Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ain't no place I'd rather be, next to you sitting next to me.

Trav picked me up and we headed to Coolidge for the Cotton Gin Banquet. When we got there we found Trav's family and they introduced me to a ton of people. They started the meeting and Trav's uncle gave the LONGEST prayer I have ever heard...easily five minutes long. Finally we sat down for dinner where we proceded to pretend like there were two extra people at our table so Trav and Waylon (his brother) could each have two steaks. They each ate their two steaks then helped Leah (Trav's sis-in-law) and I finish ours...sheesh! After the dinner they finished the meeting...did you know that only 47% of this year's cotton crop has actually sold? Yikes! After the meeting this lady came up all excited because I apparently look just like her neighbor so she took like 10 pictures of me on her camera phone, it was a wee bit awkward.

Next we headed back to the farm. Leah, Kathy (his mom) and I went on the porch and played with their new only weighs 12 ounces! He is adorable and his name is Peanut. Trav finally came out to the porch and spotted the kitten and proceeded to carry it around the house with him the rest of the night. At one point Trav had the kitten on the computer desk while he was on myspace and the kitten backed up, right off the desk so we had to fish the poor kitten out from behind there.

Trav's mom has a new mule that she says is a blast to ride so I'm going to go back out there pretty soon and give him a shot then Leah and I are going to go to the new mall in Casa Grande. Should be fun.