Friday, June 12, 2009

Random Ramblings

Well, this post really isn't going to have an actual point, but just some funny stuff that has happend recently.

First off, there is a lady who works down the hall from me and loves to come in and state the obvious. For instances, she'll come in and get a cup of coffee then state "Coffee is so hot!" Well, yesterday she came into the office and said "I was just outside and it was cooler in the shade than not in the shade." I just about burst out laughing.

Usually I get to the karate studio a little early so I can watch the young kids train. At the end of class Jason asks the kids questions and this is my favorite part of the class. A common question that he asks the kids is why they fly the Korean flag in the studio. He asked this yesterday and a little boy answered the correct answer- because Taekwondo was developed in South Korea. After the question a little girl raised her hand and was like "I know why we don't fly the North Korean flag." So Jason asked her why and she gets this real angry face and yells "CAUSE THEY'RE OUR ENEMY!" Everyone started laughing hysterically and her parents looks horrified, it was the cutest, funniest thing ever!