Monday, August 30, 2010


Me: I think we should go back to the pool.
Macey: Well...DUH!
Foreign guy at the pool: You are very beautiful, may I kiss your cheek?
Me: Thanks and no thanks!
Tosha: I made everything in the garbage disposal explode...all over Laura.
Tosha: I don't know why he likes her...her nails are painted GRRREEEEN!
Ashley: If I could do anything and not get caught...I WOULD MAKE A COLLEGE WITH NO PREREQUISITS!
Me: WHOA! You're a wild one!
"I had a bird...on my head! AND HE COULDN'T GET OUT OF THE CAR?!"
Tosha: I don't feel like going in there, Laura, pretend to be me.
Me: *put on tiara* I'm Tosha and it's my stinking birthday!
Jason: *referring to me* I have a crush on one the preceptors in my Ag Ed class...
Me: You mean Ms. Cole? She's taken!
Jason: Must be one lucky guy!


Wow! Life has been sooooo busy lately, I haven't had time to update! I moved in with Tosha and am LOVING it!

School started and is going well! I am doing a preceptorship and internship as well as taking Environmental Law, Plant Pathology, and biology. Luckily I only have classes on Tuesday and Thursday this semester!

I tested for brown belt on Thursday and passed with no re-tests! I even had a world renown kicker compliment me on my kicks.

Other than that I have just been enjoying life. I'm very excited because my mom, aunt and two of my cousins are coming down on Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Today I feel girly!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Still Loving My Bunny

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Do you and your friends have fun nicknames for each other?
Well of course.

Do you like to read magazines?

What's your favorite thing to do on a snow day?
Play in the snow...?

Would you rather have a colorful world or a black and white world?
Good question.​.​.​probably colorful.

Have you ever stayed up talking to someone til the sun came up?

Would you change your eye color?

Have you ever skipped school without your parents knowing?

Do you text constantly?
Not lately.

Have you ever gotten a horrible haircut?
Yes =(

Do you like candles?
Yes, I need to buy some new ones actually.

Would you rather use a fireplace or a woodstove?

Would you rather swim in the ocean or in a pool?

Have you ever been really obsessed with a song then just ended up hating it ?

Do you have a lot of really weird inside jokes with your friends?
Oh yes.

Have you ever swung on a tire swing?
Up in Greer every summer growing up.

Have you ever started something and then completley forgot about it?
Of course.

Have you ever said "I love you" and not meant it at all?
No, that's awful.

Do you have a close relationship with your parents?

Are you a people person?

Do you like screamo music?
No, that's not talent.

Do you believe in God?

How late did you stay up last night?

When you last got dressed, did you put on your top or bottoms first?

Do you wear flip flops in the wintertime?

Would you ever adopt a child?

Do you think you're a nice person?

What's the hardest thing you've ever had to do in your life?
Hmm...that's personal.

Are you really happy, or are you just saying that you're happy?

Name something random about the last person you texted.
He has an owl on his head.... ;)

Would you rather use a desktop or laptop computer?
Don't matter.

Do you have more than one best friend?

If you're a girl, do you wear dresses a lot?

How about make-up?

If i came to your house, what color would i see the most of?
What house? Hahaha

Do you like the way you look in pictures?
Some yes and some no.

Do you like waking up and having new text messages?
Love it.

Who are you dating?
My love, Jay Cole.

What does the last text in your inbox say?
"Chicken noodle soup"

Will this weekend be a good one?
It has potential.

Are you texting anyone?

What was the first thing you did when you woke up today?
Looked at the clock.

Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with?

Have you ever stayed up at night waiting for someone to call/text you?
Mmhmm, wanted to make sure they were safe.

Will your next kiss be a mistake?

What were you doing at midnight last night?

Who'd you last talk to on the phone?

Name something you would NOT tolerate in a relationship?

Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?

Which is more romantic: sunrise or sunset?
Ehh? Same?

How do you feel about guys smokin?
Not a fan.

So what do you want for your birthday?
Money so I can buy a decent TV.

Were you single on Valentine's Day?
Nope! I was in Vegas with my feller.

Do you like to wear flip-flops?
Sure, why not.

Think of your first kiss. Was it sweet or was it awkward?

Do you wear American Eagle?

Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back?
All three, but when I first lay down, I am on my side.

Do you have a best friend that knows you inside and out?
Julia Paige.

