Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm addicted to these things.

You have 10 dollars and need to buy snacks at a gas station:
Minute Maid Pineapple Orange Juice, Gardetti's Chex Mix and a Grandma's Cookie

Whose your favorite redhead?
Andrew and Tara Murphy

Last book you read?
My soils book.

Describe the last time you were injured?
I jammed my finger the other day at my internship

Of all your friends, who would you want to be stuck with?
Tosha, I already have EVERY class with her and work with her....

What is the wallpaper of your cell phone?

Favorite Soda?
Cherry Coke

If you could only use one form of transportation:
A nice, big truck.

What's your favorite kind of cake?

What did you have for dinner last night?

Favorite toy as a child?

Do you buy your own groceries?

What's your favorite fruit?

Do you like running long distances?
Yes actually.

What color are your bedsheets?
I change them a lot, but right now they're blue.

Whats your favorite flower?

Do you do ballet?
Around my kitchen =)

How do you feel about your family?
They're absolutely amazing.

Do you have an iPod?
Yes a cute lil blue one.

What time do you go to bed?
Usually around 10:30 during the week and between midnight and two on the weekends.

What CD is currently in your CD player?
A mix.

What do you want for Christmas this year?
Uhm that's a far ways away...

What family member/friend lives the farthest from you?
Hmm... my cousin Ian (the older one) lives in China!

Do you like hugs?

What's the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name?
My name is pretty hard to mess up, but sometimes I get Lara.

Last person you hugged?
My buddy Jeff.

Would you ever get a tattoo?
Already did.

Who was the last person you talked to on the telephone?

Plans for your next birthday?
I'll probably just go dancing at the Cactus Moon.

Tell me about the shirt you' re wearing?
Trav's dad gave it to me a few weekends ago because I forgot Pajamas and it says "A little ass" and has a picture of a donkey on it haha.

Someone leaves a note and flowers on your car, cute or tacky?

How do you vent your anger?
Take a nap.

What are you looking forward to?
Going to Gilbert!!

Last four people to text you?
TJ, Trav, Wes, Jason

What does your 5th text message say?
"When do you need to move in?"

What were you doing at 11:00 AM?
Soil texturing

Why did you last laugh really hard?
When Kevin and I saw our soils TA walking across campus covered in soils and he was like "Looks like someone SOILED himself." Oh, I love cheesy jokes.

Do you have any feelings for anyone?
My fella.

Statu​s of you and the last perso​n you sent a text to:
That would be Wes and he is my boyfriend's best friend, a good friend of mine, and possibly one of my roommates for next year.

Who was last to cook for you?'
Hmm... besides myself, that would be Will and Marv.

Do you own a purse​ worth​ over $​200?​
No, I am sorry, but that is stupid, there is no reason for that.

Where​ do you live?​

Are you an aunt or uncle​?​
I'm an auntie to the beautiful Maecyn Nora.

What kind of car did your parents have while you were growing up?
My dad had a little blue truck then the Silverado and my mom had a big blue van then the Camry.

Do you tie your socks together or roll them up?

When's the last time you had peanut butter?
Today, I'm on a PB&J kick.

Have you read the Twilight series?
Just the first two...I need to borrow the 3 & 4 from someone.

Does your best friend have any phobias?
Julia is scared of the word "Pluck" so you have to say you "tweeze" your eyebrows...

What would you name your first born son?
I really like the names Levi and Huck.

When's the last time you pet a cat?
Last weekend.

Do you have any noticeable moles or birthmarks?
I have a hotpink birthmark running down my right arm.

Are you a mommy's child or daddy's child?
A good mixture.