Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thankful #1

So I've decided that every day from now until Thanksgiving I will make a post about something I am thankful for. This is one because I have been slacking on my posts, and two because it's always good to count your blessings.

Here goes...

Today I am thankful for my major. I am thankful for it because it suits it me perfectly. I can't imagine a future job that I would love more than working with both agriculture and kids. I am thankful for it because of both the other students and the instructors. The Ag Ed department is my Tucson family. I know I can depend on them and that many of them will be life long friends. The instructors in my major truly care and are willing to help you with any matter, not just school. I am thankful for my major because it has allowed me to find three great jobs. I also love my major because of the experiences and oppurtunities it has given me and will continue to give me.


Sara White said...

Your page looks great!