Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have messed with? That's me.

I woke up and went to my acting class. We played some really fun games and started to work on our monologues. Our monologues have to be a true story of a moment that helped shaped us into who we are...I have no idea what to do mine on. After acting I went to my internship. It seems like it is going to be really interesting, but also really informative. After that Tosha and I went to get our bellies pierced. I got a cute little orange ring and she got some major bling. I came home and got cleaned up, did some homework and then went on a date with Trav. We saw Grand Torino. It was way different than I expected but I ended up really liking it. We snuck in a bunch of junk food and bought popcorn there and made total pigs of ourselves. It shaped up to be a really fun day.

I woke up and went straight over to Catherine's dorm. Catherine is one of the girls I'm going to be living with next year. We watched One Tree Hill for multiple hours, ate ravioli and drank chocolate soy milk...I think I'll enjoy living with her haha. I came home and worked on homework then got cleaned up and went over to Jeff's. Him, his roommates, his girlfriend, and I played Madden (a football video game) for a long time. Dani (Jeff's girlfriend) and I ended up getting really into the game and eventually the boys left and just her and I played for a long time.

Today (Sunday)-
Today I went outside to get the mail and there was a package for me, I was super excited...AND was even more excited when I opened it to find that Kristin Perona had sent me orange playdough! Woot! Thank you Kristin! I played with the playdoug for a bit then headed off to church. Today is homework and laundry then youth group tonight and hanging out with Trav. Thank goodness for no school tomorrow.