Sunday, November 29, 2009


I must take this post to thank my parents for my amazing (early) Christmas gift....a beautiful (fully-functioning) new phone. It's amazing when your phone actually everyone that calls and texts me doesn't have to think I hate them and am ignoring them haha. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

OOPS! I've missed a few Thankful updates.

I am so thankful for my major. It has provided me with amazing opportunities, friends, and knowledge.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fun Weekend!

Well these last few days have been an absolute blast.

Thursday night was belt testing for karate. My belt test lasted two hours opposed to the usual 45 minutes I am used to. Needless to say I was exhausted afterward but passed. After the test Jason, Tosha, Anthony, Donald and I went to see New Moon.

Friday after class got out I went to lunch with Donald then came home and helped Sean clean. I went to belt graduation and received my purple belt. After graduation Jason, Anthony and I went and saw Blindside. If you have not seen it yet...GO! It was soooooo stinkin' good.
Saturday I woke up and Tosha and I headed to the mall. I got a few Christmas gifts then we went to Jason's studio to check out the holiday sale. Aftert the sale Tosha and I went to Michael's. Tosha and I went back to Jason's and bedazzled things as well as made a funny video. Afterwards Jason and I went to his sister's birthday party. We had fun singing karoake and bouncing in a bounce house.
Today I woke up and Tosha came over. We painted our nails then went to Walmart. We played with her dog and hung out with my roomy. Eventually Jason came over and he and I went to the mall. I bought Up (the Disney movie) so we came back to my house and watched that.

It made for an all around fun weekend.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thankful #6

Today I am thankful for my amazing roommate!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thankful #5

Today I am thankful for animals and all the joy they have brought into my life.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

For crying out loud!

Today when I was Safeway this little girl started screaming. Her mom and dad starting handing her whatever she wanted to get her to be quiet. they not realize what a horrible habit they are forming? I don't care how embarressing it is, if my kids have fits like that in the grocery store the only thing they're getting is spanked!

Thankful #4

Today I am thankful for my crazy, amazing siblings (and their girls). I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Needed a break!

You get a text at 4AM saying "come outside." What do you do?
Well I think it certainly matters on who it is texting.Plus, chances are I sleep right throuh it.

When was the last time you were scared?
When I watched Paranormal Activity.

Is life getting better or worse?

Plans for tomorrow?
Ag communications and plant science lab. Studying then going to karate.

Does your best friend approve of the last person you kissed?

Are you a heavy sleeper?

Do you like the town you are living in?
It's grown on me, but I rather not deal with the traffic.

When was the last time you saw your father?

What is something you disliked about your day?
Let's just say that if TMobile were person I would have liked to elbow him in the face.

So what do you want for your birthday?
That's a mighty long ways aways.

Did you go to sleep smiling last night?
Well, that would be a little creepy, but I did go to bed happy.

What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today?
I found out I don't have to take two finals. Yippee!

What do you wear to bed?
Comfy pants and a spaghetti strap...if it's really cold I'll throw on a hoodie.

What did you do last night?
I went to Bible study then Jason came over for a wee bit.

Ever thought someone was breaking into your house?
Yes...the palm tree trimmer.

What is your main ring tone on your phone?'
Indian Summer

Are you a morning person or a night person?
Anything but the afternoon!

Favorite day of the week?

Would you ever get a tattoo?
Already did.

What was your last dream about?
The apocolypse and nobody believing me that it was it.

Is anyone protective over you?
My brothers and dad are. Jason is. Panza is probably the most protective of me haha.

What woke you up today?
My phone alarm.

Anything good happening tomorrow?
I get to see Jason.

Are you excited for next year?
Senior year. Woot!

Have you ever dyed your hair?

Are you close to your cousins?

Something you do a lot?
Giggle, text, homework.

What are you doing right now?
Taking a break from studying...I hate plant biology.

Who is the most ticklish person you know?
My niece.

Do you like to cuddle/ snuggle?
Of course, who doesn't?

Last person to hit you?
Whoever I last sparred.

Do you still pinky promise?
Haha with Tosha.

