Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Dark Knight


Mrs. Grady (high school ag teacher) was in town last night because the Ag Teacher Confrence is down here so Alicia and I went to dinner with her. It was really nice to catch up with her.

After I was headed to Trav's so we could go to the movie theater and it was like a complete and total war zone! There were cops, ambulances and fire trucks all over the place! There was a cop car at the entrance to every neighborhood....so bizzare and I never did find out what it was about.

We saw The Dark Knight and Get Smart. The Dark Knight was really good, I loved all the stunts. Get Smart was kinda cheesey but had it's funny parts.

Well I'm going to work my 4-H job for a few hours then I'm going to the ATA steak fry, start making connections so I can find some people I might want to student teach for.