Monday, February 1, 2010

La la la

Well, this semester has turned into the semester from hell. I thought this semester was going to be an easy one...guess that's what I get for thinking! I have on average 100 pages of reading a night, have a test EVERY week, discusssion groups, essays up the wazoo, and lab write-ups. Thank goodness I have outstanding time management skills. I usually wake up around 7am and get ready then finish whatever reading I didn't finish the night before. I go to school then straight to work. I come home and eat then get straight to homework and reading. A few hours later I head to karate. I come home and shower then finally relax for the evening...all I have to say is THANK GOODNESS FOR THE WEEKENDS.

On a brighter note... here are some funny recent quotes:

Me: My extra rib is hurting...
Jason: Woman don't actually have an extra rib.
Me: Yah I do, cause it's hurting!

Jason: (during karate) LAURA! Stand back or I am going to end up kicking you...this isn't a date!

Zach: What are you up to?
Me: Just got out of class with Tosha.
Zach: You guys have that class together too?!?!
Me: No, she just comes with me so I don't get lonely...

Me: I wish Derek and Ashley lived here so we had a normal couple to hang out with.
Jason: We hang out with normal couples...
Me: Who?
Jason: *pause* Okay you're right... they should move here.

Jason: Hit me with your pet shark!
Don: It's actually "Hit me with your best shot".
Me: I saw bologna the golden valley...
Don: I hate you guys...

Jon: Laura, I had no idea that voicemail was from you, you sound like a bird on the phone.

Me: We got a picture of that guy you thought was hot for you.
Jaime: How did you get him to let you take his picture.
Me: We pretended that we thought he was someone famous...

Tosha: *noticing Zach's huge backpack* ZACH! Laura and I could fit in your backpack...EVEN WITH ALL OUR SNACKS!

Me: *Talking to Jason on the phone* I don't want to go to school today.
Jason: Me either, you should just come over. We can cuddle and bake cookies.

Courtney: Grandma just said "Tough titty said the kitty, but the milk's still good."

Me: I can't find my lunch money!
Tosha: That's cause you haven't had lunch money since 7th grade.

Me: I'm gonna runaway to my Mexican hideout until I'm tan or tall... whichever comes first.

Peggy: Her hair, like her life has become unmanageable.

Me: It's Friday night and all we've done is gone to Target.
Tosha: We should put on our tutus and drink strawberry wine.