Sunday, September 28, 2008

The girls.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Life is an oyster.

I get to go home in about 6 hours and I'm sooooo excited! It's been about a month and a half....TOO LONG!

Yesterday I had CDE class then work. After work I hung out with Tucker, KJ and Chad for a bit then ran some errands. I went home and did homework, packed, showered and went to bed.

I had Agribusiness this morning and now I'm at home getting the rest of my stuff together and waiting for Wes to get here so we can eat lunch.

This afternoon I have diversity class then I'm grabbing Conley and we're heading to GILBERT! Woot!

What comes first?
Family, God, and Friends.
What will you do tomorrow?
Spend time with my dad for his birthday!
What will you do tonight?
Drive home.
What will you do today?
Go to class.
Last incoming text:
"I'll see if Graham will bring it in his truck seperately."
List 7 can the opposite sex do to get your attention:
1. Make me laugh.
2. Dance with me.
3. Have a serious conversation with me.
4. Remember things I tell 'em.
5. Teach me things.
6. Value their family.
7. Take goofy pictures with me.
What is your favorite animal?
Hippos, Moose or lambs.
What is something you've never done but want to try?
Mounted shooting and snowboarding.
Where will you be living in 10 years?
Hopefully a small town.
Favorite girl's name?
Skylah Mack
Favorite boy's name?
Levi Knox
That thing you borrowed from someone?
I am borrowing KJ's Eragon book.
Who does your best friend live with?
Julia lives with her parents.
Who is extremely protective of you?
Haha this award goes to Mike Mason!
Ever gone out with a football player?
Uhh Trav played college ball but now while we were dating.
Who was last to cook for you?
My roommate... she made ravioli on Wednesday....delish!
Who has driven your vehicle besides you?
My dad, my brother, Trav, Trav's dad. It's my baby...I don't let just anyone drive it.
Whose vehicles have you driven besides your own in the last month?
Trav's, Wes's, U of A's....think that's it.
Do you think tattoos are trashy?
They can be, but I have one and I think it's stinkin' adorable.
Any celebrities you find extremely attractive?
Dierks Bentley with his curly hair.
3 things about today that are good:
1. Payday
2. Home to Gilbert
3. Start of weekend.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

You're a girl, you're used to dancing backwards.

Yesterday I woke up and went to Agribusiness. We got to do a group activity which was a nice break from his usual lectures. After class Jeff and I were bored so we went to the bookstore and looked around.

I came home and did homework for a bit before heading to the farm. We are starting to wire engines which is really interesting, but also pretty complicated. I was helping my teacher carry a toolbox and he said, "Your a girl, you're used to dancing backwards." Which I guess is a pretty common statement for who has to walk backwards when carrying something, but I had never heard it and got a bad case of the giggles.

After class I tried to go to this place to pick up the rest of my dad's birthday gift but there were easily 15 cop cars there so I decided to wait on that one.

I came home and did homework and ate dinner with Alicia, Justin, and Bethany.

Afterwards I went to the Aggie football game with basically the whole college. It was a good time and it was nice to get to hang out with everyone.

PS- Yesterday morning one of my best friend's mom was getting into her car and was robbed at gun point, she is fine, but wants everyone to be careful because it happened during daylight at her home in a Gilbert neighborhood. Be careful and aware of your surroundings.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Whisperer

Well Sunday I woke up feeling alright but still had no voice. I hung out with Bethany and Alicia and worked on homework. Around two I started getting tired so I decided to take a quick nap... I woke four hours later feeling absolutely awful. I took a shower and finished my homework then went right back to bed.

Monday I woke up and went straight to campus health. I was there for two and a half hours and all they could tell me is that I have laryngitis and will just have to wait it out. I came home and slept then went to my farm class. I didn't really want to go but I had a 100 point assignment to do. I came home and did my homework, watched One Tree Hill, then went to bed.

