Friday, October 1, 2010


Hey! I'm still here and still working on updating this blog! I will send out an email when I'm complete!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Under Construction

I'm currently updating my blog in efforts to encourage me to be better about updating! Please bear with me!

Monday, August 30, 2010


Me: I think we should go back to the pool.
Macey: Well...DUH!
Foreign guy at the pool: You are very beautiful, may I kiss your cheek?
Me: Thanks and no thanks!
Tosha: I made everything in the garbage disposal explode...all over Laura.
Tosha: I don't know why he likes her...her nails are painted GRRREEEEN!
Ashley: If I could do anything and not get caught...I WOULD MAKE A COLLEGE WITH NO PREREQUISITS!
Me: WHOA! You're a wild one!
"I had a bird...on my head! AND HE COULDN'T GET OUT OF THE CAR?!"
Tosha: I don't feel like going in there, Laura, pretend to be me.
Me: *put on tiara* I'm Tosha and it's my stinking birthday!
Jason: *referring to me* I have a crush on one the preceptors in my Ag Ed class...
Me: You mean Ms. Cole? She's taken!
Jason: Must be one lucky guy!


Wow! Life has been sooooo busy lately, I haven't had time to update! I moved in with Tosha and am LOVING it!

School started and is going well! I am doing a preceptorship and internship as well as taking Environmental Law, Plant Pathology, and biology. Luckily I only have classes on Tuesday and Thursday this semester!

I tested for brown belt on Thursday and passed with no re-tests! I even had a world renown kicker compliment me on my kicks.

Other than that I have just been enjoying life. I'm very excited because my mom, aunt and two of my cousins are coming down on Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Today I feel girly!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Still Loving My Bunny

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Do you and your friends have fun nicknames for each other?
Well of course.

Do you like to read magazines?

What's your favorite thing to do on a snow day?
Play in the snow...?

Would you rather have a colorful world or a black and white world?
Good question.​.​.​probably colorful.

Have you ever stayed up talking to someone til the sun came up?

Would you change your eye color?

Have you ever skipped school without your parents knowing?

Do you text constantly?
Not lately.

Have you ever gotten a horrible haircut?
Yes =(

Do you like candles?
Yes, I need to buy some new ones actually.

Would you rather use a fireplace or a woodstove?

Would you rather swim in the ocean or in a pool?

Have you ever been really obsessed with a song then just ended up hating it ?

Do you have a lot of really weird inside jokes with your friends?
Oh yes.

Have you ever swung on a tire swing?
Up in Greer every summer growing up.

Have you ever started something and then completley forgot about it?
Of course.

Have you ever said "I love you" and not meant it at all?
No, that's awful.

Do you have a close relationship with your parents?

Are you a people person?

Do you like screamo music?
No, that's not talent.

Do you believe in God?

How late did you stay up last night?

When you last got dressed, did you put on your top or bottoms first?

Do you wear flip flops in the wintertime?

Would you ever adopt a child?

Do you think you're a nice person?

What's the hardest thing you've ever had to do in your life?
Hmm...that's personal.

Are you really happy, or are you just saying that you're happy?

Name something random about the last person you texted.
He has an owl on his head.... ;)

Would you rather use a desktop or laptop computer?
Don't matter.

Do you have more than one best friend?

If you're a girl, do you wear dresses a lot?

How about make-up?

If i came to your house, what color would i see the most of?
What house? Hahaha

Do you like the way you look in pictures?
Some yes and some no.

Do you like waking up and having new text messages?
Love it.

Who are you dating?
My love, Jay Cole.

What does the last text in your inbox say?
"Chicken noodle soup"

Will this weekend be a good one?
It has potential.

Are you texting anyone?

What was the first thing you did when you woke up today?
Looked at the clock.

Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with?

Have you ever stayed up at night waiting for someone to call/text you?
Mmhmm, wanted to make sure they were safe.

Will your next kiss be a mistake?

What were you doing at midnight last night?

Who'd you last talk to on the phone?

Name something you would NOT tolerate in a relationship?

Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?

Which is more romantic: sunrise or sunset?
Ehh? Same?

How do you feel about guys smokin?
Not a fan.

So what do you want for your birthday?
Money so I can buy a decent TV.

Were you single on Valentine's Day?
Nope! I was in Vegas with my feller.

Do you like to wear flip-flops?
Sure, why not.

Think of your first kiss. Was it sweet or was it awkward?

Do you wear American Eagle?

Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back?
All three, but when I first lay down, I am on my side.

Do you have a best friend that knows you inside and out?
Julia Paige.

Have you hugged anyone in the last 72 hours?
Quite a few people actually. I love hugs.

When will your next kiss be?
Tomorrow afternoon... oh la la!

