Friday, August 8, 2008


Well my tire pressure light came on this morning so I went to the farm to put some air in my tires. Charlie was very concerned that I had been driving a long time with them low and Mike took on his big brother role and tried to help me in whatever way possible. Those are some good guys out there.

I'm glad I only work Tuesday and Thursday next week then I get to come home! I wish I could get some hours on Wednesday but I keep getting stuff done faster than they're expecting.

Well I'm bored at the laundromat right now so here is a survey....

Do you have any siblings?
Yes, I have two crazy brothers and a beautiful sister-in-law.

Where is the last place you went?
Well I’m at the Laundromat right now, but before that I went to the shop.

Do you have anyone you consider family that really isn’t your family?
I am really blessed to have lots of people like this in my life. For example, Aunt Jean is really just my grandma’s best friend. The Peronas, Taxiers, Velaskis, and Hutchings are like second families. Mike Mason, Panza, Joel, Adam, and Gomer have always seemed like big brothers. I’m sure there are other people that I’m missing.

Favorite vacation location?
Hmm… I really liked Louisville, Kentucky.

Favorite vacation?
Either the National Convention when we went to Kentucky or the Tractor Team trip to Illinois, they were both extremely fun but in different ways.

Favorite childhood memory?
Oooo… this is tough! Well, I really loved the time my parents went on the treasure hunt and my brothers and I built a gigantic fort that took up the whole kitchen and den.

Favorite elementary school memory?
Probably just all the memories from Mrs. Wahlund’s and Miss Cole’s classes. I thought it was cool when all of Mrs. Wahlund’s class had a sleepover and science camp with Miss Cole was awesome.

Favorite junior high memory?
Probably being in the lip sync or being in the play Girl With a Funny Nose.

Favorite high school memory?
Oh a ton! The Pooping Tree, senior prom, National Convention, raising my FFA animals, getting my scholarships, getting my truck.

Favorite college memory?
Valentine’s Day, Tractor Team trip, working at the shop, getting my first apartment.

What is something your dad says to you a lot?
“I can’t see through you Muddy Waters!” or “I love you.”

What is something your mom says to you a lot?
“Today Maecyn….” Or “what was I going to ask you?” or “I love you.”

What is something your siblings say to you a lot?
I can’t really think of anything…

What is something your best friend says to you a lot?
Julia always finishes her sentences with, “For serious.”

What is something your significant other says to you a lot?
“Hola!” or “Whatever suits you tickles me plum to death” or “You are a tiny woman!”

What is something you will always remember about your grandparents?
Grandma White- I’ll always remember singing “You go home and get your panties, I’ll go home and get my shanties and away we’ll go! 0ff we’re gonna shuffle, shuffle off to BUFALO!” while playing rumji.
Grandpa White- I’ll always remember how even at 15 and 19 he still lets Cokie and I both sit on his lap and how he always had a story to share.
Grandma Pink- I’ll always remember how we changed her name based on a sweater, how she only gave two cookies as a dessert, and the story about when she borrowed a dress from her sister but then couldn’t get it off so she cut herself out of it.

Have you ever prank called anyone?
Tess and I prank called Danny Short in 4th grade. Then his dad called back and yelled at us so I’ve never prank called anyone since.

Who is the best hugger you know?
Trav’s parents…man those people love to hug. =)

Have you ever peed in the opposite sexes restroom?
Haha I remember in 3rd grade Leslie Sims and I went to a Mercury game and the line for the ladies room was ridiculously long so they had women using the men’s restroom and Leslie and I were terribly confused as to what the urinals were.

First boyfriend/girlfriend?
Ross Brueck in 3rd and 4th grade… I still have some of his love letters haha.