Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What's new?

Just finished off my froshman year at the amazing University of Arizona, absolutely loved it. Finished off the year with all A's and one B. For the Spring semester I took Dairy, Tractor, Economics, English and French.

Just before finishing school Alicia and I got a new apartment. We absolutely love it! We're mostly settled, just need a dinning room table and a few decorations.

The week after school got out I took off to Illinois with the tractor team to participate in the ASABE International Quarter Scale Tractor Competition. I was the light weight driver for the team and drove for one practice pull and two scored. I was 2nd in my first pull and 4th in my second. The trip was an amazing experience and I took so much away from it.

When I returned from the trip my friend, Andrew, scored me a job with the Arizona 4H Youth Foundation. I'm really enjoying the job, I'm picking everything up quickly and enjoy the people around me. I miss the old job at the shop, but one plus is I have my own desk instead of sharing with eight very disorganized boys.

Summer is going great and I will be keeping you all updated.


Sara White said...

Yay, Im the first! Welcome to the blog world!

LWhite said...

Thanks! How do I add you as a how you have Brie and Jason on the side of yours?

Melissa W. said...

Yeah Laura! I was excited to hear from you. I hope that we can do better at keeping in touch!
(just for you - Miss Cole)