Saturday, July 19, 2008

This seemed like fun and I'm bored!

My name is:
Laura Ann.

My celebrity crush is:
Rob Dyrdek!

I think it's attractive when a guy/gal:
is talented at a lot of different things...and is goofy!

I calm my nerves by:
talking to my mom.

My friends always make fun of me for:
being such a clutz...!

If I could change one thing about myself:
I would stop over analyzing!

The most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me was:
crashing into the cheese graters at Fry's...or falling down in Best Buy!

In five years I want to be:
working on my masters.

It's really unattractive when a guy/gal:
drives a car....!

I met my significant other:
because he helped me use a hammer and anvil.

You'd be surprised to find out that I've never:
been pulled over.

My worst vice is:
brushing my it about 12 times a day!

I'm absolutely terrified of:
Michael Jackson...what a creeper!

The next place I'd love to travel to is:
Just getting out of the heat sounds good...anywhere nice and cool.

I wish I could stop:
production of gives me the heeby jeebies!

I have a crush on:
Rob Dyrdek! Oh...and my boyfriend...

The movie I could watch over and over is:
Ace Ventura!

I get secretly annoyed when people say I'm:
an overachiever... well shoot, sorry for having goals....!

The best relationship I've ever been given is:
You have to be friends first and foremost...

My dream job is:
An Ag Teacher...orI take that back, a stay-at-home mom!

The best gift I've ever been given:
My sister-in-law and my niece.

On a Saturday afternoon I can be found:
In Tucson, Gilbert or occasionally Coolidge.

The words I live by are:
"Give it your all."

When I'm home alone:
I go do something...being home alone is BORING!

The one thing I know now that I wish I knew five years ago is:
Somehow things always fall in place...

My friends always say I'm:
overly giggly...I say there is no such thing!

I'm insecure about:
My feet...I think everyone else's feet are gross....

When I want to feel cute I:
tell Travis to tell me I'm cute. Haha.


Sara White said...

Rob Dyrdek....Really?...Really?...