Thursday, January 15, 2009

Week Update

Sunday I woke up and went to church and then out to lunch with a bunch of people from church. There was the cutest baby there (AFRO!) and I just played with him all morning. I came home and did laundry then just watched movies and relaxed the rest of the day.

Monday I ran errands all day...ick! The thing that really stinks about Tucson is nothing is close to anything...WalMart and Target are about 20 minutes apart, the school is off in another direction, the grocery store is another, etc. Sheesh! Once I finished all my errand I went out to dinner with Alicia, Bethany, Justin and Trav. On the way there I decided it would be fun to blow kisses at people in other cars, most people just looked back in horror while one kids got extremelly excited and began blowing kisses back. After dinner I went over to Trav's but almost died! I had a green arrow and was starting to turn left when someone ran the red light. Our vehicles came within inches of eachother...when I finally got to Trav's I couldn't stop shaking.

Tuesday I worked all day. Nothing too exciting.

Wednesday was the first day of classes. I had my acting class which is right up my alley. I already like the professor and all the people in the class. After I had acting class I had a five hour break so Tosha came over and we ate mini corn dogs and chatted. Then we headed to our Carcass Judging class. I came home and did homework then went to bed.

Today I had my Webdesign class. I knew every person in the class so that was really cool. After Webdesign I had soils- this class seems a little "iffy"--- the professor is wayyyy to excited about soil. After class I went to work but had a stomach ache so I headed home and took a nap instead.

I still haven't had my soils lab, chemistry, or internship. Hopefully they are all decent.