Do you miss the way things used to be?
Not a wee bit.

Is there someone you used to talk to every single day that you don't talk to anymore?
Sadly, yes.

Be honest, who are you texting?

When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?

Are you wearing jeans right now?
No, pajama bottoms.

Plans for Saturday?
A birthday party, homework, and baking!

What was the last song you sang along to?
I am not sure.

Where was the first place you kissed the last person you kissed?
His front yard.

What's bothering you right now?
Summer school...ick!

What is the last thing you drank today?

In the past 24 hours have you hung out with a girl?

What are you going to do tomorrow?
School, work, karate.

Who was driving the last time you were in a car?
Besides me? Uhhh...Jason?

Who was your last missed call from?

Where did you get your last bruise from?

What is something you disliked about your day?
Feels like its going in slow motion.

Do you find piercings and tattoos attractive?
Depends on the person and the tattoo or piercing.

Would you ever get a tattoo?

What was the last movie you watched in theaters?
Dinner For Schmucks...yahhhh not as great as everyone made it out to be....

Do you eat ranch with your pizza?

Is your best friend single?
Julia and Tosha are. Jason has an absolutely amazing girlfriend. ;)

Do you know any one who lives in California?
Family and friends.

How old will you be 6 years from now?
Almost 28

What did you always dream of being as a kid?

Are morals important to you?
I would say it's more of character...the doing the right thing even when no one is watching kinda thing.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Quotes of the Week posts have gotten all weird. Some of these quotes you may have already seen, but I wasn't sure if it actually posted...SO just ignore the ones you've seen already... =D

Jason: How much love do you got for me?
Me: Cross, jab, cross, jab, jab, cross, jab, jab, jab, jab, cross, jab, jab, cross, jab, jab, jab, cross, hook, cross, hook, jab, cross, hook, hook, jab, cross, hook, right kick, uppercut, jab, uppercut, cross, jab, hook, cross, uppercut, left kick.
Jason: That's the fighting pattern...
Me: And ohhhh boy do I love it!
Me: I need new shoes.
Jason: You should get Guess shoes.
Me: Yah cause I really have 200 bucks to spend on shoes.
Jason: How much do you have?
Me: Haha like 20 bucks.
Jason: How many times a year do you buy shoes?
Me: Maybe twice.
Jason: Well...just don't buy shoes for five years and you're set!
Me: I'm going to hang onto the string coming off your shirt.
Jason: What am I? On a leash?
Anthony: Looks like you're finally catching on.
Lisa: I always get the Pentecost and the Holocaust confused...
Me: How's that even possible?
Tyler: My dad can never remember your name so he always just calls you 'that feisty girl.'
Jason: You have to miss me, love me, AND need me or you don't get your surprise.
Me: I only got 10 hours at work this week.
Brody: Haha, that's only enough to get you in somewhere, if you want something to drink you're going to have to be VERY flirty.
Jason: No kissing while practicing karate.
Me: Rules are like bricks and boards.
Jason: What do you mean?
Me: They're for breaking.
Diana: What are they doing?
Me: Pummeling.
Diana: It looks like they're dancing.
Me: Dancing that could kill someone...
Me: Who knew it was 'supposedly'? I always thought it was supposABLY!
Waitress: The dinning room is closed.
Me: That's fine, I'll just starve.

Today I Am Thankful (This is a ramble...consider yourself warned).

Today I am thankful. I am thankful for the people God has placed in my life. I am thankful for a mama who is always a phone call away, who always has good advice, who spoils me, who makes sure I am taken care of, and who always makes me feel loved. I am thankful for a daddy who is always willing to work hard to provide for his family, who still lets me sit on his lap even though I'm almost 22 years old, who encourages me, and who has always brought out the best in me. I am thankful for my beautiful siblings: Graham, Bradley, and Sara. Siblings who I can go to for advice, who make me laugh, and who I can trust. I am thankful for my best friend, Julia Paige who always know which Gilmore Girls episode I need to watch, who always answers when I call, and who always is willing to listen. I am thankful for a boyfriend who will play with my hair when I'm having a rough day, who always encourages me to chase my dreams, and who will help me put in eye drops when it burns and I don't want to do it by myself (haha). I am thankful for my true family and the friends that have turned into family.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

So...this is life.

My life feels like such chaos lately. Thankfully, I have amazing people in it who keep me sane!

Last Friday my mama came to town to help me move stuff and clean. We were SO productive! We got everything moved out of my house and all the rooms cleaned. Thank you Mama!

The rest of my weekend was spent doing homework for my summer school, going to Jason's to water and take care of our bunny, doing laundry, running errands, etc.

