Monday, December 14, 2009

Jay says the funniest things.

As many of you know, I love quoting my friends. I find them all hilarious and love looking back on the funny things people have said to me over the years. By far, Jason surprises me the most with the funny the things he says. I thought I would dedicate this post to the cute/funny/random things Jason has said to me while we have been together.

Jason: (While giving me a hug): Wow babes, you got a good smelling Laura head!

Jason: Hush now Laura don't you cry, Jason is gonna sing you a lullaby. And if that lullaby don't work, Jason's gonna read you a story book. And if that story book just sucks, well Jason gonna buy you a a bunch of ducks. And if those ducks just quack all day, know that everything is gonna be okay...because you love a Jason boy...and he brings you so much joy.


Me: I like that.
Jason: Me too! We're like two pods in a pea!


Sean: What movie are you guys watching?


Jason: Are you watching my nephew?
Me: Yes
Jason: Don't lose him...he's black and it's dark outside.


Jason: Oh Laura, you're being stupider than Jupiter.


Jason: Why do people even have rehearsal dinners? I don't think people need to practice walking in a straight line.
Me: Well sometimes people do things like lighting candles and stuff like that.
Jason: When we get married I am not lighting any candles. I'm going to break bricks in half to prove that I'm man enough to take care of you for the rest of my life.


Jason: I think you need to fix your hair. It's doing a crazy dance or something...


Jason: I got love for you...big love for you...even when I'm tripping.


Jason: I love my phone, it's a droid, we should name one of our kids Droid.


Jason: Laura wasn't an easy fish to catch, I had to buy a trampoline...and 600 hair ties.


Jason: Yeah man, you'll have to come check out my karate studio sometime.
Andrew: Yeah that'd be cool. Is it pretty safe?
Jason: Yeah man of course.
Andrew: Cool, so what are you guys up to later?
Jason: We have to take Laura to the urgent care, we think the fractured her leg at the karate studio the other day.