Saturday, July 2, 2011

50 Things I Should Have Never Stopped Doing

1- Dancing around my house to Spice Girls, Brittney Spears, etc.

2- Telling the barista at Starbucks my name was Layla.

3- Staying up all night with my mom watching Hallmark movies and eating candy until we were sick...then doing it again the next night.

4-"Slaming it up" at Denny's

5- Holding my breath when I go through the tunnel on the way to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

6- Building forts.

7- Making Mix CDs

8- Dressing festive for each holiday.

9- Drinking EVERYTHING out of a straw.

10- Choreographing dances with my friends.

11- Having sleepovers!

12- Three-way prank calls.

13- Trying on prom dresses when I spot them in the mall.

14- Buying crazy socks.

15- Wearing obnoxiously large sunglasses.

16- Sending pointless texts to my friends.

17- Sitting on my dad's lap.

18- Writting notes to my sister-in-law.

19- Writting music lyrics all over my mirror with dry-erase marker.

20- Having a zillion candles.

21- Making french toast for my friends on Saturday mornings.

22- Giving people fake tattoos with Sharpie markers.

23- Taking thousands of photos.

24- Hanging photos EVERYWHERE.

25- Drawing.

26- Tagging along with my brothers.

27- Riding down hills in a wagon.

28- Building nests on Christmas Eve with my brothers.

29- Making fake music videos with my friends.

30- Riding horses once a week.

31- Having a flamingo obsession.

32- TP'ing people's houses.

33- Late night Sonic trips.

34- Jumping on the bed,

35- Blowing kisses to people in traffic.

36- Celebrating my half birthday.

37- Making cookies just to eat the batter.

38- Playing Truth or Dare

39- Owning stickers.

40- Playing piano.

41- French braiding my hair.

42- Taking hour long bubble baths.

43- Welding.

44- Photobooth photos...

45- Owning animals.

46- Using milky pens.

47- Making up secret hand shakes.

48- Hanging out at the park.

49- Wearing slippers EVERYWHERE.

50- Organizing Ultimate Frisbee games.