Monday I went to summer school, went to work, then came home and did homework. Once that was done I went to see Jason who had just gotten back from California. He brought me a beautiful necklace that says "love" on it...good boyfriend ;)

Tuesday I went to school, put in some extra hours at work, then headed back to the house I'm staying at. I took care of some stuff there and then headed to karate. We are learning a bunch of new curriculumn and I am LOVING it!

Wednesday was also school, work, karate.

Thursday I woke up and my eye was hurting, swollen, and GOOPY...yuck. I headed to school where is got increasingly worse. I called into work and went to the urgent care. The doctor put iodine on my eye and shined a black light into it. This was probably the most painful thing ever (the iodide) but he was able to see a scratch across the cornea. I went to Walgreens to get my prescriptions then tried to come home and study but ended up going to bed at about 8:30 because my eye was killing me.

Friday I woke to a still rather goopy eye and went to take my biology exam. When it was over I was feeling pretty miserable so I headed to Jason's. We got lunch then fell asleep watching TV. When I woke up my eye felt a lot better (woohoo). I did the final walk through on my house then headed back to the house I'm sitting.

Today I woke up feeling almost completely vision is still a little blurry though. I have to wear my glasses a few more days, but am soooooo happy not to be in pain anymore.

Friday, July 23, 2010


What should you be doing right now?
Nothing... it's sooo nice ;)

Would you rather have orange juice or milk with your breakfast?
Orange juice...milk makes me sick!

Do you enjoy watching comedies or horror movies more?
Comedies... horror movies make me scurrrrred!

Do you want to get married?

Do you and your parents have trust?

Are you easy to get along with?
I think so.

Honestly, are things going the way you planned?

Have you cried this past week?
I laughed so hard that I cried :)

Do you prefer drinking water from a bottle or from the sink?
Bottle please.

Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home?
I like a good mix of both.

Did anything make you smile today?
My mama came to town!

Do you like thunderstorms?
Yes, but not when I'm home alone.

Are you tired right now?

Who did you last hug?

Are you taller than most people your age?
Nah, pretty average.

Do you have your belly pierced?

Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
I would love a claddagh tattoo.

What was the last thing you drank?

Have you been kissed by someone who's name starts with a J?
Hmmm....YES! ;)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Tomorrow (July 22nd) is Jason's 24th birthday! However, he will be in California for! While he is there he gets to pretest for 6th degree blackbelt! INSANE! So long as he passes (which he will) he will be testing for 6th degree the same year I test for 1st. I am sad I don't get to spend time with him on his actual birthday, but enjoyed celebrating with him earlier this week. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JRAC, I love you!~!

Quotes of the Week

Me: I'm going to hang onto the string coming off your shirt.
Jason: What am I? On a leash?
Anthony: Looks like you're finally catching on.
Lisa: I always get the Pentecost and the Holocaust confused...
Me: How's that even possible?
Tyler: My dad can never remember your name so he always just calls you 'that feisty girl.'
Jason: You have to miss me, love me, AND need me or you don't get your surprise.
Me: I only got 10 hours at work this week.
Brody: Haha, that's only enough to get you in somewhere, if you want something to drink you're going to have to be VERY flirty.
Jason: No kissing while practicing karate.
Me: Rules are like bricks and boards.
Jason: What do you mean?
Me: They're for breaking.
Diana: What are they doing?
Me: Pummeling.
Diana: It looks like they're dancing.
Me: Dancing that could kill someone...
Me: Who knew it was 'supposedly'? I always thought it was supposABLY!
Waitress: The dinning room is closed.
Me: That's fine, I'll just starve.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Between summer school, moving, work, karate, a work retreat, and Jason's birthday life has been SUPER busy and I haven't had much time to update. I promise I'll post something more interesting once things settle down.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Quotes of the Last Week (or so)!

Anthony: Okay the category is colors.

Daniel: Okay you go first.
Anthony: Crayons.
Larry: I'm not pro fossil fuel, I'm just anti dinosaur.
Joan: I like frogs.
Grandma: We're getting nasty now.
Grandma: He's handsome don't you think?...WHAT? I may be old but I'm not blind.
Larry: Whenever I use a pencil the eraser goes untouched, I use an ink pen to do a crossword puzzle...I CORRECT SPELL CHECK!
SBN Steve: When Laura and Jason act normal I get worried.
Larry: I found the perfect shirt for you. It says "High Maintenance" across it.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Viva Vacation

Jason and I had an amazing time in Vegas with his folks. We went to LE REVE, we went to Toby Keith's (twice), we gambled, we had nice dinners (my favorite? Brazilian BBQ), we swam, we shopped, I visited some of my family who was also there, we went to a few bars, and we RELAXED.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Alive & Well

I'm still here! Just been REALLY busy. Between work, getting ready to move, having my house shown, getting ready for summer school, getting ready for vacation, and karate I haven't had much time for updating! Luckily, it's a slow day at work!

