Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hello, I missed you quite terribly.

I really enjoyed my trip to Gilbert, but I am definitely glad to be back to my Tucson routine.

I got to Tucson around 2:45 yesterday and headed to the shop to pick up some bowl and plates I had left out there over time. I got to see Mike which was really nice.

I came home and Alicia and I once again became One Tree Hill addicts, we watched the whole first disk. After that we went to the grocery store...ugh I feel so lost every time I go there.

We came back and I made Alicia and Trav bacon and ham sandwiches which turned out SUPER good and they both were super proud of me for actually making a real dinner. Yay!

Then I showed Trav how to pay his bills online and we ordered him a new drivers license since his is deteriated...weird!

Then we all kind of bummed around and chatted it up.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Recent pictures from trip to Gilbert.

Britty and Me getting ready for a game of pool.

Alex and I struggling at Guitar Hero.

Britty and Me.

The Old Cafe Girls.

Us again...and Jonathan snuck in.

Derek and Me getting ready to swim.

My adorable niece, Mae.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Survey for my bossy sis-in-law ;)

What is your favorite animal to see at the zoo?
Moose or hippos! ♥

If you won a shopping spree at the mall, which store would you run to first?
I don't really enjoy shopping at the mall anymore, but I guess I would go to American Eagle...

Are you afraid of the dentist?

What do you eat on your hamburgers?
mayo and ketchup...and honey mustard....amazing!

If you had to stay awake for 24 hours, what would you do in that time?
Staying up for 24 hours = working on the tractor....

Do you open your eyes under water?
No...I wear contacts...they would float away.

Are you organized?
In my own unique way =)

What do you do to relax before you fall asleep?
Nothing....I just wear myself out until I finally collapse....

Do you like Sunny D?

"Look, I just drank my weight in Sunny D."

Do you eat organic food?
Blah! I hate this obsession with organic food....

Who do you text the most?
Alicia, Trav, Andrew and Wes.

What movie do you really want to see right now?
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2

Do you wear glasses?
When I first wake up.

What do you want to name your future daughter?
Skylah Mack

What do you want to name your future son?
Levi Knox

When was the last time you went to the ocean?
Uhmmm.... six years ago....

How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Quite a few....

Who's your favorite celebrity?
Rob Dyrdek.

What is your least favorite color?

What is your favorite color?
Polished Aluminum... Haha.

What is the most times you have ever seen one movie?
I've seen Peter Pan about 200 times I'd say haha.

What holiday just passed?
4th of July

What room are you in?
My parent's office.

What color is your camera?

Where is your room?
in my apartment...

Last time you saw your mother?
5 minutes ago...

What was it you last laughed about?
My cousin Marcie's husband, Elliot, sending me a funny message on myspace.

Do you drink Red Bull or any other energy drink?
Energy drinks make me sickkkk!

How often do you give high fives?
All the time...the shop boys pass 'em out like they're going out of style.

When was the last time you saw your boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband?
Thursday, but I get to see him tomorrow and I'm so>>> excited!

What was the last thing someone bought for you?
My parents' paid for my gas...thanks!

Who took your profile picture?
My myspace picture? If that is what this question means... Wesley Joseph Williamson!

Who are your best female friends?
Julia and Britty

Best male friends?
Trav, Wes, and Andrew!

What is the last thing that made you sad?
Andrew moving away.

Who do you wish you got to spend more time with?
My family...for sure!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ag Teachers Association Steak Fry

The next generation of Ag Teachers.

Grace Youngker....!

Sy is a giant!
Helping BBQ

Softball game.

The Dark Knight


Mrs. Grady (high school ag teacher) was in town last night because the Ag Teacher Confrence is down here so Alicia and I went to dinner with her. It was really nice to catch up with her.

After I was headed to Trav's so we could go to the movie theater and it was like a complete and total war zone! There were cops, ambulances and fire trucks all over the place! There was a cop car at the entrance to every bizzare and I never did find out what it was about.

We saw The Dark Knight and Get Smart. The Dark Knight was really good, I loved all the stunts. Get Smart was kinda cheesey but had it's funny parts.

Well I'm going to work my 4-H job for a few hours then I'm going to the ATA steak fry, start making connections so I can find some people I might want to student teach for.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

This seemed like fun and I'm bored!

My name is:
Laura Ann.

My celebrity crush is:
Rob Dyrdek!

