Thursday, September 11, 2008

Job Description: I do my homework.

Well, I'm sitting in my office with nothing to do. My 4-H boss took off to Mexico for the week. She left me a big pile of stuff to do but I got it done on Tuesday in about an hour and a half. My CALS A&D boss has nothing for me to do. So I've done all my homework for today and some of this weekends. It's nice to be able to get my homework and basically get paid for it, but now I have nothing to do for the next 6 hours...yikes, I may lose my mind!

Tonight I FINALLY get to meet my "Little Sister" from Big Brothers Big Sisters. I'm so jazzed.

Well...I'm off to do more nothing.


Sara White said...

Im bored too! only 2 more days till your BDAY!