I have been working Monday through Thursday for five to eight hours depending on what is going on in the offices. For the most part I enjoy my job because I really just do my own thing and am allowed a lot of creativity. Right now I am coordinating Homecoming which involves a golf tournament and an auction. I am composing the Compendium, a newsletter sent out to 20,000 alumni. I am updating three websites and I am preparing a report that my boss will present to the Alumni Board in a few weeks.

Karate is going really well. I have been making it about three nights a week and will test for my brown belt in August. Brown is the ugliest belt but the last level before you begin blackbelt training at 6AM every saturday. I can't believe that in August I will have been training for a year and a half! Time is going so fast.

I've been packing up my house to move in a few weeks. I have found SOOOOO many bobby pins it's not even funny! They're everywhere! It's been kind of sad, I love that house and I have an amazing roommate, but I'm also excited for my new place. I'll be living with my best friend in Tucson, Tosha and we'll have a pool!

Jason and I are headed to Vegas with his parents on Monday! Jason and his dad have to work Monday and Tuesday so his mom and I are going to shop and drink girly drinks down by the pool. We are staying till Friday so once Jason is done with his two days of work we have a lot of fun things planned. BUT MOSTLY I am looking forward to sleeping in, not HAVING to be anywhere, laying by the pool, and time with Jason away from our crazy lives! Also two of my aunts, my cousin and grandma will be there! I'm hoping we get to see them a few times!

On the 12th I start summer school...biology, GROSS! However, I've had a few emails from the professor already and he seems very nice and relax. I'm just gonna have to buckle down for a month and get it over with.

ANYWAYS! I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. I'll put up pictures when we get back from Vegas...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Black and White

I've been wanting to do my room in black and white FOREVER. I've been looking online and have found the perfect furniture...if only!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bored Photo Shoot

Monday, June 21, 2010

Bunny in a Ball

On Saturday night Jason demanded that I come over. I had already been on his side of town earlier with his sister and was not interested in driving back. He finally convinced me that if I came back over he would fill my gas tank. When I got there he kept insisting that I go into the kitchen but I was not interested and thought he was acting insane. Finally I gave in and walked towards the kitchen, when I got past his couch I spotted a cage with a VERY cute bunny in it. Jason informed me that it was for me to have at his house and that he had named it Bunny in a Ball...he's apparently very literal because the bunny has a ball in its cage that it likes to sleep in. I renamed the bunny Heff but it hasn't stuck. At any rate, I love the bunny.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I swear, I'm still alive, just been SUPER busy! I definitely have missed my quotes of the week and haven't had time to keep track of them like I usually do. Here are the ones I can remember, sorry it's not too many.

Friends little brother: They don't have girls like you where I go to high school.
Me: That's good, cause girls like me don't tolerate little boys like you.

Bryan: Heeeeeeey Laura.
Me: Back off, I already have a boyfriend...your brother!
Bryan: Yeah, but I have two could be for you.
Me: In that case....bye Jason!

Jason: I couldn't tell what he was...Asian, Somoan, or what...
Bryan: Well, I don't care what religion he is...

Jim (my boss): I heard you were going to be a hula dancer.
Me: What?
Jim: I have to go to the dentist cause I cracked my tooth.
Me: I'm not following you...

Jim: You need new pants.
Me: I would love some but I'm not paid enough.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Quotes of the Week

Jason: Next time you're sparring I want you to cresent kick someone in the head.
Me: Is that a point?
Jason: No, but it's a statement.

Terrence: Are you Irish?
Matt: Yeah my last name is Irish?
Terrence: Matt Irish? I don't think so! Your last name is McKinney!

Jason: Do you feel safe?
Me: Yes, but really uncomfortable.
Jason: Safety first, comfort second.

Scott: What should we use to clean this?
Scott: Huh?
Me: No really, there's a cleaning product under the sink called Kaboom, it will work.
Scott: Let's kaboom it up then.

Jason: Give me the beat boy and free my soul...
Me: I thought it was, "Give me the people"
Jason: You also though Vegas was in California...

Monday, May 31, 2010

Live. Love. Laugh.

This is probably one of the best weekends I've had in awhile...

Thursday after work I took my blue one (blue with a black stripe down the middle) belt test for karate. This was the hardest and most exhausting of the belt tests I have taken so far, however, I passed my test and was the only one of my group who did not receive a re-test. After the test Jason's parents took us out to dinner.