Have you hugged anyone in the last 72 hours?
Quite a few people actually. I love hugs.

When will your next kiss be?
Tomorrow afternoon... oh la la!

Do you miss the way things used to be?
Not a wee bit.

Is there someone you used to talk to every single day that you don't talk to anymore?
Sadly, yes.

Be honest, who are you texting?

When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?

Are you wearing jeans right now?
No, pajama bottoms.

Plans for Saturday?
A birthday party, homework, and baking!

What was the last song you sang along to?
I am not sure.

Where was the first place you kissed the last person you kissed?
His front yard.

What's bothering you right now?
Summer school...ick!

What is the last thing you drank today?

In the past 24 hours have you hung out with a girl?

What are you going to do tomorrow?
School, work, karate.

Who was driving the last time you were in a car?
Besides me? Uhhh...Jason?

Who was your last missed call from?

Where did you get your last bruise from?

What is something you disliked about your day?
Feels like its going in slow motion.

Do you find piercings and tattoos attractive?
Depends on the person and the tattoo or piercing.

Would you ever get a tattoo?

What was the last movie you watched in theaters?
Dinner For Schmucks...yahhhh not as great as everyone made it out to be....

Do you eat ranch with your pizza?

Is your best friend single?
Julia and Tosha are. Jason has an absolutely amazing girlfriend. ;)

Do you know any one who lives in California?
Family and friends.

How old will you be 6 years from now?
Almost 28

What did you always dream of being as a kid?

Are morals important to you?
I would say it's more of character...the doing the right thing even when no one is watching kinda thing.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Quotes of the Week posts have gotten all weird. Some of these quotes you may have already seen, but I wasn't sure if it actually posted...SO just ignore the ones you've seen already... =D

Jason: How much love do you got for me?
Me: Cross, jab, cross, jab, jab, cross, jab, jab, jab, jab, cross, jab, jab, cross, jab, jab, jab, cross, hook, cross, hook, jab, cross, hook, hook, jab, cross, hook, right kick, uppercut, jab, uppercut, cross, jab, hook, cross, uppercut, left kick.
Jason: That's the fighting pattern...
Me: And ohhhh boy do I love it!
Me: I need new shoes.
Jason: You should get Guess shoes.
Me: Yah cause I really have 200 bucks to spend on shoes.
Jason: How much do you have?
Me: Haha like 20 bucks.
Jason: How many times a year do you buy shoes?
Me: Maybe twice.
Jason: Well...just don't buy shoes for five years and you're set!
Me: I'm going to hang onto the string coming off your shirt.
Jason: What am I? On a leash?
Anthony: Looks like you're finally catching on.
Lisa: I always get the Pentecost and the Holocaust confused...
Me: How's that even possible?
Tyler: My dad can never remember your name so he always just calls you 'that feisty girl.'
Jason: You have to miss me, love me, AND need me or you don't get your surprise.
Me: I only got 10 hours at work this week.
Brody: Haha, that's only enough to get you in somewhere, if you want something to drink you're going to have to be VERY flirty.
Jason: No kissing while practicing karate.
Me: Rules are like bricks and boards.
Jason: What do you mean?
Me: They're for breaking.
Diana: What are they doing?
Me: Pummeling.
Diana: It looks like they're dancing.
Me: Dancing that could kill someone...
Me: Who knew it was 'supposedly'? I always thought it was supposABLY!
Waitress: The dinning room is closed.
Me: That's fine, I'll just starve.

Today I Am Thankful (This is a ramble...consider yourself warned).

Today I am thankful. I am thankful for the people God has placed in my life. I am thankful for a mama who is always a phone call away, who always has good advice, who spoils me, who makes sure I am taken care of, and who always makes me feel loved. I am thankful for a daddy who is always willing to work hard to provide for his family, who still lets me sit on his lap even though I'm almost 22 years old, who encourages me, and who has always brought out the best in me. I am thankful for my beautiful siblings: Graham, Bradley, and Sara. Siblings who I can go to for advice, who make me laugh, and who I can trust. I am thankful for my best friend, Julia Paige who always know which Gilmore Girls episode I need to watch, who always answers when I call, and who always is willing to listen. I am thankful for a boyfriend who will play with my hair when I'm having a rough day, who always encourages me to chase my dreams, and who will help me put in eye drops when it burns and I don't want to do it by myself (haha). I am thankful for my true family and the friends that have turned into family.