Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Break

I had a nice and enjoyable Spring Break.

I came home Friday and went shopping with my mom. I came home and played with Maecyn for a bit then relaxed at home

Saturday I went to my Jenn ad Tyler's Wedding. I had a blast and enjoyed hanging out with all my Tucson friends outsid of Tucson.

Sunday I went back to Tucson and hung out with my little sister. We went to Build-A-Bear and enjoyed Taco Bell. I stopped by Coolidge on my way to Gilbert and helped Trav work on his GSXR motor.

Monday I ran a bunch of errands.

Tuesday I went to lunch with my 5th and 6th grade teacher Miss Cole. Trav came to dinner at my parents house and then I went to [ABC].

Wednesday I relaxed by the pool and then hung out with some friends from high school.

Thursday I relaxed by the pool and did a bunch of homework then we celebrated Bradley's birthday.

Yesterday I did homework and went swimming then at night I went to Brad and Caroline's birthday bash.

I'm back in Tucson and have been working on homework ALL day. ICK!