Friday I went over to Jason's and we watched House for a few hours then ran errands and went shopping. I was able to pick-up my new glasses. I think they're pretty cute and my eyes are enjoying the occassional break from contacts. We headed to the studio, Jason worked and I played with some of the kids, practiced my form, and chatted. When it was over we stayed and goofed around with a few people for awhile.

Saturday I woke up and headed to the studio for a tournament. I was so excited because my parents were able to come down and watch. I took 2nd place in forms and 1st in sparring. After the tournament Jason, my parents and I went and ate at Frog N' Firkin on University.

Sunday I woke up and headed to Gilbert. My parents, Sara, Maecy and I loaded into the car and headed to Glendale for Cokie's graduation party. It was really fun and I enjoyed seeing the extended family. Maecy and I spent a few hours in the pool, we listened to Brad and Grandpa play music then we headed home. I went over to Neiko's and hung out with him and Derek.

Today I woke up and Julia came over. We made French toast and went to Target. Afterwards I headed back to Tucson. The rest of today I've just been lazy, watching TV, and eating. It feels so good to relax.

I loved this weekend. I loved being able to spend time with Jason, my family and my friends all within a few days. I wish Gilbert and Tucson were closer.

Quotes of the Week

Julia: I think that if you were desserted on a desert island all you would wish for is a toothbrush!
Me: And toothpaste!
Julia: They provide that for you...


Jason: I thought one way I could show my love for you is rapping...I'm a J-a-s-o-n-C-o-l-e, that's just how it be! I'm with my girlfriend Laura-O, we're going to get brownies at Valero. I put my money in the stack, take the step back, wonder, "Where my Laura Ann at?" She's probably buying Guess Jeans, cause my baby, well she only want the best things!


Larry: We didn't wear helmets, there was lead paint, no seat belts. ..its a miracle I'm alive!


Larry: I was a good kid. You know I dug out a whole basement.
Joan: Yah then he locked his dad in it.

Me: I have a headache.
Jason: Want me to push on your head?
Jason's friend: WHAT?
Jason: It makes her feel all better.

Me: Bye Mrs. Wilson!
Mrs. Wilson: Bye Mrs. Cole!
Me: She's my favorite!
Jason: That's not okay!


Young black belt: I was sitting at the black belt test and I was thinking to myself, 'Wow, I REALLY am the best person here.'


Peggy: It's just slighty not square.
John: So it's rectangular...?


Friday, May 28, 2010

Today I Got New Glasses!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Thursday was my last day of work last week so when I got off I headed to the house I was sitting. I quickly got changed and headed to karate. I came home and watched Ten Things I Hate About You then headed to bed.

Friday I woke up and headed to the eye doctor. I was able to get new contacts and glasses! Woohoo! Afterwards I headed to the mall because my favorite store, Love Coulture opened. I was able to get quite a few things because of their grand opening sale. I met Jason for lunch then worked for him a few hours because he had a demo that evening. We loaded up his truck and karate kids then headed to the demo. His kids did an AMAZING job and lots of people inquired about the studio. After the demo him and I went to Macoroni Grill for dinner.

Saturday I woke up and headed to the karate studio for a kicking class. After the class Jason and I went to lunch then watched a movie. I took a nap while he helped his dad. We met back up and went to Target and Chick-A-Filet. We met up with our friend Don and watched The Knowing.

Sunday I woke up and headed to a house I might be renting. I had lunch with them and then visited the family I babysit for. I went home and took a long nap then went to dinner with Jason and visited with his family.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Quotes of the Week

Cashier: Your friend must not be the brightest?
Me: Why?
Cashier: She signed her name with an exclamation point at the end.
Sharon: Laura do you mean to have a spoon in your chips bowl?
Me: Yes
Sharon: Can I ask why?
Me: I needed to stir them.
Jason: Why don't you think I should wire it myself?
Me: Because you're horrible at wiring!
Jason: Why do you say that?!?!
Me: Because if you flip the wrong switch at your house the power on the bottom floor goes out!
Jason: Okay, so maybe you're right.
Don: So basically at our house Bean tells Daniel something. Daniel tells Laura. Laura talks to Jason about how now she's mad at Bean. AND THEN I'M NOT ALLOWED TO GO TO VEGAS!
Little kid: Who's that? (asking about me)
Terrence: Oh that's my uncle's girlfriend...we still like her.
Cydney: Can I go home with you tonight?
Me: No, you need to go with your mom.
Cydney: But you do my pony tail SOOOOO much better!
Little boy at the karate studio:! Look at me in this uniform! I look so better. I think I look kind of cool.
Me: I picked out new glasses.
Jason: But if you wear them, you'll be able to see that I'm only beautiful on the inside...

Friday, May 21, 2010

The count down:


How did you get one of your scars?
Falling down a mountain...

