Monday, June 28, 2010

Black and White

I've been wanting to do my room in black and white FOREVER. I've been looking online and have found the perfect furniture...if only!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bored Photo Shoot

Monday, June 21, 2010

Bunny in a Ball

On Saturday night Jason demanded that I come over. I had already been on his side of town earlier with his sister and was not interested in driving back. He finally convinced me that if I came back over he would fill my gas tank. When I got there he kept insisting that I go into the kitchen but I was not interested and thought he was acting insane. Finally I gave in and walked towards the kitchen, when I got past his couch I spotted a cage with a VERY cute bunny in it. Jason informed me that it was for me to have at his house and that he had named it Bunny in a Ball...he's apparently very literal because the bunny has a ball in its cage that it likes to sleep in. I renamed the bunny Heff but it hasn't stuck. At any rate, I love the bunny.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I swear, I'm still alive, just been SUPER busy! I definitely have missed my quotes of the week and haven't had time to keep track of them like I usually do. Here are the ones I can remember, sorry it's not too many.

Friends little brother: They don't have girls like you where I go to high school.
Me: That's good, cause girls like me don't tolerate little boys like you.

Bryan: Heeeeeeey Laura.
Me: Back off, I already have a boyfriend...your brother!
Bryan: Yeah, but I have two could be for you.
Me: In that case....bye Jason!

Jason: I couldn't tell what he was...Asian, Somoan, or what...
Bryan: Well, I don't care what religion he is...

Jim (my boss): I heard you were going to be a hula dancer.
Me: What?
Jim: I have to go to the dentist cause I cracked my tooth.
Me: I'm not following you...

Jim: You need new pants.
Me: I would love some but I'm not paid enough.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Quotes of the Week

Jason: Next time you're sparring I want you to cresent kick someone in the head.
Me: Is that a point?
Jason: No, but it's a statement.

Terrence: Are you Irish?
Matt: Yeah my last name is Irish?
Terrence: Matt Irish? I don't think so! Your last name is McKinney!

Jason: Do you feel safe?
Me: Yes, but really uncomfortable.
Jason: Safety first, comfort second.

Scott: What should we use to clean this?
Scott: Huh?
Me: No really, there's a cleaning product under the sink called Kaboom, it will work.
Scott: Let's kaboom it up then.

Jason: Give me the beat boy and free my soul...
Me: I thought it was, "Give me the people"
Jason: You also though Vegas was in California...