Today I woke up and picked up Tucker and we headed to school. It was only Tucker, Mead, and I in class so we finished early. The rest of the hour Tucker and Mead tried to talk me into saying things like, "You want some candy?" or "Get in my van!" because they thought it would sound funny with my raspy voice. After class I went to work. Peggy treated me to lunch for a late birthday treat then brought in a cake for everyone in the office and they all sung me happy birthday. I worked a little late since I don't have homework tonight and got a lot done. I came home and took a nap and cleaned. Now I'm just kind of lazing around.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A homework assignment I enjoyed:

Discovering Yourself Extra Credit Assignment:
You must write 20 “I believe” statements. Please feel free to be as deep or facile as you like, but please, be honest. You may use quotes from other people but please give them credit.

1. I believe that “It is much harder to judge yourself than to judge others. If you succeed at judging yourself it is because you truly are a wise man.”
– The Little Prince.

2. I believe that conceit is ugly and selflessness is beautiful.

3. I believe you should always say, “I forgive you,” when someone apologizes, not, “It’s okay”… maybe what they did wasn’t okay.

4. I believe that everyone reaches a point in their life when they realize their parents gave them the advice they did because they’ve been there before.

5. I believe that you must… “Look up at the sky. Ask yourself, ‘has the sheep eaten the flower or not?’ And you’ll see how everything changes… And grownups will never understand how such a thing could be so important.”
–The Little Prince (If you don’t understand this quote read the book…it’s my favorite)

6. I believe that just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want doesn’t mean they don’t love you with everything they have.

7. I believe you are only as good as the love you give to others.

8.I believe… “If you’re not working towards something; you’re not working hard enough.”
–Andrew Olson

9. I believe… “Other things may change us but we start and end with family.”
- Anthony Brandt

10. “I believe in the future of agriculture with a faith born not of words but of deeds.”
–E.M. Tiffany

11. I believe that everyone has someone in their life who loves them more than they’ll ever know.

12. I believe that the best remedy for being sick is your mother’s love.

13. I believe… “Once in a blue moon, people will surprise you. And once in a while, people may even take your breath away. ”
- Grey’s Anatomy

14. I believe… “I can't quote the bookThe chapter or the verseYou can't tell me it all endsIn a slow ride in a hearse”
-Brooks and Dunn

15. I believe that… “An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.”
-Proverbs 24:26

16. I believe that my dad holds a place in my heart that no one else can ever fill.

17. I believe that in a way bad days are beautiful because they help you appreciate the good days.

18. I believe that working hard for something is incredibly more rewarding than having it handed to you.

19. I believe… “We've all got meanness in us, but we've got goodness too. And the only thing worth living for is the good. And that's why we've got to make sure we pass it on.”
–Where the Heart Is

20. I believe… “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
–John 3:16



Woke up at 5:45 and had to be babysitting by 6:45. I've lost my voice which made babysitting interesting but I had a blast with the little girl (Kaylee). We played vet, did puzzles, ate breakfast, colored, and watched a movie. The little girl is stinking cute and when I left she said, "Toodles!"

I got home and the second I was changed Brad, Ashley, Caroline, and Loren got here. We went to Jimmy John's for lunch then walked the mall. We came back and Conley came over and I opened my presents. Brad gave me a Target giftcard, Ashley got me a board game and pajamas, Caroline also got me a game and a shirt, Loren gave me a bunch of random, fun stuff as well as a Itunes giftcard, and Conley gave me the 5th season of One Tree Hill. After I opened my gifts we played the game Caroline gave me, Apples to Apples.

Next we headed to Denny's for dinner. At dinner it was Brad, Ashley, Caroline, Loren, Conley, Grant, Sean, Tucker, Rico, Justin, Catherine, Bethany, and Alicia. I was worried that there would be some cliques but everyone mingled really well.

A few of us came back to the house and just kinda hung out and played the game Ashley gave me. Overall I had a really good birthday... maybe next year I'll have a voice.

Friday, September 19, 2008


I'm bored and you know what that means...

What have you done today?
I went to Economics then into work for a bit. Then I went to lunch with some aggie boys. After that I went to Diversity and then cashed some checks and now I'm waiting for Sean and Grant to get off work so we can get dinner.

What do you want right​ now?
A cute little puppy named Tonka.

​What is irrit​ating​ you right​ now?
I lost my voice!

Next vacat​ion you'​re going​ on?
No clue. Britty wants me to go see her in Denver for Spring Break but I don't think I'll be able to afford the plane ticket.

