Monday, June 7, 2010

Quotes of the Week

Jason: Next time you're sparring I want you to cresent kick someone in the head.
Me: Is that a point?
Jason: No, but it's a statement.

Terrence: Are you Irish?
Matt: Yeah my last name is Irish?
Terrence: Matt Irish? I don't think so! Your last name is McKinney!

Jason: Do you feel safe?
Me: Yes, but really uncomfortable.
Jason: Safety first, comfort second.

Scott: What should we use to clean this?
Scott: Huh?
Me: No really, there's a cleaning product under the sink called Kaboom, it will work.
Scott: Let's kaboom it up then.

Jason: Give me the beat boy and free my soul...
Me: I thought it was, "Give me the people"
Jason: You also though Vegas was in California...