Thursday, June 17, 2010


I swear, I'm still alive, just been SUPER busy! I definitely have missed my quotes of the week and haven't had time to keep track of them like I usually do. Here are the ones I can remember, sorry it's not too many.

Friends little brother: They don't have girls like you where I go to high school.
Me: That's good, cause girls like me don't tolerate little boys like you.

Bryan: Heeeeeeey Laura.
Me: Back off, I already have a boyfriend...your brother!
Bryan: Yeah, but I have two could be for you.
Me: In that case....bye Jason!

Jason: I couldn't tell what he was...Asian, Somoan, or what...
Bryan: Well, I don't care what religion he is...

Jim (my boss): I heard you were going to be a hula dancer.
Me: What?
Jim: I have to go to the dentist cause I cracked my tooth.
Me: I'm not following you...

Jim: You need new pants.
Me: I would love some but I'm not paid enough.