I think it's attractive when a guy/gal:
is talented at a lot of different things...and is goofy!

I calm my nerves by:
talking to my mom.

My friends always make fun of me for:
being such a clutz...!

If I could change one thing about myself:
I would stop over analyzing!

The most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me was:
crashing into the cheese graters at Fry's...or falling down in Best Buy!

In five years I want to be:
working on my masters.

It's really unattractive when a guy/gal:
drives a car....!

I met my significant other:
because he helped me use a hammer and anvil.

You'd be surprised to find out that I've never:
been pulled over.

My worst vice is:
brushing my it about 12 times a day!

I'm absolutely terrified of:
Michael Jackson...what a creeper!

The next place I'd love to travel to is:
Just getting out of the heat sounds good...anywhere nice and cool.

I wish I could stop:
production of gives me the heeby jeebies!

I have a crush on:
Rob Dyrdek! Oh...and my boyfriend...

The movie I could watch over and over is:
Ace Ventura!

I get secretly annoyed when people say I'm:
an overachiever... well shoot, sorry for having goals....!

The best relationship I've ever been given is:
You have to be friends first and foremost...

My dream job is:
An Ag Teacher...orI take that back, a stay-at-home mom!

The best gift I've ever been given:
My sister-in-law and my niece.

On a Saturday afternoon I can be found:
In Tucson, Gilbert or occasionally Coolidge.

The words I live by are:
"Give it your all."

When I'm home alone:
I go do something...being home alone is BORING!

The one thing I know now that I wish I knew five years ago is:
Somehow things always fall in place...

My friends always say I'm:
overly giggly...I say there is no such thing!

I'm insecure about:
My feet...I think everyone else's feet are gross....

When I want to feel cute I:
tell Travis to tell me I'm cute. Haha.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Recent Pictures

Our backyard right before the storm.

Heart attacked Trav's door.

Actually left my hair curly!

Me and Peanut.

Chilling the cabin.

Jenn and me hanging out.

Goofing around with Trav and Alicia in the apartment!


"One boy is one boy, two boys is half a boy, three boys is no boy at all." -Marv
My "little brothers"...Kyle and Anthony.

Ant and me stealing the golf cart!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Great Pumpkin Loaf Debacle of '08.

Caroline Hutchings came to see me this weekend.

Friday night she got here around 5:30 so I made us some bowtie pasta then we went to Target and Michaels to get some stuff for the making of Julia's birthday gifts. While out we also ran to Walmart and purchased some cookie dough.

When we returned to my apartment we attempted to make some cookies, however, we placed the cookies too close together on the cookie sheets and ended up with giant sheets of dough...still delicious. We watched Drillbit Taylor and got to work on Julia's gift. After that we went to bed.

Saturday morning we woke up and got ready. I called the landlady because one of our coolers went out then headed to Starbucks. I decided to order some pumpkin loaf and in the middle of my ordering it Caroline announced to the cashier and myself that I should heat my pumpkin loaf, I told her I liked it cold so we sat there jokingly arguing for a good 10 minutes to whether or not I should heat my pumpkin loaf or not...we had the cashier laughing pretty hard.

After Starbucks we headed to the mall where Caroline got some outrageously orange shoes. Next we went to Ross and then out to eat at Paradise Bakery. Next we headed to 4th Ave. where we both found some cool stuff but neither purchased anything. We came back to my ridiculously warm apartment where I once again called the landlady. We finished up Julia's gift then decided we would like some dinner. We decided we would enjoy either Chilli's or Panda so I text Wes to see if he knew where one might be and all he said was, "Yepp." Seeing that Caroline and I were on our own we started driving, spotted a 5 & Diner and decided to eat there. We had a good time chatting and what not and then headed back to the apartment. We talked and played some games. Eventually it was time for bed so I went back into my room, after about 10 minutes of feeling like I could burst into flames at a moment's notice I came into the living room and passed out on the tile.

This morning I woke up and once again called the landlady before Caroline and I headed to Starbucks. Caroline left after that and I once again called the landlady with no answer. Been hanging out the rest of the day, going to church in a few hours, the landlady finally called and aid someone would be out tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July

Went to my parent's for the 4th of July. Swam for most of the day then hung out with the Murphy family and Brittany Granger that night. Spent the rest of the weekend hanging out with the folks, swimming and chilling with friends. It was a good time.

Got back to Tucson Sunday night. Not a lot exciting going on right now.