no idea where it came from, but in my family we have a tradition of pinching eachother's butts and yelling, "TOPEKA!" I thought this was something that everyone can imagine my embarresment when it turned out it was only my family!

8- I thought "chingadera" was another name for the remote...WAY TO GO DAD! ;)

Lastly, just for kicks, I throw in some funny facts about me when I was younger:
1. I always insisted on listening to Rush Limbaugh while eating lunch.
2. I had an imaginary friend who smoked, her brother sported a pony tail, and they eventually moved to Denver.
3. My mom always used to blowdry my hair right when I got out of the tub. When she finished I would run naked down the hall yelling, "YOU CAN'T SEE ME" at my dad and brothers.
4. I cracked my head open hiking when I was five. I remember crying hysterically because I thought they were going to use a sewing machine to stitch me up.
5. I had the Clifford CD when I was little. On one of the songs it said, "Whose the greatest of them all?" all the kids on the tape would yell, "CLIFFORD" but not me... I yelled "GRANDPA!"
6. My favorite movie was 'Twins' which is rated R and stars Arnold Armstrong and Danny Davito.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wow, haven't done one of these in awhile!

Your name?

How old are you?

Do you have any nicknames?
LA, Grumpy Bear, Miss Priss, Loretta Lynn, etc.

What was the last movie you watched?
The Dilemma

Do you wear boots in the winter?
All year long.

Are you looking forward for something?
Valentine's Day!!

Do you eat meat?
"Go meat!"

Should you be doing something right now?
Nope-> Done with homework, the house is clean and don't have church until 7.

Do you know how to dance?
Yes and I love it.

Do you have a brother?
I have two! Jerome and Chucky Dan ;)

What about a sister?
Nope, but I have the most amazing sister-in-law in the world.

Who`s your favorite band?
The Eagles.

Who`s your fav. actor and actress?
Denis Quaid and Sandra Bullock...maybe.

Last incoming text?
"How r u babes?"

Have you ever painted your face for a sports game?
Yeah for homecoming in high school.

If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
Somewhere relaxing.

The last time you were in the fridge, what were you looking for?
Cherry Coke

Are you listening to anything at the moment?
Country Station

Anything good happening tomorrow?
I only have one class... wootz.

How often do you clean out your ears?
Haha a lot... my parents used to call me the Q-Tip Queen

Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear?
Yes, Julia made me a cowgirl and Brittany made me a fairy.

What is something you need to go shopping for?

Did you have imaginary friend(s) as a child?
Yes, her name was Marynn and she was a very bad influence. She smoked and her brother had a pony tail, but luckily they moved to Denver.

Do you usually write in print or in cursive?
Kinda a combination.

When is the last time you were on a bicycle?
I don't even remember...

Do you own a credit card?

Do you or would you like to have children?
When I'm married and have a steady income.

What are some girl names you like?
Jaelah, Reid, Lilah

What are some boy names you like?
Levi, Jace, Liam

If you could have anything right now what would you pick?
A puppy haha

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Well, I've officially had all my classes. While I thought Bio Stats would be my hardest classes, it's one of the easier. My easiest by far will be Business Writing. Soils will be my most difficult and Entomology will be the hardest to remain awake through. I just keep reminding myself that I just need to make it through this semester and then I'm DONE!

Outside of school I've been keeping myself busy with work, karate, and hanging out with friends before we all go our separate ways. I received a really cool event to coordinate at work and a video montage to go with it, so I'm pretty happy with that. Karate is going well and I will be testing for Brown I belt (three away from black belt) on Thursday...yikes! All my friends are doing well, we're all just trying to coordinate jobs and places to live for after graduation.

Last Friday, Jason and I went and saw Green Hornet and got ice cream... Green Hornet turned out to be a really good movie. Saturday we went to Peoria and celebrated Christmas with my dad's family. I was so happy to get to spend time with all of them; they definitely keep me laughing! Sunday Jason and I went shopping, saw The Dilemma, visited with his parents and just hung out. Monday there was no school so I had lunch with my friend Diana, went shopping with Tosha, and took karate.

Sorry this isn't a very exciting post...I'll try to put some pictures up soon!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Light at the End of the Tunnel

It's final semester of school! WOOHOO

I only have to take 12 units which is great, but they are soils, bio statistics, entomology, and business writting...which isn't the greatest. I've had soils and bio stats so far and they don't seem like they will be as bad as I expected and I know people in both.

I've been looking for jobs and I have high hopes of being able to find a job in Tucson.

Four months and I'll be a college graduate...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


A friend of mine recently posted a blog entry about the beautiful people in her life after reading the following Audrey Hepburn quote:

"The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes that she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman only grows with passing years."

It inspired me to do the same, so here's to the beautiful women in my life.

First, of course, would be my mother. Growing up I never realized how blessed I was to have a stay-at-home mom, but now looking back I am incredibly greatful. My mother was always there for me, being supportive, encouraging, and loving. My mother never missed an event I found important and supported me through years of dance, soccer, cross country, horseback, FFA, etc. My mom has always been there to help me along the way, and continues to do so from 100 miles away. She always has open ears, great advice, and is willing to drive two hours to help me move! I love you mom!

Next would have to be my amazing sister-in-law Sara! She has been a role model to me since the first day Graham brought her to the house and she is just as beautiful inside as she is out! Sara helped me get involved in my horseback riding and FFA and through example taught me that self-confidence and a good sense of humor are what makes a girl beautiful.

Next to come to mind are all the other beautiful ladies in my family. Grandma White who taught me that everyone needs a little crazy in their life, to wash my "mall hands", to lotion my "rusty" knees, and you that, "I've only just begun to live." Grandma Pink who always let me have her old makeup and perfume, who encourages me to have a healthy lifestyle, and who serves as a great example as a woman of faith. To Aunt Lesley who I helped me learn to read and always let me tag along. To Aunt Leslie and the adventures we've had (the Indians with the boa constrictor, getting kicked out of Starbucks, and staying up all night). To Aunt Jacque who got me addicted to picture taking, who made me beautiful dolls, and who has one of the most sincere hearts I have ever encountered.

To Jason's mom, Joan. I love going our vacations of laying out by the pool all day and shopping while the boys have to do actual work. Who lets me sleep at her house when I'm scared and who always has medicine for me when I'm sick.

To the best friend a girl could ask for, Miss Julia Paige. Julia has been there for me every day since we first met. She has helped me get over tough breakups, she has encouraged me to chase what I want, and she has shown me what it means to be truly strong. What I love most about Julia is her ability to make anything fun and her ability to not let what other people think/say affect her.

To the best neighbor ladies a girl could ask for: Kristin, Vicki, and Janne. Kristin who let me and her daughter create fake crime scenes throughout her home, gave me countless rides, always had a key when I was locked out, and somehow always knew where my mom was when I couldn't find her. To Vicki, who always let me tag along, who has helped me to become more creative, who let me stay with her while my parents were out of town, and who helped me develop my love for children. To Janne, the beautiful woman who inspired this entry, for all the giggles and laughs, all the Hilary Duff movies, and for beating that bus (yikes!).

To two teachers who helped me become who I am and enabled me to go as far as I have: Miss Cole (now Mrs. Williams) and Mrs. Wahlund. I was blessed to have both these ladies for two years each and grew so much because of them. Both helped me to crack out of my shell and inspired me to help others.

To all the other amazing ladies in my life...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

I'm Back

Hello! I'm baaaaaack! Wow, what a year 2010 has been! I'm so excited for 2011... graduation, finding a job, and who knows what else! But before I get ahead of myself...let's look back on 2010!