How did you celebrate your last birthday?
Disneyland with the girls of the family then Vegas with Jay and his folks.

How are you feeling at this moment?
Soooo happy.

How did your night go last night?
Good, karate then came home and watched 10 Things I Hate About You

How did you do in high school?

How did you get the shirt you're wearing?
I purchased it at my favorite store, Love Coulture.

How often do you see your best friend?
Every day.

How much money did you spend last month?
I dunno

How old do you want to be when you get married?
When it's time it will be time.

How old will you be at your next birthday?


Your mothers name?

What did you do last weekend?
A lot of graduation celebrations.

What would you rather be doing?
Nothing, I'm exhausted.

What did you last cry over?

What always makes you feel better when you’re upset?
Talking to my Mama or Jason.

What’s the most important thing you look for in a significant other?
Haha, it can't just be about ONE thing....

What are you worried about?

What did you have for breakfast?


Have you ever liked someone who had a girlfriend/​​​boyfriend?​​​
Sure, way back when.

Have you ever had your heartbroken?
Never too bad.

Have you ever done something outrageously dumb?
Of course.

Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend?

Have you ever failed a class?
Not even close.

Have you ever dated someone younger than you?
In high school.

Have you ever read an entire book in one day?
All the time.


Who was the last person you saw?

Who was the last person you texted?

Who did you last hug?

Who is the last person who texted you?

Who was the last person you said "i love you" to?


Where does your best friend live?
Jason- South Tucson, Julia- Gilbert, Tosha- Yuma

Where did you last go?
Macaroni Grill

Where did you last hang out?
Macaroni Grill

Where do you go to school?

Where did you sleep last night?
The place I'm house sitting.


Do you like someone right now?
Oh maybe just a wee bit.

Do you think anyone likes you?

Do you ever wish you were someone else?

Do you know the muffin man?

Does the future scare you?
Nah love it.


Why are you best friends with your best friend(s)?
Cause they "get it"

Why did you get a myspace?
I was in high school...everyone had one.

Why did your parents give you the name you have?
They both liked it...

Why are you doing this survey?
Cause I have nothing better to post...


If you could have one super power what would it be??
None, thank you.

If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you?
I wouldn't. Everything that has happened to me has led me to be the person I am.

If you were stranded on a deserted island & could bring 1 thing what would
it be?
A boatt...


Would you ever get back together with any of your ex’s if they asked you?

Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love?


Are you happy with your life right now?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Boot to the head.

This is a little skit Jason did for his kids at the karate studio. If you skip to the end (about 2:40) you can see him throw some cool kicks.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Life is Good.

I haven't made an actual post saying what I've been up to in here goes!

I finished the semester on Wednesday and worked the rest of the week. Friday I got off work and headed to the farm to help Charlie (my old boss) with his hot rod. He taught me how to flare a fuel line so that was pretty cool. I went home and got cleaned up then met Jason for dinner. Afterwards we watched some movies.

Saturday I woke up not feeling well so I went and got some medicine then headed to Jason's. We just bummed around and watched movies until I felt better. That night we had a graduation party for Jason's friend Anthony. I didn't know too many people so I just hung out with his brother and our friend Joe who was in town.

Sunday morning I went and said bye to Joe befoe he headed back home and then I cleaned. I got both my bedrooms and closets cleaned. I threw away so much...refreshing! Sean's girlfriend, Ana is in town so we met up with Jason and some other of our friends at the Cowpony, a country bar. Jason surprised me with Toby Keith concert tickets for August.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Quotes of the week:

Daniel: I would do anything for salt. really, I love salt
Jason: Let's go to Sweet Tomatoes I've never eaten there before.
Me: Yes you have, we did together.
Jason: No we haven't.
Me: Oh yeah you weren't there.
Jason: Ohhhhhh so you went with another guy...who? I'll kill him.
Me: Your brother.
Jason: Grrrrr....

Jason: Let's go to Kuwait to visit Mr. G
Me: Can we go shopping there?
Bryan: No. YOu have to wear a scarf over your face. I'd stab you!
Me: Whhhhhaaaat?

Jason: (during the middle of teaching the class before mine) LAURA! Wake up! Your class is about to start. Someone wake up my girlfriend....

Chris: We want to induct you into our "tribe"
Me: So long as you call me Shark Bait.

Kayla: He needed a 75% on the final to get a B in the class. He got a 60%...he got an A in the class.
Me: And this was a math class?

Me: Do you have time to go to Target.
Tosha: There's ALWAYS time for Target.

Me: I got a burger.
Beth: What?
Me: I got a burger.
Beth: You need to work on pronouncing your Rs?
Me: Why?
Beth: Cause you think you're saying "I got a burger" but you're actually saying, "I got a booga."

