Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sick at home = survey time!

1 If you could​ have anyth​ing right​ now what would​ it be?
Good health.

2 When was the last time you weighed yourself?
I got weighed at the doctor's yesterday...98 pounds...NOT GOOD!

3 Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Most of my friend are guys....

4 Have you ever used a needle?
Just to give my pigs and lamb shots.

5 What are you wearing?
Sweat pants, tank tops, hoodie... and my boots cause I took out the trash and couldn't find my flip-flops.

6 Last nice thing someone did for you?
When I had my blood drawn I was feeling dizzy so Jeff went and got me food. Oh and my mama got me some PJs!

7 Last four people to text you?
Trav, Wes, Ryan, Tuck

8 Last restaurant you went to?

9 Describe your house:
Umm it's a 5-Plex but mine it two bedrooms, one bath, kitchen, two living rooms and a full backyard.

10 Who has the same phone as you?
No one...I'm not sure you could even consider it a phone, it's a plastic thing that ocassionally lets me receive phone calls and gets my texts two hours late.

11 Know any other languages?
Je parle francais.
J'aime faire de la plongee avec une tuba de temp en temp aussi.

12 Last person to call you? What did they want?
Trav called to see how my blood tests came back.

13 Any Pet Peeves?
When they paint over license plates in car commercials.

14 What is your dream car?
Lifted Chevy Silverado with top lights.

15 Last person you went swimming with?​​
Trav and Nick

16 Somet​hing you do a lot?​​
School work.

17 What are you doing today?
Mostly just bumming around. Probably going to work on my business plan for AgriBusiness.

18 Do people ever mistake you for being a different race?
Sometimes in the summer when my skin is real dark and I leave my hair curly people think I'm Milato.

19 Who did you hang out with last night​?​​​
No one, I was exhausted, I just watched One Tree Hill

20 Who was the last person you ate with?​​
Jeff and Brody.