Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Whisperer

Well Sunday I woke up feeling alright but still had no voice. I hung out with Bethany and Alicia and worked on homework. Around two I started getting tired so I decided to take a quick nap... I woke four hours later feeling absolutely awful. I took a shower and finished my homework then went right back to bed.

Monday I woke up and went straight to campus health. I was there for two and a half hours and all they could tell me is that I have laryngitis and will just have to wait it out. I came home and slept then went to my farm class. I didn't really want to go but I had a 100 point assignment to do. I came home and did my homework, watched One Tree Hill, then went to bed.

Today I woke up and picked up Tucker and we headed to school. It was only Tucker, Mead, and I in class so we finished early. The rest of the hour Tucker and Mead tried to talk me into saying things like, "You want some candy?" or "Get in my van!" because they thought it would sound funny with my raspy voice. After class I went to work. Peggy treated me to lunch for a late birthday treat then brought in a cake for everyone in the office and they all sung me happy birthday. I worked a little late since I don't have homework tonight and got a lot done. I came home and took a nap and cleaned. Now I'm just kind of lazing around.