Thankful #3

Today I am thankful for my parents. They are responsible, supportive, encouraging, and absolutely amazing.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thankful #2

Today I am thankful for my boyfriend, Jason. He is such a blessing.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thankful countdown!

Last year I did a ten day countdown of things I am thankful for. This year I have decided to do the same.

Today I am thankful for my beautiful niece.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Who said what?!

I feel as though this weekend was full of funny quotes so I thought I'd share a few. Hopefully you enjoy them as much as I did...

Tosha- Which church?
Me- The one where the bum sleeps.
Tosha- Oh! Which entrance do I use?
Joanne- Oh just go past the bum and up the ramp...
Jason: Why do people even have rehearsal dinners? I don't think people need to practice walking in a straight line.
Me: Well sometimes people do things like lighting candles and stuff like that.
Jason: When we get married I am not lighting any candles. I'm going to break bricks in half to prove that I'm man enough to take care of you for the rest of my life.
Daniel: If I ever start a gay dating show I'm going to call it "I've had it up to Queer with you."
Random kid on campus: Every time I run a red light I make sure to look both ways.
Mr. Wuertz: I hear you're the coordinator of this event.
Me: Yes I am!
Mr. Wuertz: Smart and must be the reason boys leave home.
Tosha: I thought you were going to bed.
Me: I was going to but then Wilbur called me.
Tosha: Wilbur who?
Me: Wilbur Wildcat?
Tosha: Why is the school mascot calling you late at night?
Me: I want that.
Jason: No.
Me: But I want it.
Jason: No.
Me: Why can't I have it?
Jason: Cause you want it.
TJ: I didn't see you at the Undie Run!
Me: I didn't go.
TJ: I unfortunately forgot to put some on that day...I had to compete in the open class.
Mr. Cole: Laura, I thought you were going to watch the kids.
Me: I was but they wouldn't stop kicking eachother and me so I brought them back.
Mr. Cole: Jason, I thought you wanted seven kids!
Jason: I can handle it.
Jaime: I don't know if eating an icecream cone will you watch Laura getting kicked in the distance by two little kids really qualifies as handling it.
Tosha: Cute pants!
Me: Thanks! They're yours!
Jason: Where's mom?
Jaime: She's talking to that cactus over there...
Macey: Give me your phone number and let's be best friends forever and ever.
Jason: I think I have the plague. You never know when it's gonna hit you. May be tomorrow may be in 64 years, but one of these days, it's gonna get you!
Mito: Yeah I'm moving out tomorrow, it's gonna stink, I'm going to miss you guys.
Daniel: That's nice, I'm doing my homework.
Sean: What are you guys watching?
Me: (Pretending to be on the phone) Hello?...oh hi bunny in ball? What's that?...You want Jason to buy you? I would like that too. Too bad he is driving the wrong way. Yes, yes, I'll keep mentioning you until Jason finally gives in and buys you....I'll miss you too. Bye bunny in a ball.
Jason: NO.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Today Jason and I went to the Desert Museum with his family for his sister's birthday. We had an awesome time. My favorite part of the day was when the family got icecream. They didn't pack the icecream into the cone tight enough so everytime someone licked their cone their icecream fell off...they had to become very creative in eating their icecream. Then Jason decided to give me a hug while holding his icecream and got it all in my hair. I loved spending time with Cydney (his niece) and chasing around Terrence (his nephew). All in all, it made for a very nice Sunday.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Part 3 of 3

Trick or Treating!

I had to work all day the actual day of Halloween so Jason and Idecided to just take his niece and nephew trick or treating that night. They were adorable and we had fun playing with them when we got back to the house. Unfortunately I forgot to charge my camera so I only got one picture in before it died.

Halloween Part 2 of 3

Halloween Party
After the studio party Jason and I headed back to his house for another party. We had a fun time catching up with a lot of people we hadn't seen in awhile.

Halloween Part 1 of 3

Studio Party
Friday night Jason had a party at the studio for his families who take lessons from him. There was a potluck, a costume contest, and games. I had a blast and enjoyed having the kids telling about their costumes.