Saturday, January 31, 2009



I woke up and went to acting class. We started to learn about "Acting Warm-Ups". While doing our warm-ups my friend Jason turned to me and said, "Laura, you're giggling uncontrollably." Which of course made me giggler even harder to the point of almost losing my breath...this is the exact opposite goal of acting warm-up... oh well!

After acting I headed out to the farm for my internship. Tosha and I got through removal of the spark plug, oil drainage, removal of the air cleaner, removal of the backing plate, and removal of the fingerguard, fuel tank, and fuel line. Which, basically means we're moving faster than expected. Dr. Franklin seems really impressed by our slideshow thus far. I'm really enjoying the job and am hoping I get chosen to do the one week course this summer.

I came home and cleaned for a bit then took a nap and woke up and showered. Trav picked me up and we headed to Denny's. When we got arrived there was a bunch of hot rods in the parking lot so I told Trav I thought Hugh might be there (Hugh helped us with the quarter scale tractor). Sure enough about two seconds later Trav spotted Hugh's hotrod. We went inside and found Hugh and he was sitting with The Over The Hill Gang- a hotrod group from Tucson. We ended up sitting with a few of them and talking about all kinds of crazy stuff. After dinner Trav and I watched a few episodes of Dirty Jobs then he headed of to Coolidge.

Today is scoping out to be a crazy day so I better get going.
Enjoy your weekend everyone and GO CARDINALS!