Where​ do you see yours​elf in 5 years​?
Teaching in a small town.

What is the next vehic​le you are going​ to buy?
Either a Chevy Silverado or a Nissan Titan

Have you ever passe​d out?
One time at Lifetime I had been working the cash register for a long time and I passed out right into Steven's arms and I also passed out in French class last year but I saw that one coming so just laid my head on my desk and didn't fall.

Do you secre​tly like someo​ne?​
Nah he knows.

Do you wear jeans​ to relax​ at home?
No comfy bottoms.

Do you like to dance​?
Yes especially when Trav flips me!

What states have you been to?
Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Missippi, Illinois, Georgia, Michigan, Indiana, and Kentucky.

What do you currently smell like?
Applelicios Be Delicious

What was the first thing you did when you woke up?
I hit the snoozer.

Are you allergic to anything?

What did you do to get your first detention?
We didn't have detention at Mesquite we had ALC (Alternative Learning Center) and Mr. Strong sent me there because I corrected him in class...lame!

Last thing you were rushed to the ER for?
My finger swelled up all huge!

Last three texts in your phone are from:j
Trav, Erin, Tucker

Do you hate being alone?
Usually, but there are times when I need alone time.

What is the last nickname someone called you? Who called you it?
Little Miss Thaaaang -Jeff

Who have you hugged today?
Cash, Tucker, and KJ.

Do you wear glasses?
Sometimes at night.

Do you like the rain?
Not in Tucson, we have no drainage system.

Last person's car you drove besides your own? Why did you drive it?
Trav's beast of a truck.... I had to drive because we ate...he doesnt' like driving after eating.

What does your last incoming text message say?
"Hola Chica"

Someone knocks on your window at 2 am, who do you want it to be?
If someone knocked on my window at 2am I would call the police! Haha

Does the last perso​n you held hands​ with mean a lot?

Do you regre​t datin​g anyon​e you dated​?
No, not really regret but sometimes I look back and laugh haha.

What were you doing​ at 9 this morni​ng?​
Getting in my truck to head to school.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Me, Myself and I.

I have to write a paragraph description of myself for one of my classes. This is what I have so far, let me know if I'm missing something .

I'm Laura Ann White and I am 20 years young. I love my friends, family and God. I live by the words written in red. I have lived, loved, and learned. I am majoring in Agriculture Education and hope to live in a small town. I want a big family and lots of land. I am known for my giggle. I have the heart of a child and could color for hours. Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday because I love hearts...I even have two tattooed on my hip. I like being outside and trying new things. I like big trucks and going fast. I love sunflowers and The Little Prince. I'm addicted to Rob & Big and One Tree Hill. I like being goofy and chilling with friends. I love kids and animals. I eat too many donuts and take too many pictures. I like to pinch my friends' butts and go on road trips. My one vice is brushing my it about 10 times a day. I hate Tucson traffic, mini vans, meatloaf and bad breath. I believe life is only as good as you make it and you’re only as good as the love you give to others.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"He who does not weep does not see." -Les Miserables

Well, first off let me say that yesterday was my mama's birthday. Happy Birthday Mama. Love you!

Yesterday I woke up and went to AgriBusiness class. We mostly reviewed for the test we're having tomorrow. I've been studying my little booty off for and hope it pays off.

After that class Kevin treated me to lunch for my birthday and a few other kids from our college tagged along.

I went back to my apartment and studied for a bit before heading to the farm for my electrical-wiring class. Yesterday we had to wire two sets of independent light bulbs and switches, I'm really enjoying that class and see it being very useful in the future.

I got out of class early so I went to see the guys at the ABE shop. Trav has a new invention so he showed that off and Mike is working on a cool research experiment he showed me.

I came home and studied for a couple hours then took a shower. I talked to both Grandma White and Jacque. Jacque had some good advice about my student teaching which I always appreciate.

Trav came over and we watched One Tree Hill. It was so sad! After that I dinked around on the computer for a bit and studied some more then headed to bed.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy B-day to MEEEEEE!

Well on Friday night I went over to Wes and Jim's and played poker with them and their roommates, once again I dominated. Jim says he is going to take my to Vegas for my birthday gift next year haha.

