Friday, March 4, 2011


I've been majorly slacking on actual updates, so here goes! I was really sick for about two weeks and didn't do much of anything. I was sick on Valentine's FAVORITE day of the WHOLE year and so that really bummed me out. To make up for it Jason got me new PJs (since that's what I was living in) and tickets to Disneyland! About two days after I got better Jason and I headed to California to watch his karate kids compete at Nationals. He now has one national champion under his belt and a few others rated 2nd-5th best in the country. After competition we went to Disneyland one of the nights with his sister and her two kids. We had an absolute blast! Spring Break starts next Friday and I couldn't be more ready for it. I have to go to Yuma for two of the days, but then I plan on just doing a ton of job applications and having my amazing sister-in-law take my pictures for my graduation announcements! Uhh...sorry if this post is super scattered...that's just how my brain is operating lately.

Recent quotes:
Larry: You know, the more you are exposed to as a child, the less you are likely to become sick with as an adult.
Jason: I know, I'm going to expose my kids to everything...exept for aids...not going to expose them to that!
Jason: Ebola is my favorite virus!
Michael: You are like my second mom, but I think of you as a're like my mister...
Sarah: Why are all the girls who like the song 'Pretty Girl Rock' extremelly unnattractive?