Me: I wish I was as tan as you.
Cokie: I wish I had your body...with your body and my tan...WHOA!

Jake: There's no I in Team.
Me: Yes, but there is a U in Failure.

Daniel: When things are on fire you have to be more careful .

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I am now a senior in college...WHOA!

My first day of college:

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Julia (my best friend) arrived in town Friday night and we had an awesome weekend. Friday night we took cardio class, dyed her hair, then had a Hills Marathon. Saturday we woke up, got breakfast, went to the mall, target, and ross, went to lunch, then we shopped on University. We came back and watched Gilmore Girls for a few hours before Jason and I headed to a wedding for our friend Anyalisa. After the wedding we picked up Julia and met some friends at are favorite club, Pearl. We had a total blast. Today Julia and I woke up and watched more Gilmore Girls. I loved having her in town!

The Pearl photographer insisted on taking mine and Jay's photo.

This picture cracks me up, I have no idea what Jay was doing.

All of us on the dance floor:

My best friend!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Role Models

It's interesting how moments in other's lives can make you realize how truly blessed you are. I am extremely blessed to have had both my parents and my brother and Sara serve as role models for me when it comes to relationships.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mind your own business!


There was a lady at the black belt test that absolutely drove me INSANE! Anytime anything happend she wanted to be involved, any conversation she had to chime in, and anytime anyone voiced their oppinion she voiced the opposite one. I'm all about having your own views, but this lady was over the top and obnoxious.

Needless to say, when I had my one-on-one incounter with her I made sure she left me alone. It was about 10:30PM when we got to dinner. Jason was tired, stressed out, and had been up since very early in the morning. When the waitress brought out the bread I grabbed one, buttered it, and handed it to Jason. Instantly annoying lady had something to say, "Oh my gosh, did you just butter his roll for him?!" By this point I was about two seconds away from slapping her in the face so I just turned and was like, "Yes, I did, and someday I hope to do his laundry." Everyone at the table snickered meanwhile she was dead silent.

I didn't have any problems with her for the rest of the trip...


Monday, April 26, 2010

Black belts!

This Wednesday I headed to California to help/encourage at the black belt test. Jason sent four kids for their first degree and one for his third, all five received the best tester award for their age group. I enjoyed watching the kids test, seeing Jason preform, meeting KJN Ernie and KJN Tony, and seeing where Jason grew up. I fell in love with his town, Gilroy.

Quotes from the trip:
Cydney: How did they determine what number a freeway will be?
Don: I think it's by how many people died building it...
Me: It's hard to kick up the stairs.
Don: Laura, you insights are a gem to us all.
Jason: He is really vague. He was trying to get me to find a kid an was like, "He's right near you! In the shirt! He's got hair!"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Who was the last person to hug you?
Jason Cole =)

What is your relationship status?
Oh soooooo taken!

Who was the last person you had a face to face conversation with?
Seany-boo-boo, my amazing roommate.

Did anything dramatic go down yesterday?

Are you afraid to stay home all alone?
Nope, I enjoy it every now-and-then.

Have you ever been called babe, baby or honey?
Jason calls me babe.

Do you sing in the car?
Loud and prouuud.

Have you ever crawled through a window?

When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?
I like it dark, but not all off.

Have you held hands with anyone today?

What were you doing at 7:45AM this morning?

Plans for tomorrow?
Classes then headed to California.

Ever liked someone older than you?

Do you think that in the end, everything will fall into place?
It already is ;)

Do you like to take walks?
Jogging is preferred, but walks are nice too!

Last person you kissed calls you, what are they calling for?
I don't know, he calls me all the time to tell me random stuff...

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Forever's Home

Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy One Year to US!

This weekend is mine and Jason's one year...woohoo! We are going to be really busy so I'm making this post now... Happy One Year Jason, love you!

How long have you and your significant other been together?
One year!

How did you meet?
We met in our acting class at the UA.

Tell a funny story about before you got together:
One of the first times Jason and I hung out he had to pick me up in his sister’s car because she had his truck. When Jason went to turn on what he thought was the Usher CD we heard a narrator say, “Over the bridge and through the woods, to grandmother’s house we go!” He instantly started to claim it was his nephew’s, I still tease him that he had been listening to it before he picked me up.

Have you met their parents? When? How did it go?
Yes, the first time I met Jason’s parents was Easter 2009. It went really well, we had an egg hunt, played basketball, and went to Denny’s. We are very close with his parents.

Have they met your parents? When? How did it go?
He went with me to drop off some furniture I didn’t want anymore. He was terrified, but it went just fine!