Saturday morning I woke up and and Alicia had gotten me donuts so we ate donuts while I opened a few cards I had received in the mail. I went and did laundry and homework. Then Conley came over and we went to the Hoggie Hut and then this place we've been wanting to go to. It's a random building that has "WHY" painted on the side of it and on the roof is a giant sailboat with a stuffed moose on top and a sign saying, "Rock the boat...VOTE!" We went in and it turned out to be a really cool antique store. We went back to the apartment then Alicia, Justin, Bethany, and Conley took me to get my tattoo fixed... had the yellow heart changed to red so you could actually see it. After that we went and loaded up on junk food and just watched movies. Next week I'm doing a dinner with all my friends.

I woke up this morning and got ready then picked up my "Little Sister" and we headed to a BBBS picnic. She got her face painted, had a balloon hat made, won tons of prizes and we ate lunch. I took her home and have been studying ever since.

Last person you talked to on the phone? What did you talk about?
Trav called to tell me about the insane number of cups in his car...haha.

What are you doing today?
Hanging out with my "Little Sister" at the Big Brother Big Sister picnic, studying, church, then I don't know.

Do you like the people your siblings are dating?
Well my sister-in-law has to be the most amazing girl I've ever met and I love Ashley to death.

Something that made you happy in the last 24 hours?
A lot.But probably my niece saying, "Hi Auntie!"

Last text was from?

What are you excited about?
Everyone coming down from Gilbert next weekend.

Who is in the rom with you?
Just my stinky ol' roommate.=)

Have you hurt anyone in the last week?
I high fived Conley in the face.

Last person's car you rode in?
Justin's truck.

Who texts you a lot?
Trav, Wes, Tucker, Sara, Conley.

Favorite restaurant?
Denny' know, I like the classy stuff.

Favorite flower?

Will you be moving anytime soon?
Well, in May I might be moving to a diffent appartment and in 2 years I'll move to wherever I'm student teaching.

Favorite show?
Gilmore girls, One Tree Hill, Rob and big, What I Like About You

What are you listening to?
Alicia is shuffling around in the kitchen and I'm listening to Alan Jackson.

Favorite quote?
This changes all the time but right now I like Hemingway's "The world breaks everyone and afterward many are stronger at the broken places."

Last funny thing to happen?
I bumped into Alicia's gumball machine and the glass part that has all the gumballs seperated from the base and gumballs went since we have tile they just kept rolling and rolling!

Who was your last email from? What was it about?
Kaitlyn she wanted me to come to the race shop.

Last thing you bought?
Umm...I paid to wash my clothes at the laundromat.

What will you do tomorrow?
Go to Agribusiness, come home and eat lunch, then go to farm class, then I don't know what.

Friday, September 12, 2008


After doing my last sad post about Spike I decided to put all my animal pictures up as a post.

I ruff you!

One year ago today Spilkes Bogart Hogan White died. RIP Spikey Boy.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Job Description: I do my homework.

Well, I'm sitting in my office with nothing to do. My 4-H boss took off to Mexico for the week. She left me a big pile of stuff to do but I got it done on Tuesday in about an hour and a half. My CALS A&D boss has nothing for me to do. So I've done all my homework for today and some of this weekends. It's nice to be able to get my homework and basically get paid for it, but now I have nothing to do for the next 6 hours...yikes, I may lose my mind!

Tonight I FINALLY get to meet my "Little Sister" from Big Brothers Big Sisters. I'm so jazzed.

Well...I'm off to do more nothing.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Busy Bee

With no school on Monday this week went extremely fast but was also super busy.

Tuesday I woke up feeling extremely weak and had lost my voice. I went to my class (Planning and Organizing Youth Careers) and then headed straight to campus health. The doctor didn't offer much advice but to drink a lot of water and take some claritan. I came home and passed out for a few hours then bummed around the majority of the day.

Wednesday I woke up and went to my economics class then headed to the computer lab to work on some homework. I went to Walmart then out to the farm. I hung out with Charlie and Mike for about 45 minutes the headed to class. After class was the Jacobs-Cline bbq which was really fun.

Thursday I went to class then to work for a few hours. They sent me home around 1 because I sounded horrible so I slept for awhile and did homework. Tucker and Rico stopped by then I went to bed.

