Monday, July 27, 2009

Time off...

Well, I took Wednesday and Thursday off work (I don't work Fridays) so that I could have a 5 day weekend.

Wednesday was Jason's birthday so I woke up and headed to his house. When I got to his house I baked him a cake and hung out with his interns (he was at school). Jason got home and I finally got to give him his scavenger hunt I designed for his birthday. He had a good time and liked all his gifts. We went out to lunch then came home and watched Cash Cab our new favorite show for a few hours. We ate the cake then went to Golf N Stuff for laser tag, go karts and mini golf. It started pouring on us while mini golfing so we headed home. Jason and his friends went out to the bar so I hung out with his intern Mat who also isn't 21.

Thursday I woke up and Jason came over for a bit before heading to class. I helped Sean clean house like crazy then headed to the studio. I had a karate class, grappling and then Jason and I grabbed dinner.

Friday I woke up and headed towards Gilbert...ONLY...there was a giant wreck on the freeway and it ended up taking me about 4.5 hours to get home...uhhh gross! When I did finally get home I played with Maecyn before going out with my friend Brittany for the night.

Saturday morning Julia came over and we went swimming for a few hours then watched Return To Me. I had dinner with my parents then went over to the Velaski's to see them and the Gillam's. After visiting for awhile a few of us went to the movies.

Sunday I woke up and ran a few errands with my mama. I came home and swam for a bit then visited with Sara and Maecyn. Then I headed back to Tucson. When I got home Jason picked me up and we headed to Westin La Paloma Resort and Spa. We spent the afternoon by the pool with his friend Ross and his girlfriend Jill. We got cleaned up then headed to dinner at the Resort.

Overall, it shaped up to be a very relaxing and enjoyable weekend.