Thursday, January 27, 2011

When I Was Little

A friend of mine did this the other day and I found it rather amusing, so I thought I would do the same. Basically you list things you thought/believed as a child that you later found out not to be true...if you remember why you believed this, you can also list it.

1- Growing up I was convinced that a "ghost lady" lived in my mother's wedding dress box above her closet. I was TERRIFIED to use my parents' bathroom, but every time I did I would yell, "I HATE YOU GHOST LADY" before high tailing it down the hall. Graham told Bradley and I about the ghost lady in order to scare us, but I'm pretty sure he eventually convinced himself of her too!

2- When I was younger I always thought the drink was a "Ruman Coke" instead of a "Rum and Coke"... I blame this on poor pronunciation!

3- I remember thinking people where either "tall" or "lil-tall".

4- I remember at age 14 finding out that the circular object on top of a mountain near ASU was not a "volcano plug" as my brother Brad had informed me years was a water tower...

5- When I was little I always thought my uncle, Jay, was the "Tallest Man in the World" because he would lift me up and let me touch the ceiling... turns out he is average height and the ceiling was just low!

6- I always thought the song "Shameless" by Garth Brooks included the line "I'M SHAVING!" instead of "I'm Shameless!"

7- I have no idea where it came from, but in my family we have a tradition of pinching eachother's butts and yelling, "TOPEKA!" I thought this was something that everyone can imagine my embarresment when it turned out it was only my family!

8- I thought "chingadera" was another name for the remote...WAY TO GO DAD! ;)

Lastly, just for kicks, I throw in some funny facts about me when I was younger:
1. I always insisted on listening to Rush Limbaugh while eating lunch.
2. I had an imaginary friend who smoked, her brother sported a pony tail, and they eventually moved to Denver.
3. My mom always used to blowdry my hair right when I got out of the tub. When she finished I would run naked down the hall yelling, "YOU CAN'T SEE ME" at my dad and brothers.
4. I cracked my head open hiking when I was five. I remember crying hysterically because I thought they were going to use a sewing machine to stitch me up.
5. I had the Clifford CD when I was little. On one of the songs it said, "Whose the greatest of them all?" all the kids on the tape would yell, "CLIFFORD" but not me... I yelled "GRANDPA!"
6. My favorite movie was 'Twins' which is rated R and stars Arnold Armstrong and Danny Davito.