Yesterday I went to economics then hung out with Kevin and Jeff before heading to Diversity. I came home and chilled with Grant. We watched the movie Funny Games, I do not recommend it.

Today I'm doing homework and then tomorrow Ryan and I are having a Gilmore Girl Marathon.


Was it a boy or a girl to text you last?​

What does the 6th text in your inbox​

Name somet​hing you are doing​ tomor​row?​
Gilmore Girl Marathon with RyCo!

Do you prefe​r regul​ar or choco​late milk?​
Neither...unless it's soy, then chocolate.

When was the last time you had Starb​ucks?​
When Caroline came down during the summer.

Are you curre​ntly wanti​ng any body pierc​ings or a tatto​o?​
I want to change the yellow heart of my tattoo to purple or pink so it shows up better.

Do you sleep​ on your stoma​ch?​
I sleep curled up in a tiny ball....

What are you liste​ning to?
Tim McGraw

Are you tickl​ish?​
In certain spots.

Are you missi​ng someo​ne?​
I miss my family!

Favor​ite color​(​s)​?​
Anything but brown.

Are you named​ after​ anyon​e?​
My middle name is the same as my mama's.

What is on your bed right​ now?
Three pillows, two blankets, and Mr.Floppy Dog

Are you someo​ne'​s best frien​d?​
Miss Julia Paige's.

Where​ were you last night​ at midni​ght?​
My couch.

Did you speak​ to your mothe​r today​?​

Where​ do you live?​

How many month​s until​ your birth​day ?
7 days actually.

Where​ is your siste​r right​ now?
Queen Creek

Who was the last perso​n to call you?
Miss Bethany Masters

Who was the last perso​n you gave your numbe​r to?
My group members from class.

When was the last time you clean​ed your room?​

How did you wake up this morni​ng?​
I heard Alicia close the door and it woke me up.

What'​s the last bone you broke​?​

How many lette​rs are in your last name?​

What are you excit​ed about​?​
My birthday =)

Do you curse​ a lot?

Do you drink​ bottl​ed water​?​
A couple a day.

When was the last time you talke​d to one of your sibli​ngs?​
Couple days ago?

Last perso​n you texte​d and why?
Trav cause I was responding to a text he sent me.

Do you prefe​r to take showe​rs at night​ or in the morni​ng?​
Night....that way I'm squeeky clean when I get in bed.

Have you been to New York City?​
No...doesn't really interest me.
I don't think I could handle the chaos!

Do you think​ you have made a diffe​rence​ in anyon​e'​s life?​
I hope so !

Do you drink​ soda?​
Not too often.

When was the last time you were on a boat?
Over Spring Break I was on Trav's boat, but it wasn't on water haha.

Do you belie​ve that every​thing​ happe​ns for a reaso​n?​
Yes, God's reason.

Do you do your own laund​ry?​
Yes and I hate it.

Are you good at givin​g direc​tions​?​
Definitely not! I'm a landmark driver.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Jacobs Cline Welcome Back BBQ

Monday, September 1, 2008

Weekend update.

Well this weekend was extremely busy, but also very fun.

I got done with school at 5 on Friday and went to dinner with some friends from my college at Texas Roadhouse. After that I went to Sean and Grant's house so we could plan our hike and we also watched You, Me, and Dupree.

Saturday morning I woke up and cleaned up the house alittle. I went and deposited my paycheck then walked around Target for a bit. Trav came over for a bit and we watched some TV and danced around. I went to Eegee's with Jeri, her mom, and grandma and we all chatted for awhile. I came home and got ready then went bowling from some people from the tractor team. After bowling we went to Jim's house to play poker where I kicked butt and Andrew was convinced I cheated.

Yesterday I woke up and went to Sean and Grant's. When I got there Sean was still sleeping and when we tried to wake him up he waved up out of his room so we left without him. We hiked this really pretty trail where you have to cross back and forth across the river and when you get to the end of the trail there are seven water falls. We went swimming at the base of the falls then hiked back down. I got home and showered really fast then Alicia barbequed for but 15 of us. We all watched 28 Days Later, Along Came Polly, and Click.

Today I have to spend doing laundry and homework.