Saturday, February 13, 2010

In tradition with Valentine's Day (and being bored at the airport).


1 How old were you the first time you said, "I love you" to a boyfriend/girlfriend? Who did you say it to?
I was seventeen and said it to Jordan my high school boyfriend.

2 Do you think true love can fade?
I think that sometimes a person can end up with someone who doesn't love them as much as they do them and so eventually they get tired of being the only person giving love. However, I think that when two people are in true, mutual, unconditional love that no, it does not fade.

3 Does your boyfriend/girlfriend ever spoil you?
Haha,oh yes.

4 Tell a cute story about you and your girlfriend/boyfriend:
Umm... okay, so before Jason and I even started dating were assigned to act out a scene from the Notebook for our acting class. We practiced the scene in class a few times so the kids and the teacher had all seen us act it out. By the time it was time for us to give our final preformance Jason and I were together but hadn't told anyone in our class. The night before we gave our final presentation of the scene we decided to add something to our scene. So we did our scene just as rehearsed for the final but right in the middle of it we kissed each other. When we finished our scene it was silent from everyone being in shock, finally our teacher was like, "That was electrical!"

5 Are you close with your girlfriend's/boyfriend's family?
Extremely. The live near by so we are able to spend a lot of time with them.

6 Who was the first person you dated that you told your parents about?
Josh Cash... oh dear...

7 Do you and the person you are dating have a song?
We have a few... Will Work for Love, Love Story, and Then.

8 Who was your prom date?
Junior year it was Jordan and senior year it was Ryan Clark.

9 Where was your first date with your boyfriend/girlfriend?
It was to this place called Something Sweet. The only thing they serve are desserts. We played Candyland and talked until they kicked us out.

10 How did you meet the person you are currently in love with?
I met Jason in my acting class at the UA.

11 When did you first realize that the person you are with is in love with you?
Driving to his parents' house on Easter.

12 What is something that your boyfriend/girlfriend does that most people would think is weird?
Chases me around his house pretending to be a gila monster...

13 Tell about the first time you kissed the person you are dating:
The first time I kissed Jason was in his front yard.

14 Who was your first valentine?
Ross Brueck ...and let me just say that we were pretty serious for 4th grade. He would peg me home on his bike. That's dedication!

15 Where were you the first time you told the person you are currently with that you love them?
We were sitting on his trampoline.

16 Tell another cute story about you and your boyfriend/girlfriend:
I'm trying to think of stories I haven't told before... okay so I've always wanted five kids and Jason has always wanted seven. One day we were goofing around at the karate studio and came up with a game. Jason said we needed to put stakes up on the game so we decided that if I won we would have five kids and if he won we would have seven. It was an intense game but I ended up losing... looks like I'm gonna have a HUGE family haha.

17 Do you feel like you can depend on your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Oh absolutely. He has yet to let me down.

18 Have you ever talked about the future with your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Yeah, almost every day, we're both big day dreamers.

19 If you were to get married tomorrow who would be your bridesmaids/groomsmen?
Hmm.... Julia, Sara, Jaime, Courtney and Cydney?

20 Favorite love quote?
Faith, hope and love are some good things God gave us, but the greatest of these is love.