What do they call you?
LA, Laura ANN, Laura Ann CooOoooOOole, babes, etc.

What do you call them?
Jay, babes, KJN, Jason Robert Adam Cole to the 5th degree, etc.

How did they ask you to be with them?
He kept asking, I finally gave in :p

What do you enjoy doing together?
Lots! There is the obvious- Martial Arts, but we also go to movies, shop, hike, play basketball, visit with friends, paintball, vacation, go to musicals, play board games, long board, etc.

What is something most couples do not enjoy that you do?
We like going to the dump!

Do you remember the first time you saw them?
Yes, he showed up to our acting class 15 minutes late wearing basketball shorts, a polo, and a basketball hat backwards. I thought he was a goober.

What do they say about the first time they saw you?
Haha, he always says he remembers me turning and looking at him coming in late, apparently I had my hands on my hip with one leg sticking out and I looked disgusted with him. He also says I had on a green shirt and it made my eyes stand out.

What was your first interaction?
We had to make up a skit in class and we were chosen to be the team leaders on the two opposing teams. He kept yelling at me that I was “going down”.

When was the first time you hung out alone?
We went and saw “Medea” for our acting class…he fell asleep.

Do you have any common friends?
We didn’t when we met, but now we do.

Do you guys have any strange traditions?
Plenty! Whenever we first see each other during the day we “give me all ya got” which is a smile with no teeth. Whenever we go to the movies we go buy our tickets, take him to Guess, and then me to Pink. Whenever we go somewhere and have to wait we play a math game he invented (I know, I know). On Saturdays I always meet him at the studio, we get lunch, then go to Target. A bunch of other things too, but I won’t bore you…

Who is older?
Jason two years and two months older.

Where do you two hangout?
The karate studio, our houses, and lately with the weather being so nice we’ve been in his backyard a lot.

What is the nicest thing he/she has ever gotten you?
He has got me lots of nice stuff! Victoria Secret luggage and jackets, two trips to Vegas, two Fossil watches, a Guess purse, Guess jeans, 600 hair ties, a trampoline, etc.

What is the nice thing you have ever given him/her?
I’d say the electric razor I got him or his Fossil briefcase.

Who was the first person you told when you began dating him/her?
Haha, I actually think it was my boss, Peggy. She had been wanting me to date him for a few months and I knew she would be excited.

Do you guys have a spot?
Yeah it’s the place we hiked to one day before we got together.

What is something he/she does that makes you laugh?
A lot. For one he’ll slyly drop an inside joke during karate lessons to make me laugh, then when I laugh he jokingly yells at me for laughing which of course makes me laugh more. He also likes to try to do my hair. He’ll work really hard at it but it always ends up looking awful. He always looks so confused when it turns out awful. Oh…and he likes to chase me around the house pretending to be a Gila Monster.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Quotes of the week:

Jason: My phone is acting weird.
Dan: It's still better than mine...mine looks like I pulled it out of a time capsule.

Dan: We should go back to the house for pizza and beer.
Jason: I'd be down.
Me: Sounds good.
Don: Can we stop at Bed, Bath and Beyond on the way home? I want a new showerhead.
Dan: That was the gayest thing you could have said right then...I would know because I am gay.

Dan: He's your plate.
Me: Thanks ma'am.
Dan: Did you just call me "ma'am?"
Me: Uhh... yes.
Dan: Well that was respectful.

SBN Steve: You don't look too well.
Me: I don't feel too well.
Jason: Yeah I'm going to take her home to fix her.
SBN Steve: WHAT!
Jason: I'm going to take her home and fix her...
SBN Steve: Oh I though you said, "kick her"...I was like, wow, he's really tough on her!

Jason: *to me* Hi baaaabes!
Don: Oh heyyyy babes!
Dan: Hello babes!

Jeff: *At paintball* Who shot you there?
Me: Terrence.
Jeff: I thought you guys were on the same team.
Me: We were...

Jason: *leaving church* Want to dance with me?
Me: In the parking lot?
Jason: Yes...we just have to make sure we have to leave room for Jesus.

Jeff: I never see you anymore because you're always with your husband.
Me: He's not my husband!
Jeff: Just watch, next time you go to Vegas you'll come back married.
Me: Well, we're going in July.
Jeff: See you then Mrs. Cole.

Peggy: When do you think you and Jason will get married?
Me: Everyone keeps asking me that! We're not in a huge rush, I'm only my hair isn't long enough yet.
Peggy: Oh... I didn't know that was a requirement.

Miss Maecyn Nora

Well, I meant to do this on her birthday, but I fell behind. OOPS! I just thought I'd post some of my favorite pictures of me and my beautiful niece in honor of her third birthday! ...BIG GIRL STATUS!