Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Why arent you dating the person you like?
I am. Such a lucky girl ;)

Can you have more than one best friend?
Yes...and I do!

How many pairs of Converse do you own?
One...but they're in Gilbert.

What do you want to get accomplished today/tonight?
Do well on my final!

What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had?
Cherry Dr. Pepper...delicious!

Will you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend in 6 months?
I will have my Jason.

Was the first person you talked to today male or female?
Male. Seany-boo-boo

Who's birthday is coming up?
Jason's mom's.

Do you have any sisters?
I have my sister-in-law ♥

Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?

Who are you currently talking to?
No one.

There is a mummy standing behind you. What do you do?
Hmm...we haven't covered this yet in the self defense portion of karate. Haha, I guess it just depends if he goes for the swing punch, tackle, headlock, or bear hug...

Do you tend to think that you are always right?

Have you thought more about your funeral, or your wedding?

You need new jeans. Where do you go?
Depends on what I need them for/ what style I want.

What are your top favorite stores?
VS Pink, Aero, AE, Forever 21.

Next time you will kiss someone?
I dunno, but hopefully STASAP (sooner than as soon as possible). I miss my babes.

Honestly, what is the one thing you need more than ANYTHING right now?
To do well on my finals.

Is there someone you just CANNOT stand?
There are a few.

Do you plan on getting your hair cut anytime soon?
I need to.

Are you any good at math?

Do you like hugs?
I love them.

Do you want to grow old with someone or be single forever?
Grow old.

What are your plans for tomorrow?
Let's see...uhh, study, study, and more STUDYING.

Where is the biggest scar on your body?
Back....thank you welding table.

Do you think two people can last forever?
Definitely, just look at my parents.

Looking forward to anything soon?
School being done, two Christmases, and maybe going to the Holiday Bowl.