Thursday, August 20, 2009

Goodbye Scarecrow, I'll miss you most of all.

I can't believe summer is already drawing to an end! This summer has been a billion times better than my last summer. Mostly I worked, went to karate and hung out with Jason but I have no complaints. My only vacation was to Denver at the very start of summer but it was an absolutely blast.

I am very excited to start my junior year. This should be my last full year of college as I hope to graduate in December of 2011...a semester early...woot! I will be taking 22 units (GROSS!) but am looking forward to get back into a routine.

I am also excited for my birthday...I'll be 21, yay! On my actual birthday I will be in Disneyland with Cokie and Tara, my "birthday buddies". The following weekend Jason and I are headed to Vegas with his parents. We will be staying at Luxor (the pyramid) and have a lot of fun things planned.