Thursday, May 26, 2011

Graduation and more...

Well, I graduated! I was lucky to have my parents, Graham, Sara, Bradley, Maecyn, Jason, his parents, and my two best guy friends (Derek and Conley) all be at my ceremony! After the ceremony my very generous dad treated us all to dinner at BJ's Brewery! YUM!

The next day my parents had a HUGE party with ALL my family and friends! I loved it! My grandma White gave me the best book of all! It is a "Grandmother Remembers" and is filled with family history, stories, and even has rice from her wedding in it! I feel so blessed to have a grandma who spent that much time on a gift that I will forever treasure.

The day after my party I spent some quality time shopping with my mama! Then I returned back to Tucson.

Since then I have just been applying, applying, applying for jobs and also spending some much needed time with my pretty spectacular boyfriend.